Just a random thing to amuse myself after my reichenbach feels.

Inspired by Astiza's awkward moments for Merlin

Disclaimer: Outside of my dreams, I don't own Sherlock

The awkward moment when John doesn't bump into Mike

The awkward moment when Sherlock decides to accept John 'offer'

The awkward moment when you realise that both Mrs Hudson and Mycroft ship Johnlock

The awkward moment when you have to add 'Johnlock' to the dictionary

The awkward moment when your mum walks in during the restaurant scene and asks if the two men are together

The awkward moment when you wonder why Mrs Hudson doesn't have milk delivered by the milkman

The awkward moment when you realise she probably does, but hasn't told Sherlock or John yet

The awkward moment when you realise that the costume department must purposely make Sherlock's shirts too small

The awkward moment when, just as you zoom out during the blind banker, Sherlock starts attacking his violin

The awkward moment when you wonder how Sherlock knew nothing about the solar system, yet knew a child's nursery rhyme

The awkward moment when Sherlock was just pleased to see Moriarty

The awkward moment when Sherlock doesn't catch the sheet in time

The awkward moment when your grandma's watching a scandal in Belgravia with you, which just so happens to be the nudist episode

The awkward moment when you wonder if the fan girls have gotten hold of the scripts, when Sherlock and John start holding hands

The awkward moment when your mum walks in during the reichenbach fall, to find you in a sobbing mess on the floor

If you've got any of your own awkward moments, please leave a review in that little box below :D I'm sure you've all got funnier ones than me XD