It was just another day and the Allied Forces were holding a meeting to discuss another master plan to take down the Axis Powers.

"Now if we can find a way to genetically enhance a chicken to breath fire and shoot laser beams we will be sure to win," America explained proudly as he pointed out his 'well drawn' mega chicken breathing fire and laser beams shooting out of its eye's. Everyone in the room was dead silent and had plain expressions.

"Where would we get the chicken from?" China said breaking the silence.

"Out of all of that your only question is 'Where would we get the chicken from?!'" England exclaimed not believing that China of all people wouldn't point out the obvious mistakes with that plan.

"Well if we plan to have a mega chicken we would need a chicken," France pointed out as he gestured towards the drawing of the chicken. England knew that the only reason France would say such a thing was to only annoy him.

"That's not the bloody point and you know it!" England shouted out across the room.

"Come on England dude, lighten up a bit, you always seem so gloomy," America said patting England on the back which seemed more like he was punching the Englishman.

"Yeah England, lighten up a bit or have your 'friends' finally abandoned you," France said with a grin implying to England imaginary friends.

"What! I-I don't have imaginary friends, what the bloody hell are you talking about," England stuttered trying to keep his composure.

"Dude you don't need to hide it we've all seen you talking to them, though it does seem to be a bit strange when you do talk to them," America tried comforting him. It didn't work.

"Plus I said nothing about them being imaginary," France said with a perky tone.

"You git!" England shouted then threw his shoe that hit France right in the face. Silence filled the room as the shoe fell from France's face.

"Vous avez le cervau d'un sandwich au fromage!" France yelled back then started slapping England in the back of the head as he tried to strangle him back.

"Does anyone know what he just said, aru?" China asked.

"I dunno, something about a sandwich" America answered as everyone watched the fight continue.

"Maybe someone should stop them?" Canada spoke up but nobody heard him. England and France fight went on for another ten minutes before Russia stood up declaring that he was starting to get a headache and everyone went back to their seats to continue on with the meeting.

"So about this mega chicken," Russia started, "maybe we go for a different approach, I am not sure we have enough science to genetically create chicken to breathe fire just yet, maybe to breathe big gusts of wind but the fire might be a bit hard to create," he finished. Everyone just stared at America waiting for a reply. America stood there with a plain but almost sad look on his face.

"Okay then we will go on with plan B," America exclaimed punching the air startling those sitting right next to him.

"If you excuse me I need to use the bathroom" England excused himself but not to use the bathroom he just to get the hell out of there. England still went into the bathroom to keep at least some of his words true. Upon entering the bathroom England was struck with a headache as the room began spinning. He made his way over to the sink to splash water on his face. Looking up towards the mirror found his face to be slightly, in a sense twisted. His hair was a lighter colour and his eyes were a mix of light blue and pink as for his clothes they were matching his eyes as a vest over a plain shirt and bowtie were in the reflection of the mirror. The freakiest part of the reflection was the huge grin plastered on his face.

"Why hello there," his reflection greeted him. On queue England fell backwards landing on his behind. France must have hit his head too hard.

"What the bloody hell is going on?" England asked to himself as he held a hand up to his head and running it though his messy hair.

"Are you just going to sit down there, that floor would be rather dirty," a giggle emanated from over the basin. England slowly looked up to see the twisted reflection looking down upon him.

"Why are you talking to me?" England asked questioning his own sanity. He was used to having random creatures appear out of nowhere but to have a reflection talk to him was new. The reflection just grinned again slowly raising his right arm.

"Would you like a cupcake?" it asked back showing a tray with a pink cupcake sitting in the middle of it. England slowly stood back up on his feet and placed his hand on the edges of the sink to help with his balance.

"Who are you?" England questioned staring into the eyes of the reflection wanting to get straight to the point of the random encounter.

"Why I'm you," was the reply. England was shocked at the words though it did seem slightly logical in some messed up way.

"But how can it be? You look like me but you're also replying to what I'm saying and I must say reflections aren't meant to do that," England stated.

"Beats me, would you like a cupcake?" he asked again moving the tray closer to the mirror.

"No, I don't think it could even really be possible you're in a mirror and I'm not," England explained looking into the mirror.

"Well how do you know you're not?" The reflection questioned leaning forward with his head almost touching the glass.

"Excuse me?" England took a step back. The encounter was getting creeper by the second.

"Would you like a cupcake?" he asked for the third time bringing the tray closer to his face.

"No I wouldn't!" England shouted back.

"Aw well, here you go," the reflection said bringing his arm back and flinging the tray at the mirror. The tray flew forward hitting the mirror making a loud noise but the cupcake never hit the mirror. It passed through it. England swore that the moment the cupcake flew through the mirror he had a heart attack. The cupcake flew straight into his face getting in his hair and on his uniform. For a small amount of food it had quite a messy aftermath. A vicious laugh filled the room as England rubbed the frosting from his eyes.

"How could you of?" England stuttered staring down at his hands then back to the mirror. The man behind the glass had his arms wrapped around himself as he laughed.

"You should really take a good look at yourself," he said then waved his arm past his face and he was gone and replaced with England's real reflection. All the mirror was now was just a mirror. There was nothing twisted about it anymore. All it showed was one cupcake covered Englishman standing in the middle of a bathroom with a stunned expression on his face. England walked up to mirror and placed his hand on it wondering how on earth a cupcake could pass through it.

"What in lucifers garden just happened here?" England whispered as he kept staring at the mirror. About five minutes passed and he had eventually walked out of the bathroom still covered in cupcake. A new topic was going around the meeting room when England walked back in.
"Geez England how long you gotta- woah dude what happened to you?" America jumped up from his seat to inspect the man.

"Well he must have had a fight with one of his 'friends'," France pouted with his hands folded over one another and placed under his chin.

"Get real France, so what happened dude?" America asked again. England knew they wouldn't believe that a reflection threw a cupcake at him so he had to make up a lie.

"Some one out in the hall way threw it at me," he lied.

"England why don't you just tell us the truth s'il vous plait," France said attacking his lie. England looked down at the conference table as a glass of water caught his eye. As he stared at the glass and saw the other reflection appear again. The reflection had a finger across his lips and winked. He was only there for a second before he was gone and England looked away.

"As I went to the bathroom another man appeared in the mirror and he threw a pink cupcake at me," England explained quite bluntly. Everyone in the room was silent.

"So some random dude in the hall way threw it at you, on with the next topic," America announced as he grabbed some papers and shuffled them.

At another meeting at the exact same timeā€¦

"Why are you winking at a glass of water?" A man with reddish-brown hair and a baseball bat with nails bending out of it asked.

"I just made a new friend is all," the blond man answered taking a bite out of a blue cupcake and smiled.