Last chapter guys. Enjoy! Review ;)
Chapter 32: Betrayed
The thud of soft leather boots echoed in the empty hallway as Loki curiously made his way over to the glowing Frost Giant relic seated on a stone pillar. He wasn't technically permitted to touch it, but he wasn't planning on taking it. All he wanted to find out was a question that had he'd been agonising over for a long while. Why his arm had turned blue when that frost giant had grabbed him eluded Loki since his time in Jotunheim. The question had kept circling erratically in his mind even after Lira had wiped it away. As soon as he'd left her presence, all the doubts and fears he had kept locked tightly away came forth again with renewed vigour.
He frowned at the glowing cube and moved his hands to hover over it. He so desperately wanted to prove his dark suspicion, but the notion that it might actually be true was a far more frightening thought when one was so close to finding out. His mind reeled in confusion and anxiety, what if his suspicion was true? What did that mean?
Strong hands grasped the sides of the tesseract, lifting it slowly up. Loki's eyes filled with pain as his skin became the unearthly blue he feared, spreading from his hands to his arms and finally engulfing him. The warm glow Lira had left in his heart froze over, spreading like a deadly sickness into the confines of his soul. His breathing became erratic, so filled with pain and betrayal he was.
"Stop, Loki." the voice behind him commanded. Loki froze, eyes turning from pain – filled orbs to fierce red spots of hatred. How could his father do this to him? What did this mean? That he was not a true Asgardian prince – he was nothing more than a Jotun? Loki's stiff arms lowered the relic, placing it gently on the stone and turning to face Odin, despair written on his handsome face.
"Did you know about this?" he asked raising his arms as he walked forward. Odin merely blinked, the grey blue eye staring witheringly at him. Loki's heart constricted agonizingly as he realized that his pain seemed to have no effect on the king.
"Am I cursed?"
"What am I?" he swallowed the lump of pain that had gotten stuck in his throat.
"You are my son."
"What more?" then, when Odin didn't answer he spoke again, tears overwhelming him and blinding his sight.
"TELL ME!" he screamed, feeling as though his heart was tearing apart.
"In the midst of battle, I found a Frost Giant infant abandoned in the temple. The son of Laufey."
"Laufeyson…" Loki looked away, willing it to be some sort of sick joke. The ice in his veins was constricting his heart, filling it with the bitter sadness of his identity. He was nothing.
"You took more than just an infant from Jotunheim." He spoke acidly, pain moulding into anger and betrayal. "What else did you take? Why – why did you take me?"
Odin was greatly concerned by the question and only blinked mournfully at his son. His plans were all backfiring – he hadn't meant for Loki to find out. He could almost taste the resentment and pain rolling in waves off him.
"I had a dream that one day we would unite the realms together, to be bound with the same purpose – not this constant fighting and carnage. So I took with me the source of their power, the tesseract. But all those plans matter not now."
Loki breathed heavily in and out, feeling his soul crushing under the weight of how uncaring his father sounded. So what was he then?
"So I am no more than another Frost Giant relic – kept in the dark in the event that I may be needed!" anger filled him with its burning depths, twisting his mind and his heart with an iron dagger. The next words tore him apart. How could his father still hold to the notion that he belonged?
"You are my son."
Loki shook his head. "No. I am Laufeyson." He spat out.
"You're more than that – "
"How can you still hold to that notion?"
"Because it is the truth." Odin replied, "Even if…"
Loki noticed the pause in the Allfather's sentence and continued, letting it all pour out with his betrayal and hurt. "What – what? That I – I – I am the monster that – parents tell their children about at night?"
He could see Odin beginning to stumble on the golden stairs, but he continued, choosing to ignore the weakened Allfather. "You know, now it all makes sense; why you favoured Thor all these years because no matter how much you claim to love me! – you're not going to have a Frost Giant sitting on the throne of Asgard!" he spit the last words out, leaning over his fallen father. Persistent hands reached out to grip the hem of his cloak, forcing him down beside the King. He wrenched out of the old man's grip, hissing in fury and betrayal.
"Loki…" the Allfather rasped out, pale blue eye blinking once and then closing entirely. Loki stared at the crumpled form of his would – be – father, feeling as though his recently torn out heart was now being scarred with the marred lines of despair.
