SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT! I will try to update faster! School's taking it's toll on me :( I hope you all enjoy this chapter and if you did, I would appreciate it if you all please review! ^^

Glitch happily skipped out of the house. He had finally accomplished what he had set out to do and was proud of it. All he had to do now was to wait for the day to come. If there was such a thing as a person's stomach exploding out of boundless happiness, it was indeed happening to the Asian dancer right there and then.

The next morning before the sun rose, Crash was on the couch sitting cross-legged with her guitar propped on her legs. She never told anyone that she picked up the skill of playing the guitar, not even her best friend, Glitch. She strummed a few songs while waiting for Glitch to come pick her up to go to school together.

Glitch finally made his way up all the flights of stairs and panted heavily. He had been climbing up the stairs so many times but he never got used to the prospect of the 'vigorous exercise', especially with his 'dumbbells' ( school books ) weighing his arms down.

He was about to knock on the door when he heard the strumming of a guitar and singing in the background coming from within the house. Curiosity got the better of him so he decided to put his ear at the door in order to hear the voice better. ( Imagine... The song 'Take My Heart' by Greyson Chance. I chose this song for some...reason )

Was this Crash singing and playing? She could play the guitar? She could sing? He was so engrossed that one of his books slipped out of his arms. He grasped in the air, trying to catch the textbook but it fell to the floor. Great. It had to be the math textbook, the heaviest one.

Crash flinched in shock and accidentally slit her fingers on the guitar strings. "SHIT!" She yelled before brisk-walking to the toilet to wrap up her bleeding fingers.

After she was done, she grabbed her bag with her other hand and swung open the door to reveal Glitch leaning against the wall. "H...hey wh- JESUS what happened to your fingers?" He asked, concerned. He gently held her fingers as he turned them side to side, observing her bandages.

"Some IDIOT dropped his Math textbook while I was playing the g- the Xbox." She said quickly, covering her little mistake there. "O...Oh... How c...careless..." He said before taking her bag off her shoulders and slinging it onto his own.

Glitch then held her hand gently as they went down the stairs together.

I hope it wasn't too short! I'm so so sorry! T_T I still hoped you liked it ( the chapter where they bond a tiny little bit and we learn that Crash can play the guitar :D I hope she's not too 'perfect' or 'mainstream'! Please tell me if I'm heading down that path! ) and please review if you did! ^^ Have a very nice and awesome day!