They were in the driveway when it happened. They just had explained to Prussia what was going on and had a quick introduction with Siegfried when the mirror suddenly shattered and Feliciano started to panic. Alfred, Oliver and Feliciano had been walking out of the house while Prussia and Siegfried and the dogs stayed upstairs to work more stuff out. They wanted for Feliciano get some fresh air but in one moment from stepping out of the front door they were sent flying forwards. All it took was one second and the house was enveloped in red flames and black billowing smoke. The three men were covered in rubble and ash. They were coughing and wheezing as they all started to get back up.

"Ooo~ what happened?" Oliver sang but quickly went into a coughing fit.

"Dude it just, it just blew up why did it blow up?!" Alfred was saying as he wiped the dirt from his face and glasses but just ended up getting them dirtier.

"No no no no, that was Germany's house, what happened, what about his doggies and Prussia, and the other Germany," Feliciano started panicking not being quite able to pick himself back up onto his feet.

"Yo, Fe calm down, we'll go check it out," Alfred said as he started to make his way towards the burning rubble wiping as much of the ash that he could from his face. Surprisingly he wasn't hurt that much but that may have just shock sinking in.

"Well, it is still on fire," Oliver chimed in with a snobbish attitude.

"That's not going to stop me," Alfred turned back towards the twisted England.

"Oh I don't see why not let's go," he replied with no hesitation and in a way, that it made him seem like he was never agents the idea in the first place. As he started skipping towards the blazing remains, an unsettled feeling purged in the remaining men, how could this man not have any emotion, no, that was wrong, how could he be almost happy about the destruction.

"No, but, what?" Feliciano gasped scared and confused. Alfred turned to him and clasping his and on the smaller man's shoulders.

"Fe just stay here and don't go near the house I'll find them and any of the dogs," Alfred reassured patting him on the shoulders.

"Okay," he sniffled as his eyes started watering.

"Okay," Alfred repeated.

America started a light jog towards the remains of the house. There were bricks and wood littering the ground and smoke still pushing its way out of the house. He had already lost sight of Oliver through the smoke so he decided to round the house to see the back.

As he made his way around the back he could see more of the extent of the damage. In no way, a normal person could have survived this kind of damage. Alfred finally made it to the back of the house where surprising most of the house was still intact when he heard something. His hearing was still a bit shot from the explosion so he wasn't sure what it was but from in the smoke settling in behind the house, he saw solid black smoke appearing.

Afraid that something else was about to blow, Alfred started to backup but as his view became clearer he saw what was really emerging from the smoke.

"Oh wow," Alfred breathed out as he saw a dog backing up from the burnt rubble. It was coming out slowly and moved very jerky so he assumed it was very hurt. Alfred went over to the animal but then realised that it was dragging a body from the wreckage. Even from the ash-covered body, he could tell that it was Prussia that the dog was currently dragging from the arm. Just as he was about to have a deeper look into the rubble to see if Siegfried was there, the dog dropped the arm and turned to growl at him.

"Shoot!" Alfred yelled as he fell backwards and scooted away from the aggressive canine, "good doggie, nice doggie, I was literally just with you." The black dog was approaching on him when there was a bark. The dog turned its head and looked back to where another dog was. This other dog which Alfred believe to be the golden retriever started pawing at Prussia as it made whining sounds.

Alfred wasn't entirely sure what kind of conversation seemed to be going on with the dogs but the one that snapped at him returned to pulling at the sleeve of the unconscious man. Seeing this as an invitation to be able to help, Alfred hopped up and reached for the other arm and started to help drag Prussia. As he started to drag he looked up and could see the retriever and another dog pulling Siegfried from the debris.

Once both bodies were clear from the destroyed house Alfred sat down to take a better look at them both. Nothing immediately seemed to be wrong with them, they were still breathing and only seemed to be knocked out.

"Good boy," Alfred praised the once angry dog and scratch behind its ear. The dog then decided to lay in between both Siegfried and Prussia having a rest. Alfred, guess it must have taken a lot out of the pouch to drag them since both men were quite big. It was slightly peaceful with knowing that Siegfried, Prussia and the dogs were safe so Alfred decided that he should go back around to the front of the house to let Feliciano know that they were all okay. As he got up onto his feet he jumped once again when a part of the upstairs suddenly crumpled down creating a commotion.

"Whoops!" Alfred heard Oliver call out from within the wreckage, "it's fine, though, just a bit of a tumble," he followed up with. Alfred didn't quite know how act with Oliver, sometimes he was fine to be around but then hits of reality come in showing how insane the man really is. The personality he had around others wasn't an act, it was really who he was and this scared Alfred.

He continued towards the front of the house assuming that Oliver was just fine as he already had been in a worse condition and been good afterwards. One of the dogs had ended up following him on his way to reach Feliciano and Alfred didn't mind one bit. As he rounded the corner he stopped to see Feliciano cowering on the ground with his hands over his ears slightly rocking back and forwards.

"Fe!" Alfred shouted as he ran towards him with the dog right along his side.