Yes he'd been angry, but he hadn't meant for his fath – Odin to fall into his well known sleep. It just wasn't the time. He leant down and flicked pain filled eyes at the still figure of his saviour.
"Guards! Guards help!" his cry echoed in the empty vault, and almost immediately two guards appeared from the stairwell and lifted Odin away, expressions mirroring the bleak Asgardian sky. They seemed unaware of or completely uncaring of the fact that their king was on the floor before the younger prince.
Loki watched them lift his body off the marble floor and then quietly and efficiently disappear. His hands trembled at all that had transpired, and he stared blankly at the pulsing glow of the tesseract. Now I fit right in. He thought bitterly, feeling bile rise into his throat. I was never one of them. His thoughts spiralled out of control, spinning erratically in his confused mind. His – the man he'd known as father was no more than a warrior who'd taken him in merely for the sake of developing negotiations.
The bitter ache in his heart built up; splitting the hard shell he'd formed over years of harsh comments and mockery. He'd have done anything to please that man and now he found that his father had lied to and betrayed him. He felt bile rise in his throat as he recalled those stinging words. You are Laufeyson…he was a Frost Giant. A monster. He'd always known he was different, but this was a nightmare. The man who he'd once known as father was no more than a "merciful" warrior who'd decided to save Loki from a life with frost giants. Or death. The fact that without Odin's help he would probably have perished in his own kingdom only proved to Loki how false his saviour really was. He expected Loki to thank him, to get on his hands and knees and praise his name. Instead, Loki had regarded his rescuer with loathing. How could he not? The man had taken him from his home and lied to him for hundreds of years! But do you not lie to others? A small voice at the back of his mind reminded him. He gritted his teeth, clenching his fists harder. He still hadn't gotten over the feeling of utter betrayal. No one loves you Loki. The bitter verse kept repeating itself in his head, almost driving him crazy.
No one but Lira. The rush of hope this certainty elicited gave him whatever strength he needed to force away the cruel truth his father had spoken about.
I need to see her.
His body unconsciously began making its way determinedly to Lira's quarters, uncaring of whether anybody saw him and noticed he was heading to a servant's chambers.
Lira smiled at her friend and pulled the covers up above her head just in time to avoid a pillow directed at her.
"Nora! Quit it!"
"Oh come on Lira – you never have any fun!" Nora smiled as Lira tentatively lowered the sheets.
"I don't know whether you're going to hit me again…"
"I won't! I've run out of pillows!" Lira laughed at her friend's shocked expression and brought her knees up to her chin, tucking them in around her arms.
"We should – " Nora was cut off as the door to their chamber swung open, revealing a very strained looking Loki. Lira gaped at the Prince, eyes widening at his dishevelled state.
Loki! What happened? She spoke into his mind, feeling how very weak he was at the moment. He couldn't even keep his walls up; it was almost as if his mind had been…corrupted.
Lira – you must help me, please. The desperate pain in his voice worried Lira even more.
"What. Are you doing?" Nora covered herself with the sheets, though Loki had eyes only for Lira. "Get out right now! I don't care if you're a prince you can't just barge into – "
"Nora! Don't – please." Lira begged, on the verge of tears. Loki could not take this right now; she needed to be alone with him.
"What is the meaning of this?"
"Nora – please I'll explain later just, let me – I need to talk to Loki."
"Loki?" her friend shook her head, staring at Lira with wide eyes. "I don't under – "
"Nora I don't have time for this – I have to go now. Please just hear me out when I get back."
Lira was already at the door, her hand on Loki's trembling arm. A glance back at her shocked friend told her that there would be words of anger after all this was over. Stupid stupid I should never have kept it from her! She berated herself, shooting Nora a guilty and desperate look. Please just understand.
Lira. The weak thought drifted from the trembling prince beside her. She glanced at him, distress filling her heart with ice cold trepidation. Something was very, very wrong.
Okay, I'm coming.
"Nora I have to go – I'll explain everything later. I'm sorry." And then the door was slammed shut behind her running figure. Her small hand gripped his cold one, forcing him to follow behind her as she ran out of the palace and into the gardens, fears making her move faster.
The calm ambience of the clearing in the forest helped Loki a bit, and the feel of Lira's hand clasped to his was already warming his frozen heart. Lira let go, turning around to face her beloved with a look of such anxiety that it only made Loki feel worse for coming to her. He wanted to tell her to touch him again. When she let go all the ice came back, pushing into his soul like daggers.
