The winter wind misted the air with the hue of icicles, dampening every tree, and field of turning grass. Bare of there usual cloaked emerald boughs the trees stretched out with their spindled gray fingers over the twisting path. Every notch and crevice of bark, glittered with diamond dusted splendor, created by the icy frost which had collected. The bright steely sky shifted crisply with the pure white wafts of the clouds as they crowded their woolen blanket. Bright and covered in hues of white, gray, and silver, the winter day illuminated the world around them.
Cloud Dancing's horse continued down the naturally worn lane, trotting without hurry or expectation. His back arched forward and his arms bowed around the living parcel seeking warmth within the front of his large flax colored coat. One small gloved hand appeared, parting the opening of the coat just enough, to pop her bonnet-less head out. Her tiny pink tongue stuck out of her open mouth straining to lick at the chilled breeze. "Grampaw, I can almost taste the snow coming!"
Cloud Dancing smiled using one hand to tuck the coat up under her chin. "There will be no snow. Only frost young one. . . . There I see the house through the trees."
Lucy's eyes brighten with excitement as she squinted through the glittering giants at the people milling about the terrace of her home. Their laughter echoed and laced throughout the frosted woods creating such warmth, Lucy thought the ice may melt. Although, she had only been away for two day's after her Mama's large belly began to ache, she'd missed her parents deeply. Even housed in the closed barbershop with her grandfather, telling her the eerie tale of how the white buffalo had protected Sully, had not sated her longing to be near her parents. Her nose twitched up in the air sniffing out the strengthening scent of Cuban tobacco, as the horses hooves clomped against the stone walk that led up to the house.
Hank leaned forward with his arms resting on the terrace rail, allowing billowing waves of smoke to rise up out of his mouth. He smiled cheerfully as Loren mumbled something crudely, while he haughtily held his own cigar up to his grinning lips. Finally with the horse brought adjacent to house, Lucy craned her neck, as Cloud Dancing took hold of her and brought them both safely from the animal. From around the side of the house she heard Katie's laughter as she and Mathew rounded the corner waving to her and Cloud Dancing.
No longer able to contain her excited curiosity, Lucy bounded through the door passed Sully and nearly crashing into Michaela's skirts. "Quietly Lucy!" Dr. Mike's voice called with a hushed whisper as she climbed the stairs.
The upstairs was quietly peaceful as she slowed her pace, yanking off her gloves, and shoving them into her coat pocket. Lingering close to what was once her bedroom, she listened to the soft voices of her parents, through the agape door. Her father's voice cooed gently, under her mother's sleepy laughter. Lucy closed her eyes taking comfort in the underlying sound of her new sibling as it gurgled sweetly back at her father. The polished mahogany planks of the floorboards creaked under her shifting feet, bringing silence into the room.
"Lucinda," he called making her entire body radiate with love.
How very different her room appeared to her now, as she looked about, ignoring for the moment the wicker bassinette. The windows were laced with pale blue drapes, which allowed just enough light into the small room. Where once her writing desk had stood, now was her mother reclined serenely in the curve-backed rocking chair, which had been down in the front parlor. The opposite wall which had harbored the head of her bed, now rested a dressing table topped with a brown stuffed bear, folded quilted afghans of every shade of blue and cream, and a scattered assortment of rattles, dolls, and nappy lint's. Just as she was, about to take notice of her father's powder blue wing backed chair, she felt his hands reach up under her arms. He lifted her up until she could wrap one arm around his neck, and her legs around his torso. With a sigh she took in the scent of him, leather, delicate notes of Old Spice, and the faint scent of cigar smoke. Jake's finger gently caressed her check as she kissed the line of his jaw before leaning her head close to his face.
"Yah ready tah meet someone?" he asked bringing her close to the bassinette, so that she could peer down at the animated form.
Lucy watched in wonder, at the tiny baby as it opened and closed its toothless mouth. Momentarily, she shifted her gaze between her mother's deflated stomach and the small alabaster creature in front of her. There were willowy wisps of autumn strands crowning the infant's round little face. And the lips pursed like two pink petals, as it babbled unintelligibly to no one in particular. Lucy furrowed her brow, cocking her head questioningly until the infant opened its eyes and stared directly at her. Deeply sable mahogany eyes, encircled in a ring of black, peered up big and round through a feathery curtain of light brown lashes. Lucy sucked in her breath, "Like Mama."
"This is your little sister Isabelle," Jake beamed leaning down closer so Lucy could touch her hair. Her fingers lightly petted the silken strands of crimson which mixed and blended into darker shades of auburn and highlighted with faint solitary strands of gold.
"After your grandmother Isabelle, my mother," Teresa whispered weakly from the cradled comforts of her chair. She smiled contently watching Jake holding Lucy in his arms, as he blissfully adored his new daughter.
"I'm gonna call her Izzy," Lucy smiled fatly at her mother as she drifted off into a much needed sleep.
"Izzy it is," Jake felt his heart was about to burst. Another silver cord had formed creating a brilliant web that connected them all. The world was changing once again, further rooting him into the ground. Briefly, Jake saw the old him standing sheepishly in his mind's eye. There was nothing left for that man anymore, he thought willing that tainted form to whither and fade into the abyss. Ever so lightly, there was the sound of swishing moccasin feet on the creaking hardwood floor. Jake smiled holding Lucy to him as he straightened up. His free arm reached out welcoming Cloud Dancing as he neared the bassinette.
"Your new granddaughter," Jake mused patting him on the back.
Cloud Dancing touched his finger to the tiny white palm of her hand. The tiny little fingers clamped shut around the tip, as if to show him she accepted him unconditionally. His heart melted as he committed everything to memory, so he could relay it to Sully and Michaela later. How the world had shifted beneath his feet. Truly, the spirits were blessing him for he never would have thought his path would lead him to this. "It is a wonder, is it not? That a man can find this much joy again."
Jake smiled at this, "it sure is."
From down stairs the sounds of laughter and merriment rose up, warming the house against the cold of the winter month. Sully and Michaela nestled close to the hearth of the blazing fire, as Mathew and Katie watched Hank and Loren from the parlor window. The two huddled close sharing from Hank's whiskey flask, as they sang, anchored to the terrace rail. As there voices rose on the wind, the raucous melody faded and died, before the winter breeze could reach the town. Colorado Springs was all at once at peace again.
The End
(for now)