127 hours of Antoine D'Coolette
A coyote, dressed in formal attire, found himself in the middle of a desert.
Heaving himself up from the sandy ground, Antoine spat out some dirt.
the tan coyote stood up groggily, rubbing his sore head.
last thing he'd remembered, a huge robot threw him like a ball, all the way to...?
"Zees...does not look like home..." Antoine sniffed around, trying to get a sense of familiarity.
nope, not even a whiff of a chili-dog.
starting to grow irritated, Antoine stomped his foot.
"Eez not funny! come out, yoo fuels!"
Antoine sighed, wiping his nose.
"All right, all right, let's see, where were we..."
the french coyote paced back and forth, humming,
"Well, eet looks like...we, meaning, moi, are...am in a desert..."
Antoine looked up, and shielded his eyes.
"A hot, cloudless desert..."
he looked around, finding a backpack at least two feet from him.
"mmh! oh! i know...this eez like one of ze survival films, qui!"
slinging the pack over his shoulder, he looked around once more.
"Now, what we need, is le shelter, and le food."
Antoine hummed as he walked towards a random direction...
meanwhile, Sonic found himself, well, in the middle of Knothole Village.
the blue hedgehog snorted, what a wild night it was before!
"That robot didn't get a chance against me!" he grinned, heading to the Power Ring Pool, which was now drained and empty since the incident.
Sonic contemplated, squinting his eyes.
"mmh, there's something missing..."
looking around, he found Antoine's tree, which had been knocked down.
"...Ant? nah."
Sonic headed over to the other side of the pool, looking around again, before spotting Tails, who should now be called Stumps as his twin tails were chopped off by the giant robot.
" 'Ey, Stumpy!" Sonic called out, waving to the little fox.
Tails stopped cradling his two stumps and trotted over-quite adorably- to Sonic.
"Who's gonna fix dat pool, Sonic?" the fox kit peered just over the edge, making sure not to fall and die a horrible death.
"No idea...we could ask Rotor to build a bucket-thingy and dump water into it..."
Sonic shrugged.
"...hey, Sonic..." Tails tugged at the blue hedgehog's left elbow.
"Where's Antwan?"
Antoine was beginning to get hot and sweaty, and he didn't like it.
"Whew, let's zee... do we have water een here?"
Antoine dug into the pack, searching for a bottle of water.
Antoine looked in deeper, confused.
"but...but in ze survival films, zere eez always a bottle of water!"
the coyote closed the pack, sighing with annoyance.
It must be the ones where you actually have to search for it..
carrying the pack, Antoine ventured even further, not before noticing a cave.
"Ah! zis should be a good shelter!"