My new story and something I just don't understand myself. It will be quite different from what most may know Pokemon for, but let's just see what happens. Enjoy!

*Prologue: Indigo Plateau*

Why? Why is this happening to me? Why is this happening to us? What have we done to deserve this?

Colors of red and orange emerged from the crumbling buildings of what was formerly known as the Pokemon League. The fires continued to grow, the distant sounds of explosions and falling debris resonated throughout the entire premises. Bodies and corpses of people and Pokemon alike were strewn across the destruction; some were burning into eternal darkness, others, spewing blood while unmoving. Among them, a man in a black cape begins to stir.

Huh…what, happened? He thought and looked around. Immediately, a wave of panic shot through him. No…no, no, no, no, no! He felt pain near his abdomen area and clutched it. His hands grew wet with a red fluid, which was slowly leaving his body as it stained the black clothing he wore. His spiky red hair flowed in the wind as he looked up into the blood-red sky, now covered with black clouds of smoke.

Lorelei, Bruno, Agatha…Will, Koga, and…Karen, The last name that came into his head caused him to burst into tears. Why? Why wasn't I strong enough to protect them…protect, Karen… He dragged his body towards the mass of unmoving Pokemon in order to search for his own. There was blood stained all over the dead bodies of Hitmonchan, Golbat, Exeggutor, and Houndoom. Some had their eyes open and anyone could tell that there was the look of fear in them, before they died.

"Dragonite…where are you?" the man sifted through the dead Pokemon in hopes of finding the one he raised ever since he was a child. After for what seemed like many years, he located a yellow body with wings underneath. With all his strength, he pulled on its short arms and managed to drag it out. It was still breathing.

The man was crying in relief, "Dragonite, thank goodness you're alive…but you're hurt badly." As he noticed the bruises and blood flowing from all over the dragon's body. It grunted as it tried to come closer to its trainer, its best friend. "Don't push yourself too hard."

It looked into his eyes, there was fear but relief as it saw that its master was safe and sound, but their reunion was cut short when a loud noise erupted from behind them. Both the man and his Dragonite turned their heads, he gasped.

Standing just about a couple feet from the two was a man. He wore chrome-silver armor with a mask in the shape of a Pokemon of some sorts. He sported a black cape and spiked leg armor that appeared to be claws at the feet. There was blood stained all over him. His voice was deep and calm, "A survivor, how unfortunate."

The red haired man hugged his Pokemon, trying to protect it, "Please, I beg of you." He cried, "Do anything to me, just leave my Dragonite alone!" The Pokemon, noticing its master's resolve, licked his face in gratitude.

"I'm afraid we can't do that Lance," the armored man replied. "It has little usefulness to us, now that it has used up all of its SPP. All there is left to do is to dispose the both of you." As he said this, he reached down to his belt. The leather belt was adorned with three orbs that appeared to be Poke-Balls, but were silver in color with a black button. He detached one and threw it into the air. As what all Poke-Balls do, it opened up and released a light that materialized on the ground. Once the light subsided, a Tyranitar stood in the light's place.

Lance's eyes widened with fear, "No! Please leave my Pokemon alone, please!" He grasped his Dragonite tighter and it groaned in response. All he could do was sit there. He couldn't move and he could fight back; it was only a matter of time before they were both killed.

The armored man sighed, "Let's just end this quickly so you can rest in peace." As he said this, he pushed a button on his right glove, causing it to light up with a red aura. He then walked over to his Tyranitar placed it on its shoulder, "Extract." The Pokemon roared as light emitted from its entire body and appeared to be transferring over to the man's glove. After it was done, the Pokemon fell down with a crash and did not move.

Lance could not believe what he just saw, "You monster! Pokemon should not be used as weapon catalysts!" His anger towards this man only grew when the man responded with a sinister chuckle.

"Lance, this is the future!" he raised the now-glowing glove. "You dwell too much in the past and now look at was happened, the once well-respected Indigo Plateau has fallen, and you as well." With that, he directed his hand at Lance, "Goodbye…Hyper Beam!" The glove's light grew larger and larger until it released a beam of powerful light that was on its way towards Lance and Dragonite, but they would not go down without a fight.

"Dragonite, use your own Hyper Beam!" The Pokemon mustered up what remaining power it had left and shot forth the same colored energy beam. The two blasts connected and were locked in combat as light engulfed the entire area. This is my last chance everyone, you will not have died in vain! But his eyes widened in shock as the man balled up his other hand into a fist.

"Impressive. You don't have any strength left, but still fight. However, you will not succeed. This fight is over," the man slammed his fist down onto the ground, "Earthquake!" At first, nothing seemed to happen besides the sound of the two Hyper Beams pushing each other, but suddenly the ground beneath began to shake violently.

Lance tried to maintain his balance, but could not do so as the earth below him was moving at an uncontrollable rate. The Dragonite, not being able to focus its attack on the man was pushed by the earth attack and his beam shifted off course towards a different direction. The opposing blast, now free to extend, went full force. There was a loud explosion as smoke and flames covered the field. When everything subsided, there was nothing left of the dragon tamer and his partner.

The man deactivated his glove, "What a waste of Pokemon," he muttered as he turned on his communicator device. The device lit up and sprouted out a touch screen with live video coming from the screen. There was another man that appeared from the video, "Mission accomplished, the Kanto and Johto region's Elite Four has been decimated."

"Great work general. You are surely bringing glory to the Team Pneuma name," said the man onscreen. "Return to base so we can discuss our next attack on the Hoenn region. Come back safely." With that, the screen turned off and the lights returned back to the device. The armored man glanced around the destroyed ruins of what was once the Indigo Plateau and frowned, I could never make it past the third member as a trainer…but with the SPP extraction system, I defeated the Champion in one blow, I can do anything.

He detached another silver ball to release another Pokemon, this time, he had sent out a Skarmory. The armored man activated the glove device, and then extracted ability from the silver bird creature. Three moves left, it will survive for now. He raised his arm, "Fly!" he shouted and the glove device began to glow and he was airborne, the Skarmory followed suit.

*End of Prologue*

I don't know if that made any sense to you guys, but hopefully you got the gist of it. The idea for this story has been floating around my head for a couple weeks, so I decided to write it up.

I hope you guys enjoyed this and if you have anything you would like to say, please comment on it, I would greatly appreciate the positive and negative (improvement) feedback!

The next chapter is when I'll introduce our protagonist and a few OC's! Until then, take it easy!