Disclaimer: I do not own a thing!

A/N: So another story I know, but this is the only thing I can write at the moment it seems! It's an AU so I hope you like it =)

The Eligible Bachelor Part One

"Penelope, he's here!"

She sighed as her mother's voice burst into the room. Today would mark a change in the Garcia family fold forever. The baby of the family, the disappointment of them all, was now being forced to marry the party animal of the other wealthiest family in town - Both in a will to save their inheritance and spot in their family.

"Smile," Penelope's mother, Elena, demanded as she noted Penelope's solemn look. "You do nothing to suit this family, this is the least you can do, Penny dear."

"How is marrying someone I don't love going to suit you?" Penelope retorted, still not impressed by this predicament.

Elena glowered at her daughter for a second, "You're the one that took to gallivanting half way around the world, spending a year in either London or Paris and you're the one that has had run ins with the police over protests more times than I care to count. All of which cost me and your father. You could at least make me and your father proud by doing this to look after the Garcia name." Elena's gaze narrowed on Penelope.

"Wow, you make me sound like an embarrassment to you," Penelope muttered and tried not to allow her hurt to show too much.

"You're not, but do you know how embarrassing it is for me to have a daughter unmarried at twenty-five in our social circle as well? Penelope, it's unheard of!" Elena exclaimed at her daughter, "You need to be settled and spreading our perfect genetics, Penny," Elena then smiled and calmed, "Arranged marriages work so well in our lives and it's about time a man reigned you in."

"And he's going to do this is he?" Penelope asked as she crossed her arms over her chest, "From what I hear he is the biggest party animal going."

"Well," Elena stalled herself for a moment, "You can reign each other in." She then turned her back on her daughter, as she reached the door she turned back. "We aren't discussing this anymore, Penny. You're going to meet him and realise that you two could be a perfect couple."

Following her mother, she tried to relax her frown and as they stood in wait she tried to relax her entire body, but this was nerve wracking. She was handing her life over and to whom? To a man she had grown up with, but hadn't seen in nearly a decade that was who.

Just as discus hit her, the doors opened up and there was her eligible bachelor – Derek Morgan. Son of the Morgan duo that had racked in the money just by breathing it seemed.

Two of the wealthiest families were being brought together after today. Not for love, or a future of happiness, but for wealth.

"You remember Penelope, don't you Derek?" Fran Morgan asked her son as she pushed him towards her for an introduction.

"Of course, mother," Derek commented and then he smirked at her as he reached for her hand to kiss it. "Still as beautiful as ever, Penelope," He watched her blush at that comment and then gently let go and stood up straight. He was the perfect gentleman when he needed to be and Derek would play his cards right for the mean time.

"You haven't really changed yourself, Derek," Penelope commented back, hoping her blush had disappeared, "Still got that award winning smile that had girls falling at your feet in the playground."

Chuckling, Derek nodded at the memory, "It's good to know you remember me so well." Derek noted honestly, "So, Penelope, what have you been doing with yourself lately? You've been rather quiet in the tabloids."

Was that an intentional jab at her?! "Sometimes a little down time is worth it," Penelope retorted and felt her mother elbow her in the ribs and was dragged over to the couches as they waited for the lunch to be served, "I see you haven't though, do you have any other plans besides partying hard?"

"Actually," He began, "I'm looking into a certain business."

"A business?" Penelope quipped disbelievingly and tilted her head, "Care to explain?"

"I'm waiting on the strip club down town to become available for me buy and make into an upscale burlesque club," He remarked and saw everyone stare at him in utter shock and horror. "Joking!" He laughed and sat up, everyone laughing, but he noticed Penelope didn't, "Everything okay, Penelope?"

"I don't think I share the joke," She commented as she remained completely stone faced. She knew him, she knew, given half the chance, Derek would love to do that. His entire life was built upon alcohol and ladies. Combing the two would be utter genius to him.

Derek laughed confidently, "I'm pretty sure we can find some areas our sense of humours agree on."

"I think you've just found yourself a challenge," Penelope remarked, thinking she had caught his bluff.

"Challenge accepted," Derek said and relaxed back into his seat and ran his hand over his lip as he watched Penelope. He loved how he got her, she tried not to stare at him, but he made her uncomfortable. She was so differently, personality wise than when she was little, but she was still the same Penelope he had grown up with.

"Miss. Elena," The household butler said as he came up to Elena's side, "Lunch is served."

"Thank you, Charles; we'll be right through," She dismissed him sweetly and looked to the other three around her, "Shall we?"

"We shall, Mrs Garcia" Derek commented and stood up, straightening his suit out and waited for the other women to stand before he followed them out. He deliberately took a few strides back just so that he could check out Penelope's butt and he was glad he did.

"Stop staring," Penelope hissed over her shoulder to stop him and she heard him chuckle. Penelope, however, went and sat at the table, we Derek opposite her, and couldn't lose the scowl on her face.

Penelope watched him from her side of the table. Sure, Derek Morgan was attractive, and he was the epitome of a God and he had that smile that could just melt your worries, but she knew he reputation as a player, as the eligibly rich bachelor. He was never going to marry and give up the life he enjoyed, the life he was almost famous for.

It was never going to happen.

So what did that make Penelope in his life? She dipped her vision as the images in her head did not promote a happy picture. Derek was going to be marrying her just for wealth and not because he felt a damn thing for her. He saw dollars, and Penelope saw hopes and dreams just exploding. Maybe she needed to dream of those money bags too. Maybe that would appease her better.

How was she going to marry a lie? Easy, because she secretly yearned for her parents' approval and with it she might actually get she wanted – their love.

"I think we need a photo of the new couple!" Penelope's mother exclaimed excited and stole Penelope thoughts as she looked towards Derek's mother. "I think we need to start documenting every moment of this."

"Really we don't," Penelope groaned. She was not enjoying today at all. She wished she could fly back to London or Paris and just get lost again.

"We do," Derek said picking up in Penelope's resistance. He knew if there was one thing he was going to enjoy about this new turn in life; it would be challenging Penelope with everything she did. "Why don't you want a picture taken with your future husband?"

"I don't look nice enough for photos," Penelope tried to get out of this as her mother and Derek's ready their cameras. She would even take spilling her red wine down her cream dress right about now.

"You look gorgeous, so come here, Penelope," Derek said lovingly as he stood with an arm out, "We need to start with smiles to enjoy this."

Penelope rolled her eyes and obeyed unwillingly. This was happening whether she liked it or not. The moment she got beside him, he pulled her in tight against his side and smiled as the camera snapped away. Penelope knew he would be like this, he was always a self assured child, why would age change that? It wouldn't, it would just make it grow, much like his ego. She smiled tightly and uncomfortable, but she knew she had to do this for her family, to make them love her for the reasons they saw fit.

She had to be the best Garcia she could, not the one she wanted to be.

Pulling her even closer – if that was even possible! – Derek leaned down, "I'm in it for the money, Baby Girl," He whispered into her ear, kissing her neck as he slipped his hand down to cover her butt, "Don't think I'm going to let you ruin this for me."

Penelope knew she was dealing with the devil now, but she couldn't be a bigger disappointment than she already was.

"Remove your hand, Hot Stuff," She ground out to him between her bright and fake smile, "And you'll still have a finger to put the ring on so you can get your money."

Derek chuckled, "I think we're going to survive just fine in our marriage."

Penelope didn't share the same sentiment.