Disney Dreams
By Michael Lara
It had been a long week for the team. Mission after mission seemed to spring up with barely any room for a break between them. Injuries were adding up and fatigue more than sat into each member, which had them all practically begging for rest. Finally, after a thorough mission inspection from Batman and the rest of the league, they were given a much deserved break. To their relief, the League granted them a few days off with the first one being filled with nothing but band-aids, muscle rub, iodine, aspirin, burn cream, gauze, and sleep. The second was designated 'Veg Out Day'.
After a lengthy back and forth discussion on what to do, Wally and M'gann won their way. Robin was the hardest to persuade but after a best of three game of Rock, Paper, Scissors with Wally, he admitted defeat.
"Okay guys and gals," Wally announced as he pulled up a playlist of Disney movies via Netflix. "After very careful consideration, M'gann and I have come up with a variety of cinematic pleasures to tickle your fancies and-"
"What's with the intro?" Robin asked from his place on the smaller of the couches. "Just push play and let the mind numbing begin."
"I'm trying to do something if you don't mind."
"What's that? Trying to be more of a geek than you already are?" Artemis interjected. She had staked out the recliner for herself and was twirling an arrow in her fingers.
"You're just jealous bow girl."
"Of what? The amount of Chicken Whizzes you can eat? It's disgusting watching you almost barf with the amount you stuff in your mouth. But it is funny watching you choke."
"Whatever. It's better than…than… Oh just shut up, I'll come up with something later. As I was saying, we have for your viewing pleasure five, count 'em, five movies to bring back that nostalgic feeling of yesteryear." He paced back and forth before the large flat screen TV with his head held up high in an overdramatic show of pride and importance. "Prepared to be dazzle-ized, surprised, romanticized, dramatized, and-"
"Could someone please shut him up?" Conner yelled from the kitchen where he and M'gann were at.
"That's what we're trying to do!" Artemis yelled back.
"Oh leave him alone," M'gann said.
"For the love of Chicken Whizzes," Robin said as he ran both hands over his face. "Just start the show."
"Kaldur's not back yet, he's putting on more burn ointment." Artemis told him.
"Correction, I have finished my latest application," the Atlantean said as he came back in the room and pulled up a chair.
"Well then," Wally said in a calm, sarcastic tone, "all we need is for TWO MAKEOUT ARTISTS TO QUIT SUCKING FACE AND BRING IN OUR FOOD SO WE CAN START THE MOVIES!"
A yelp, undoubtedly M'gann, with the sound of several bowls crashing to the floor, most likely from Conner smashing into them from backing away from her, came from the kitchen as the two teens hurried into the living area with a bowl of popcorn in each hand as several plates of food and drinks floated in behind them. The four waiting heroes hid smirks as the couple came into view. M'gann's hair was slightly disheveled and Conner had some of her lipstick on his mouth. They also had a comical look of guilt on their faces.
"Okay, Artemis, I have the stuffed jalapenos you made right here. They just needed to be heated up," the Martian girl told her. "Kaldur, here are some shrimp puffs. I hope you enjoy them. Wally, candy and popcorn. Robin, taffy and nachos; all of those smell so good, and a chest full of drinks for everyone."
As she mentally handed everyone their orders and set a large igloo cooler in the middle of the room, Conner took his place on the larger of the two couches with a plate of chili dogs and a rootbeer in hand. M'gann joined him with a large pickle in one hand and a Sprite in the other. In no time flat, they had each grabbed a paper plate and began to snack on the large selection of food and gulp down the soft drinks while the movies played.
After several hours, stuffed bellies and fatigue took them over and all were asleep where they sat. The TV displayed the Netflix menu with the Disney movies they selected and finished but didn't make a sound. Everything was quiet except for a few snores. Robin was sleeping with his legs perched up on the back rest of his occupied couch with his sunglasses slightly askew on his face. Artemis was snoozing in her recliner with what was left of her third can of Sprite spilling on the carpet. Kaldur was resting his head on his folded arms as he leaned on the back support of his chair. Drool puddled on the floor at his feet near Wally who was sleeping on the floor with a bowl of popcorn gently rising and falling on his stomach. Conner was slouched on the couch with M'gann as her head rested on his shoulder and his face part way shrouded in her hair.
With the combination of fatigue, junk food, and fantasy movies, each team member began to dream. What they dreamt about was so incredibly out there that for some, it was completely opposite of their personalities. Others dreamt of something closer to who they were. And then there was Wally.
AN: Please don't ask me where this came from or how this got in my head. It just came out of my twisted mind as I was writing another one of my stories. But by all means, please enjoy the ride.