Hello! I'm Sam and this is my first FanFic! Woohoo! I love this anime and I hope this is easy to understand. So please enjoy and review. Thank you thank you thank you! YAAAAAAAAAY.

Six Lives

Life 1

Leaving Ouran that day would seem like the hardest thing she would ever do and yet she knew her future was more than this. Heading towards the corner, a mile away from home, Haruhi stopped and looked back at the majesty of Ouran High School. Those six boys she could depend on were there, in that music room waiting. A small grin grew on her face. She knew that the one she couldn't stop thinking about was in there as well, but she wouldn't tell anyone other wise.

Shaking her head, she stepped down onto the cross walk. She took two steps...barely two steps and then she was flying. Her heart had leapt out of her and the world became numb.

"Haruhi! Oh god!" A voice yelled for her in the distance. Her eyes couldn't focus, metal was strewn around her and fog surrounded her. She could hear her heart beat clearly, beating like a drum. Fuzzy and swarming colors filled as she shifted herself. Then, she found the sky. The blue gleamed at her like beautiful eyes which faded to black.

She couldn't remember anything after that. She didn't know if anyone came for her or was it merely false hope. Would she always be alone? She had always been, in secret. Fighting and striving on her own because she knew she was the only one to do so. Yet, this once she actually wanted someone to be there. All she could do now is hope in the darkness.

"God damn it! Damn it all! She's dead isn't she?"

"Hikaru, gain control of yourself. We don't need you to be hysterical."

"I don't care! Why won't you help her?!"

"Hikaru, please, lets go for a walk."

"Alright. If anything happens to her I swear!"

A door shuts.

"Takashi, maybe we should give her some time to wake up. She'll be all right in a little bit, right?"


The door closes again.

"As for you, maybe we should step out as well. The others are right, you know?"


"You don't expect to stay here the whole time, do you?"


"Idiot, I should've know." The door closes, once more.

The blackness filled her again. It was all around her this time. It was almost suffocating her, forcing her to go under the invisible water. It wouldn't end like this for her, she wouldn't go without a fight. She submerged and suddenly there was a light.

(short I know Im sorry :(, It will improve in the next chapter)