"Lira…" he croaked out, wrestling with his pain so as not to appear weak.
"Loki – don't talk just yet. Wait. I have to try something that might help you. Just stay still for a minute okay?"
He answered with a slight nod and she wasted no time in putting her hands first on his chest and then moving to cradle his head in her hands. She breathed out and he was about to break away from her in agitation when he felt the slightest bit of a tingle break into his mind. He stayed perfectly still, slowing his heart as she closed her eyes and bowed her head in concentration. There was nothing for a moment, and then a blast of pure magic began filling him. The warmth travelled like honey from her fingertips through his skin and warmed the very corners of his soul. Loki instantly felt calmer, more at peace with the horrible truth. He could think clearly again and the ice had all but melted, leaving only the throb of harmony and love to take its place.
A few more minutes and then he felt back to normal again, even mischievous. Lira's hands slipped from his face and she smiled at him in hope before slumping forward onto his chest. Loki stumbled back at the unexpected weight but righted himself quickly and pulled her into him, not unlike the first time at the lake. It seemed so long ago, when everything was new and exciting, when there were no lies or secrets…I will not think about it. A crease appeared between his eyebrows as he realised the body was frighteningly cold. He moved to sit down next to a tree and pulled her closer; lending the heat she'd given him not moments ago. A few minutes past and Loki was beginning to feel worry enter his calm resolve. Lira wasn't moving, though she had warmed up a little.
"Lira?" at the sound of her name, the Goddess looked up slowly, blinking at the figure in front of her.
"Loki?" then realisation dawned in golden hazel eyes. "Loki! Are you well? What happened? Did I do something – "
"Lira keep quiet. You did nothing but help me. I am almost certain that without you I would be wallowing in self pity, possibly near death."
He hated how his comment made her eyes widen in fear. She shouldn't be so concerned about him; it was becoming unhealthy for her.
"What happened? I've never seen you so shaken." She whispered, moving to sit in his lap, her legs wrapped around his waist.
"You are the only who I would permit to see me like that." He looked down, pain flaring up again and swallowed. What would she say if she knew? Would she still be able to look at him with love in her perfect eyes? He did not want to lose her, but couldn't see a way out of the situation.
"You can tell me. I would never doubt what you say."
"It's not that I'm worried about." He reached up and stroked her cheek, searching her eyes for signs of withdrawal. All he found in their wise depths was love and a resolution so fierce it shocked him to find she would hear him out at the least.
"I am not what you think…" their eye contact never broke, neither moving for fear of the other's response. "I may as well start from the beginning; else it will fail to make sense." Lira merely blinked at him and he was forced to push on through the deafening silence. "Something…happened while I was away in Jotunheim with Thor and the others. A Frost Giant chanced to touch my arm whilst we were fighting. Now, you and everyone else on Asgard know that to be touched by a Giant means certain death, the cause of it - remaining frozen."
"I'm still here." She reassured, feeling the toll this was taking on his heart. She could feel the pain coming in waves off him, pulsating into her as she leaned up to touch her forehead to his. He sighed, holding her silently for a minute before leaning back and resuming.
"The thing is…though he held on for longer than a few seconds, my skin turned not into ice but a deep … blue, not unlike the Jotuns." He closed his eyes, trying to commit the feel of her in his arms to memory, for she would surely hear him out and then leave. She remained silent, deep hazel eyes watching him through their golden brown flecks. She looked so peaceful, almost as if she knew what was to come.
"This evening my fath – Odin revealed to me that I am no more than one of them. Spawn of the devil, a monster. Laufeyson." He felt a tear trickle down his cheek and he realised he'd closed his eyes.
Lira saw only a man who was broken by the truth, betrayed by friends and family and those who he cared for the most. He thinks he is a monster. The thought repulsed her, how could one such as he think that? He was perfect, in every possible way – the fact that he turned blue did not change that.
"Loki." She began reassuringly, feeling him stiffen as she spoke his name. "You're not a monster. You are perfect – can't you see that? You are the most amazing person I have met; anyone with half a brain can see that!"
He opened his eyes slowly, tears pouring down his pale face as he stared agonizingly into her eyes.
"All I see is a man who strives to learn, to know, to explore new exciting things. A man who can laugh and cry and love – just like anybody in this universe. The fact that you turn blue…does not change who you are. So don't ever let it!" she spoke obstinately, wiping the tears from his eyes with gentle hands and leaning her head on his chest.
