Ok first off this is my first ever story so please be nice. Critical feedback is totally welcome but don't bash, if ya don't like don't or stop reading.
I do have dyslexia so if there are any mistakes please don't hesitate to correct me.
I don't own Hetalia or any of its characters,
There will be boyXboy in this and that totally means smutty smut goodness I warn you now as well as language and violence.
Character's in this chapter.
Japan-kiku-best friend.
Switzerland-Vash-Dr. Zwingli.
My Wish.
"I'm standing in the middle of a large ball room surrounded by people I don't know.
The room is a wash of gold, silver, and white lined with marble pliers, flowers, and elaborate gold framed mirrors. All around me masked strangers wearing elaborate and colorful costumes dance and laugh to the music, it's Beethoven I think. I watch them all as they spin around me and then after a few minutes I see this guy standing at the end of the room in front of some big wooden doors. I can't see his face behind his mask but he's smiling at me and then he's standing beside me but I still can't see his face. He leans close to me and tells me to go through the doors but every time I try that's when I -"
"That's when you wake up right? Alfred, strange dreams aren't uncommon especially so close after a traumatic event. Just give it time and it will pass. Any way are sessions up, go enjoy your birthday."
"Yeah I will, oh and doc the dreams they started before my dad died not after" he said picking up his backpack and walking out the room giving a leisurely goodbye wave as he did.
It was midday when Alfred left Doctor Zwingli's office and began the short walk home.
The village of Marcher was buzzing about its normal every day biasness as he walked along Mason's way and across the old coble stone bridge over the creek that merged with Lake Tann. The trees howled around him and his wheat blonde hair swayed in the breeze and turned a blazing gold in the light of the sun as he breathed in the fresh crisp air. He turned right at Riding Street and unlatched the small wooden gate outside his house. Waiting for him on the porch swing was Dexter the family's bull dog. As Alfred walked up the porch steps to the front door Dexter jumped dawn from the swing with a thud and ran in his slightly off baleens way towards him. "Hey there Dec" Alfred said as the dog jumped up at his waist and licked at his hand. Alfred bent dawn to give him a good scratch on his belly and for a few minutes the two of them played there on the porch until the front door swung open and Michelle stud there with her arms crossed over her chest.
"You're late back you no."
"Come on Chelles it's my birthday, give a guy a brake." he said getting up and patting her on the head as he walked in the front door. He dropped his backpack on the steers and turned back to face his sister.
"Where's dad?" he asked leaning back against the white banister as Michelle shut the door with a slight thud.
"Dads in the kitchen with Mattie."
"Cool thanks" he said and turned to the kitchen "you coming? You can have the first slice of cake" he added looking over his shoulder at her with a grin.
"Very funny Alfie you know I'm on a diet so don't be a smart ass."
He turned to face her and gave her a wimpy pout.
"You wound me Chelles."
"Don't give me that puppy dog look. That might make everyone else fall at your feet but not me" she said elbowing him in the chest as she went into the kitchen.
"Your just jealous" he said with a slight chuckle and followed her.
He leaned against the kitchen door and ruffled his hands thought his hair as a grin formed across his face.
"I told you I didn't want a party this year."
"Oww a cake and some presents isn't a party" said Francis hugging him and with a smile pulled him over to the white table where a chocolate cake with six candles burning on it and a stack of presents where waiting for him.
Matthew was sitting in the green window seat reading a copy of D-Gray man, his light blonde hair curling just in front of his eyes as he adjusted his glasses.
"Hey dude what you reading this time?" Alfred asked bending over his shoulder and leaning his chin on his little brother's head.
"It's D-Gray Man 4, Lavi and Allen are fighting a vampire, but Kiku never gave me volume 3 so it's a little confusing." Matthew mumbled not taking his eyes of the book.
"Don't sweat it just borrow mine." Alfred grinned at his little brother and turned back to face his dad and sister both leaning against the island in the middle of the kitchen. They looked nothing alike. When he was younger and Francis and Michelle had first come to live with them he wondered if Michelle was adopted by Francis like he and Matthew were by their dad but no unlike them she was indeed Francis's biological daughter.
"You guys are so lame those aren't even real books."
"Oh yeah Chelles and gushing over boys in thoughts girly magazines isn't lame" Matthew said looking over his book at her.
Alfred giggled and gave his brother a high five.
"Alright that's enough you guys, Matthew put dawn that book and Alfred come here blow out your candles and make a wish."
"Dad can't I just skip to the presents, please."
"Alfred F. Bonnefoy I slaved over this cake poring all of my creative genius into it with love and care."
