So the big idea of this is to be a collection of short little drabble-like stories. Thus, I'm calling on all of you people reading this for help. Give me prompts. (It could be anything, really!Anyone who reads my stuff know most of my stories come out of weird little prompts. I've already written stories based off the words 'shawarma,' 'dining room table,' and 'science buddy,' so I'm inclined to believe I can work with just about anything!)
Seriously, just leave any prompt you can think of (anything from one word to a couple sentences even), and I'll root through for my favorite ones and write little stories off them.
The plan is to have a new story every day. We'll see how that goes...
Also, I'll try to range out to all of the Avengers, but expect lots of Tony Stark.
Yay! This'll be fun!
I've already got the first few ideas. Expect the first chapter tomorrow!