"You are just my Loki, to me. You always will be."
The last whispered sentence almost broke his heart. Loki felt it begin to beat properly for the first time in hours. She did not hate him. She was still with him, after all he'd confessed; she chose to still love him. He did not deserve her love, but he was glad he had it.
Tough arms wrapped around her, pulling her into him with a strength only one who has suffered and loved can possess. A soaring sensation entered him, lending wings to his broken heart for the first time.
"Lira?" she turned to face him, pale face studying his expression. He looked at her properly, noting the soft curve of her breasts and the smooth skin at her neck. Ruby lips stood out – even in the moonlight and large warm eyes met his. Her hair stirred as the wind picked up around them, shifting gently around her face. She looked so heartbreakingly beautiful then that Loki could hardly breathe. What had he ever done to deserve her? Loki felt a fuzzy feeling enter him at the thought of her love. She was forever his. And he would do everything in his power to ensure she remained safe.
"Lira, I swear that I will protect you forever." The comment came out of nowhere, though still succeeded in warming her heart with its words. She pressed herself closer to his chiselled chest, feeling the cooling influence of his natural body temperature calm her frayed nerves. Here she was, thinking it was something drastically life changing – and all he was worried about was turning blue.
"Oh Loki, I know you will. You don't need to say it."
He shifted his position and pulled her closer, a sudden premonition overcoming him. Something was going to happen soon, and he didn't like the feeling he got when he thought of anything that would harm Lira. She was his whole life and one without her would not be much of a life.
She smiled up at him, stroking his cheek and running a hand down his chest. He trembled as she came to rest on his lower stomach, clasping a warm hand around his neck and pulling him in. With these few touches Loki felt himself willingly succumbing to her, gripping her hips and forcing her to tighten her hold on his waist. Her dress bunched up around her waist as Loki pressed her against his throbbing arousal, running cool hands up her thighs and underneath the fabric of her dress.
Her sigh only made him harder and the way she was pulling at his hair was almost suicidal. The way Loki was feeling right now the following action would be ruthless and urgent. He needed love and for once in his life he was not going to ask nicely. She pulled away but he growled and pressed his lips against her own again, forcing his tongue into her hot mouth. She complied, sensing his need. They tumbled forward onto the grass, still tangled in each other's limbs. Loki ran hands up her thighs, pushing her dress higher. She gasped as he tore it off, not hesitating to rip the panties away with renewed vigour. She bucked her hips and raked blunt nails across his back, feeling him groan in desire as she touched him. There was no coherent thought in the prince's mind, save from one: Lira.
In his anguish and confusion, Loki had failed to cast any form of spell on their surroundings but he was not so far gone that he had failed to protect her by placing a glamour on them, shielding their naked bodies from prying eyes so that all who saw them would see not naked skin but clothed. Both had no doubt forgotten their environment and the fact that though the clearing was secluded, it was far from private.
A dark force blinked in the shadows of the night, training keen eyes on the two beings. Their bodies were pressed tightly to each other, tangled in almost every way. Two people could not be more bound, it was hard to tell where one ended and the other began. Yellow eyes narrowed at the scene and there was a low snarl of disdain from the companion.
"Quiet Cardan. They will hear – both are immortal." The voice spoke raucously, turning attention to the other pair of eyes in the darkness.
"They look more like animals – "
"Cardan!" the hiss was reinforced with a blast of magic, silencing the reckless onlooker. Two violet eyes narrowed at the other, but did not speak until after a full minute.
"Who is the other?"
"Nobody. She will forget him in the morning – they look to me to be senseless."
Violet eyes blinked again, confusion etched into their depths. "He is the youngest prince – "
"No matter. Barden said only the girl." The pair turned to face the lovers again, a smile stretching across their pointed features.
"She is the one."
"You are certain Velix?"
"Definite." The elf grinned wickedly and turned away from the clearing. "At midnight we strike. Inform Lurex."
"Of course."
The older elf turned around as his partner set off to camp, yellow eyes glinting at the pair, trained on only the female.
"We are coming for you, Mercy. Prepare yourself."
If you wanna find out more, there's a sequel coming up. It's called Warriors of the Forgotten Realm. :) Thanks for all your support!