Hey all you Soul Eater fans! I hope you enjoy this new story: I Go Crazy without You.

Chapter 1: Midnight Laughter

Maka Albarn flashed open her green eyes. Her hand reached for her forehead to wipe the cold sweat trickling down into her hair. "It was only a dream," she whispered to the surrounding darkness in her bedroom. There was a faint purr from the foot of her bed and she knew Blair was fast asleep. She attempted to relax under her covers but her whole body trembled violently. The image from her dream flashed through her mind every time she closed her eyes. I have to be sure…

Slowly, Maka pulled back her blanket and climbed out of her bed. She carefully tiptoed to the door and managed to open and close it without a sound. Unknown to her, however, was a single golden eye watching her leave the room.

There she stood, right in front of Soul's bedroom. Ugh. What am I even doing? Maka leaned her head against the cold wooden door and closed her eyes. Instantly the image from her dream popped into her mind. I have to know if…

"GAH!" Suddenly she was falling straight for the floor. She reached out both hands to catch herself but the floor appeared sooner than she anticipated. "Ouch!" yelped Maka as she rubbed her head which had collided with the ground.

"Maka," said Soul's surprised voice, "What are you doing?"

She looked up at him and realized that she was sprawled at his feet, his hand on the doorknob. "Obviously I was…" Going into your bedroom while you were sleeping like some pervert. "Trying to find the bathroom but it was too dark and I ended up…here." Warmth was rising to her cheeks so she decided to cover it up by sounding angry. "What are you doing?"

"Well," Soul began slowly, "I had to go to the bathroom."

Maka glared up at him. "Anyway, are you going to help me up or not?"

"Yeah, yeah," Soul replied. He mumbled something else that Maka couldn't understand, but she chose not to comment about it. He didn't look very happy. A hand appeared in front of her face and Soul pulled her up. "What's wrong?" He asked suddenly. Maka peered at his face; his expression had changed into one of concern.

"Nothing's wrong."

"Then why are you trembling?"

"I-I'm fine. I'm going to bed." She spun around and took a step to leave when she felt pressure on her wrist and something pulling her back.

"Come on," Soul said with a sigh. He guided her into his room and pushed her on the bed by her shoulders, forcing her to sit down. Next, he grabbed a chair from his desk and placed it right in front of her. Plopping down on the chair, Soul leaned closer to her, staring straight into her eyes. "Spill it," he commanded.

Maka looked down at her hands in her lap. She already knew how he would react. "I…had a nightmare," she said in a small voice. It was deathly quiet for a mere ten seconds until…

"AHAHAHAHAHA! A nightmare! That's hilarious!"

"Shut up, Soul! It's not funny! I'm serious!"

"AHAHAHAHAHA!" He clutched his side, still roaring with laughter.

Maka just about had enough. "Maka Chop!" She bashed the top of his head with a book.

"What was that for?!" Now he was clutching his head.

"I was being serious," she said with an angry frown.

"I'm sorry," Soul replied indignantly. "What was it about?"

"You died," Maka stated bluntly without much emotion that made Soul flinch. "Someone, I can't remember who, cut open your abdomen and started pulling out…"

"Okay, okay!" He interrupted her. "That's enough."

"You're the one who wanted to know," she said without sympathy and turned her head away from him. A hand gently squeezed hers and Maka turned back to Soul. There was a lopsided grin on his face.

"You don't have to worry about it. I'm right here and I'm not going to die any time soon."

She smiled sheepishly. "I know."

"Well then. Now that that's been taken care of," Soul released her hand and stood up, "I can go to the bathroom before I wet myself."

Maka giggled and shook her head as Soul raced out of the room. She leaned back against the wall, pulled her legs up to her chest and rested her chin on her knees. To be honest, she didn't know why she stayed in Soul's room but she enjoyed talking to him, and being in his presence made her feel safe. She smiled with fondness at the memories they shared of fighting side by side. They were an unstoppable team, when they weren't fighting with each other. They had already accomplished so much, and yet there was still much more to come.

Soul watched Maka from the doorway. She hadn't noticed him yet so he decided to just watch her, and not in a creepy way he kept telling himself. She was sitting on his bed with her legs pulled to her chest and she was wearing her very unflattering plaid pajamas. He grinned. There was a word for what she looked like…Cute. Ha! Maka cute? Don't make me laugh. But he couldn't seem to think of another word. He walked fully into the room and Maka turned to him.

"Did you wash your hands?" she teased.

"Course not! I never wash my hands." He walked over to her and sat down on the bed.

Maka laughed. "That's disgusting!" Soul scooted closer to her and attempted to wipe his "dirty" hands all over her face. She laughed harder and tried to push his hands away. "Gah! Don't wipe your pee hands all over me!"

"I didn't just go pee."

They were both hysterically laughing now. Maka scrambled to the other end of the bed but fell on her back. Soul seized the opportunity to attack and rub his hands all over her face. Once he was satisfied he scooted over to the other side of the bed but Maka stayed where she was, their laughter slowly dying down.

"Hey Soul?" asked Maka and rested her legs on his lap.


"We make a good team."

"Heh. Where did that come from?"

She only giggled.

They sat in silence for several minutes, each one lost in their own thoughts. The apartment creaked and light from a nearby lamppost streamed from a crack in the curtains illuminating their surroundings. Soul's eyes started to burn from lack of sleep and his head began to droop to his chest.


No answer.

"Hey Maka," he said a little louder.

Still no answer. He leaned closer to see her face and found that she was already asleep. He smiled. Carefully, as to not wake her, he moved her legs from his lap, stood up and pulled the blankets over her. Noticing a lock of hair on her check, he brushed it away with a finger.

"Wait, where am I gonna sleep now?"

Look for chapter 2: "Another Day at DWMA" next week. Thank you for reading!