Hey guys! I'm back with a new chapter! I've been working quite a lot on some other fan fics so you can expect regular updates! Unless my internet's down... which would be bad... Anyway! R&R and Enjoy!

We walk into the hospital. This is the hospital that my mum works at and she quickly says something to the lady at the front desk laughing like old friends. My mum says something to her and the lady looks at me. They both laughed and my mum walks back to me.

"Ok we can go see her." She says leading me down the halls.

"What was that about?" I ask.

"Oh. You'll see." She says smirking.

My mum leads me down the halls of the hospital and we eventually enter a ward and there lays Prim. Her face is slightly puffed up but it appears to have gone down. She must have had trouble breathing earlier but seems fine now.

"Hey Katniss." She croaks. I breathe a sigh of relief and go over to my sister. I hug her then begin questioning her.

"What happened? Are you alright? You didn't eat anything with peanuts did you?" I sit on the edge of her hospital bed.

Her face turns pale. "Uhh… yeah I'm fine and no… I didn't eat any peanuts… you see…"

I furrow my eyebrow. But the only way she can get an allergic reaction is if… OH MY GOD! SHE KISSED SOMEONE! Fury must cross my face because Prim's expression turns to fear.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry K-Katniss i-it was-" She stutters.

"Who. Was. It." I say firmly.

"R-Rory…" My eyes widen. The boy from the bus stop kissed my sister…

"That's it! Where is he?" I yell standing up. My mother stands in the corner laughing her ass off. "I'm gonna kill him!" Prim's face turns paler. "Where's my bow?" I ask my mum. Her eyes widen.

"Now Katniss there's no need to get violent, after all it was just a kiss-" I cut her off.

"Just a kiss? Just a kiss?! Mum she's twelve! Now where's my bow?" I'm outraged.

She just chuckles. "You were twelve when you had your first kiss. Your father reacted the same way." She shakes her head.

I purse my lips "But he put her in hospital! That's different! Besides you've only known him for a day!" As soon as the words are out of my mouth I regret them.

"What about Peeta?! You've only known Peeta for a day!" Shit…

My mother's head snaps towards me. "Who's Peeta?" she says firmly.

"Uhh… W-well i-it's kind of… funny you… ask… that…" I glance towards the door. Time to make a break for it.

I begin to run out of the room but Prim tackles me. "Not so fast!"

I struggle to push her off me but she gets me in a headlock. "Get… Off… Me…" I grunt gripping her hands. I struggle to pull her away but she's not letting go anytime soon.

"Never!" She says wrapping her legs around my middle. "Not until you tell mum!"

"Can't… Breathe…" I gasp out. Will a last effort I bite down on Prim's arm.

"OWWW!" She yells… just as a nurse walks into the room.

Her eyes open wide and Prim and I jump apart. I quickly straighten my ponytail and grin. I mouth a thank you to the nurse, she sighs and shakes her head.

"I came to tell you that Prim has recovered enough to go home now." She says before walking out.

I turn to Prim who is looking smugly at me. "Well? Tell mum!" She grins mischievously.

I sigh. "He's just… a guy." I say my face flushing slightly. Curses…

"Oh…My…God… Katniss is blushing!" Prim yells "You never blush!"

I scowl at her and before I can come up with a witty comeback my mother speaks. "So you're what? Dating?"

"Uhh…" I have to think hard about this. "Well… kind of… yeah… in secret…" I bite my lip and suddenly the floor becomes very interesting. "And we also… sort of…" I mumble quietly so she can't hear my next words. "Injured half the cheerleading team…"

"What?" she asks.

"Nothing! Ok we should probably go." I quickly change the subject and usher Prim out the door. My mother follows slightly baffled.

My need to get back at Prim has tripled and even though she is my adorable little sister, it's time for her to pay.

Ideas flood into my mind... Honey, string and whip cream? ...no... I guess I could draw on her face while she's sleeping? What am I five? I sigh inwardly. I guess I'll just have to think of something later. But for now I need to sort things out with Peeta.

There you have it! So Prim was kissing Rory! Good job to those who guessed! Next chapter soon!