"Help," Feliciano whimpered out as Alfred reached him. He instantly took hold of Feliciano's arms as the dog rubbed up against his other side.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong, what happened?" Alfred panicked trying to work out how to calm him down. "Siegfried and Prussia are fine and so are the dogs, see."

"No, it's not," Feliciano sniffled, "are they really okay?"

"Yeah, come see," Alfred jumped up motions for the other to follow.

"I heard him again, in my head," Feliciano suddenly said as he started to get up.

"What was that?" Alfred wanted him to continue.

"Back in the bathroom," Feliciano started shaking, "I could hear him and he was in the mirror."


"I knew what he was doing, he had Germany," he was shaking even more now but all Alfred could do was stand in silence as he watched Italy break down in front of him, "he's a very bad person."

"Did he do this?" Alfred asked looking towards the rubble and scared of hearing the answer.

"That was Allen and James," Feliciano answered.

"Whoa, what? They were both here, as in over there," Alfred stumbled to try and describe the 'other world', "but I know when Allen's around, I can feel him, us, we get hurt at the same time," he was starting to get frustrated at his words.

"I don't know," now Feliciano was crying, "I know more now and I don't want to, I keep hearing him in my head, it was quite after the explosion but, but just before it was him again and he was angry," he continued but was stopped when Alfred grabbed arms.

"Okay, little buddy, you've gotta listen to me, shits fucked I'll admit to that, nothings making sense and we just have to run with it, but right now we have two unconscious people in the backyard and no idea where Oliver went."

"Oh, I've been here the entire time" Oliver piped up stepping out from the remains of the house startling both Alfred and Feliciano.

"I can't remember the last time I got any sleep," Alfred sounded defeated as he just started to pull Feliciano along with him on the way to the back of the house.

"Was it something I said?" Oliver questioned as he started following them. Since he had been messing through the destroyed house he was more covered in soot than when the house first blew up. Even his newly colours orange hair was completely black with ash.

"One thing at a time," Alfred whispered to himself. He just knew he was losing his mind.

"Prussia!" Feliciano shouted in happiness as they made it to the back of the house. He shook Alfred's hand off him and ran to the now awake Prussian. The dog that had accompanied them bounced over to Prussia and his brother dogs.

"Italy!" Prussia shouted back but it sounded more like it was out of shock, "are you okay? You're crying."

"Where doing one thing at a time here," Alfred spoke up. Only just as he said it he realised that for some time now he had been the voice of reason. At this realisation, Alfred then became lost in his own thoughts not paying attention to the others.

"What happened?" Prussia finally asked.

"Your house exploded," Oliver chipperly answered.

"Why do you sound so happy?" Prussia was alarmed by the answer. He wasn't too sure about this new England there wasn't much time to explain why he was here in the first place as there meeting the in the bathroom was cut short with the mirror breaking and Italy being in pain.

"Well, I found it quite funny."

"What did you just say!" Prussia shot up in a rage.

"Please no fighting," Feliciano called out jumping in-between the two.

"Wait, what's happening?" Alfred finally snapped out of his thoughts only to seen tension rising.

"This asshole," Prussia pointed towards Oliver, "is happy the house blew up!"

"Well when you put it that way," Oliver said and the looked the other way.

"Prussia, Prussia, just calm down," Alfred tried to reassure him but was met with a glare, "I have no idea what I'm doing!" he ended up screaming and turning away.

"Huh, usually he'd be up by now," Oliver stated as he tapped Siegfried's head with his foot. This didn't go on too long as Prussia then tackled Oliver to the ground. As Prussia tried to strangle Oliver, Feliciano sat on the ground surrounded by the dogs as they seemed to comfort him. Alfred just stood there and took his glasses off cleaning them with his dirty shirt, he really needed to get some sleep.

"Why you," Prussia continued to try and strangle Oliver but the other just held his arms back, he was much stronger than he looked.

"What? He's not actually your brother and I have a question?" Oliver giggled out during the struggle.

"Shut up!" Prussia spat back.

"No, but really," he tried to continue.

"I'm going to break your face!" Prussia threatened him but let out a high squeak at the end as Oliver kneed him in the groin. He instantly retracted his hands and rolled over onto the ground curling up into a ball. Alfred just looked over at the injured man and sympathised with his pain.

"So, I was wondering," Oliver started again still laying completely on his back, "does your sky usually do this?"

"Huh?" Alfred looked at the insane man.

"It's orange, your sky is orange," Oliver went on describing. Everyone then looked up to see just what he was talking about. Yes, the sky was now a compilation of orange swirls.

"Oh, come on," Alfred whined as he covered his face with his hands.

"Did the explosion do that?" Feliciano asked as he gathered the dogs into a hug.

"Something tells me no," Alfred answered Feliciano.

"I think it's pretty," Oliver added. Prussia apparently didn't like the comment as he turned and punched the man in the groin.


Once again here a Christmas update and once again down here in Australia it was hot as hell with 41 degrees celsius (105.8 fahrenheit).

I also have a tumblr if anyone still reading this story want to get updates and find some art for the story or just general Hetalia art. Just look for TheJacksKnight.