"Alright alright" he gave his dad a kiss on the check and leaned over the cake. The heat from the candles brushing over his face he took a deep breath and blue out the candles in one blow. A small cloud of smoke rose into the air and for a second he thought he saw a face in the rising mist, but in an instant it was gone and Alfred gassed in to emptiness.
"Alfred… Alfred!"
He shot up and spun around in shock at the touch of his dads hand on his shoulder.
"Sweaty are you ok? Look you're sweating" his dad looked at him with a tint of worry in his face. Alfred wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand and gave his dad a smile "I'm fine dad."
"Fine, you were steering into nothing."
"Nothing gets by you dos it Chelles." Alfred looked over at his sister who had the same look on her face as their dad.
"I'm fine really I was just thinking about…"
Everyone turned to look at Matthew.
The room seemed to go deadly quiet for what seemed lick hours.
"Yeah" Alfred said.
"Oui we all miss him loves" Francis said raping his arm around Michelle's shoulders as she leaned on him.
"You know Alfred he used to talk about buying you a car for you birthday."
"What seriously?"
"Oui but I said no when he started talking about giving you driving lessons. Having an Englishman behind the weal was bad enough. I love your papa but two things he was never good at that I could not stand were his cooking and driving skills and I was not going to let him pass ether on to you love."
"And his drinking you can't forget that. He never could handle alcohol" Matthew said with a laugh. "Al open my present first."
Alfred looked at Matthew pushing a small present raped in rocket ship paper with a big red bow on top across the table to his brother.
He gave Matthew a grin and sat down with the present in a chair next to him, He gave the present a little shack and then tour at it and then with a smile gave his brother a huge.
"Dragon Ball-Z, haw did you no."
"I've been through your collection, ever since Kiku gave you the first one you've been hooked" Matthew said picking up his own book and continued reading.
"Me next" and Michelle handed him another small present.
"Hum let me guess more manga?" he ripped the raping and looking at the gift. He sat back and gave his sister a disappointed look.
"A math book."
"I know your failing, I figured I'd get you something useful" she said with a smug smile on her face.
His dad picked up a large present from the floor and placed it by his legs.
"dad… you didn't?" he asked looking down at the long box lined with white sparkly paper and another big red bow and then up at his dad with a huge smile and sparkling blue eyes then began ripping at the paper.
"Oh my god, dad you're the best" he got to his feat holding his new Gibson SG'61 in one hand and hugged his dad with the other.
"I take it your happy then?"
"Yeah thanks." he said with a toothy smile.
"Are you going to Carnage tonight?" asked Michelle pulling out a flyer from her baby blue fish shaped hand bag on the counter.
"Yes Panic Dome are playing, me and Kiku have been planning it for days." he replied taking the flyer from her outstretched hand.
Alfred sat in his room on his bed that was covered in Superman bed sheets playing his new Guitar, keeping the amp volume low so not to make the enter house shake and bring about Franics's wrath. Absorbed in the music it was a good five minutes before he noticed Kiku in the door way.
"You get that for your birthday?"
Alfred looked up at his friend and sat the guitar dawn at the foot of his bed as Kiku sat on the bed.
"Are you ready to go? Antonio said him and Lovino and Feliciano will meet us there." he said turning his head to Alfred who was pulling his legs up onto the bed and leaning back against the red wall.
"Your kidding Feli's going to."
"Yes Antonio said Lovinos already moaning about it."
"Lovino moans about everything, I just didn't thing rock was Feli's scene dude."
"Yes but it is your birthday, he wanted to come and selabrait with us."
Alfred laughed; the thought of Feli in a mosh pit was something he would pay to see.
-Don't try and cut me dawn,
you wont be my weakness.
Nothings guna stop me now-
"Alfred your phone, is that the new Never More Highs song?"
"Yep" Alfred rummaged through his jeans pocket and pulled out his phone.
"There waiting for us lets go."
He grabbed his bomber jacket of the back of his desk chair and the two of them headed down the steers.
Matthew crossed them on the steers and looking up from his book asked "You're going to Carnage right? Why can't I go to?"
Kiku looked back up at him as he and Alfred headed for the front door and with a smile said
"I am sorry Matthew the age limit is eighteen to get in."
"But everyone says me and Al look like twines, I could get in I'm seventeen that's close enough."
"No way bro if dad found out or worse Chelles we'd be grounded until my next birthday."
Matthew pouted and continued upstairs.
Alfred was waiting by the front gate as Kiku shut the front door behind him.
As the two of them headed out the gate one of the front upstairs windows swung open and Michelle leaned out, her long brown pigtails blowing in the wind and shouted "Al dad wants you back by eleven, he says just because it's your birthday that doesn't mean you can break curfew."
"Yes Miss Warden roger that" Alfred called as they walked away.