Hello, I have came up with another story and decided to post this first chapter before this story flies away from my brain. I kinda like it, so I would not like any criticism. Only constructive criticism please, and thanks!

I remember... A black and clouded sky, the only thing lighting the darkness was lightning and the moon. The waves crashed... on something. I wasn't sure what it was; only that I was very close to it. It wasn't a rock, or a short cliff, or anything similar. I couldn't grasp the word or object. I heard voices. Screaming voices. One was high and slightly irritating, like a peppy girls, and the other was low and powerful. He was obviously a man.

"Hang on!"

The words hit me like a brick. I stretched out my hands without thinking to where I was reaching out to. The man? Or the girl? Maybe it was someone else? I don't remember, my brain... My memories were slowly slipping away from me. Like they were spilling out of a faucet, or maybe rushing down stream like a river. I did not know.

My hands felt odd. They were changing, but I couldn't see what was happening to them. The feeling crawled from my hands and over to my body, engulfing me in a warm and soft feeling. My eyes were forced shut as the rain batted down onto my face, then my body felt heavy. Its as if I had several soaked towels piled on top of me. I opened my eyes and caught a glimpse of green and pink. Were those the color of the clothes the other people were wearing? Maybe. The odd feeling reached my face, and small pricks of gold reached towards my eyes. It looked... weird. They shimmered brightly as the rain droplets reflected the lightning off it.

"Mystery! Hang on!"

I tried to reach out my hand once again, and I felt a strangely shaped palm grab onto it. Black dots shrouded my vision and my body felt numb and exhausted. A wave of pain shot through my wrist as something slapped my hand out of the others grasp, leaving me to feel myself plugeoning down to water. The ocean, maybe. It was raging back and forth, and my sense of body completely faded away. I was drowning. My vision became blurry, or at least I think it was something like that. I could see the ocean perfectly, but everything above it was blurry. Fish swam by, looking at me for a second in worry, but continued to swim towards their place of refuge. Just as my mind was about to flicker out, I felt a large shell under me pull me up, and the blurry hints of pink and green disappeared.

Everything was black. Pitch black. I was scared. The darkness was everywhere, and I couldn't see my body. Slowly, I heard the squawks of birds in the distance, and the gentle sound of waves crashing into the beach.

"Hey! Are you okay!?"

That voice. I don't know that voice. I forced my eyes open, and the first thing I saw was sand. Across the sand was a cave, which I didn't pay attention to. I slowly got myself up, my head thumping terribly. It hurt.

"Thank Arceus you are okay! I just found you on the ground unconscious! Hey... You look kind of weird. What a strange color."

I raised an eyebrow and turned around, but froze. In front of me was a Chimchar, and he was only a little taller than me. A little.

"AHHH!" I yelled, falling down. I scooted at least two feet away and looked at him up and down. He was looking at me with a concerned look.

"Woah there, are you okay? I didn't mean to startle you." I calmed down slightly, ignoring the fact that he was talking. I'm used to it, I can speak with pokemon, but for some reason, I was able to understand him more perfectly than usual. And why was I so short? I feel like a toddler, almost. He took a step closer to me and stretched a hand out more me to take. I stared at it cautiously. Why was he trying to help me up? Wasn't I too heavy? I shyly scooted a little more back, averting my eyes towards the ocean. He sighed and sat down with his legs crossed.

"You're one strange pokemon..."

My head shot up on that last word. "What...?" I asked stupidly. Pokemon? I took my hand and held it up to my face, but then I noticed it wasn't a hand. It was a paw. Horror began to fill up in my and I checked my other hand. A paw. I glanced down at my legs, but looked straight back up after seeing what I saw. my legs were ones of a Riolu. But gold colored.

"Oh, sorry... I guess its kinda mean to call you strange."

I paused. After a few moments... I let all hell out.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" I screamed. Tears swelled up in my eyes and I started to whimper.

"Woah woah! Whats the matter!? Are you you okay!?"

The Chimchar quickly crawled over to me and attempted to help stop my crying, but it just made me cry more. "Y-you're..." I sobbed. Chimchar looked at me in confusion. "I'm..?"

"You're a Chimchar! You're a talking Chimchar!"

He looked at me with an obviously confused face. "Um yeah. and you're a Riolu. An oddly colored one, if I could add. And oddly sized. You're pretty small than most..." I started to cry more. The more he spoke, the more this reality sunk in. A Riolu? Since when did I become a Riolu? I was human, wasn't I?

"But-but, I'm human! I'm not a Riolu!" I started to quiet down slightly. "I... At least I used to be human. I was not a pokemon before though... I swear, I wasn't..." The Chimchar was beginning to look more confused by the minute. It seemed that the more I spoke, the more confused he was, just like the more he talked, the more reality sunk in. I decided to keep quiet for a bit. I bit my lip and held back my sobs. He sighed.

"Okay... So what you're saying is that you used to be human and you turned into a pokemon... But that doesn't make sense... Humans don't even live anywhere near this Island and they shouldn't have any access to this place, and not only that, how is it possible for a human to turn into a pokemon anyways? And if thats true, what happened to you that turned you into a pokemon?"

I thought for a moment. I didn't remember. I only remembered the faint voice calling out for me to hold on and the waves crashing. Lightning... that was there too, right? I don't remember. But it was around that time... I think, that I turned into a pokemon. I had a strange feeling... Is spread through my body and I fell into the ocean... But I really couldn't remember anything after that.

I sighed and shook my head, wiping off the last of my tears.

"Don't remember, huh? Oh well... Do you remember your name?"

I thought for a moment... What was it again? I couldn't remember... Oh, thats right!

"Mystery! Hang on!"

"Mystery." I answered. "My name... I think its Mystery... What's... yours?" I tapped my paws fingertips together shyly. It felt weird, paws. They felt...weird, but somehow more comforting than fingers. They were softer and kind of stronger. I looked up to face Chimchar, who was smiling slightly. "My name is Chand. Nice to meet you Mystery... Do you have any memory of your past?"

"A little, but... its just a few seconds."

Chand smiled brightly and chuckled. "Hey, thats better than nothing! I think I know a way of helping you figure out this thing. Theres this place called the guild. Have you heard of it?"

Guild? No. I shook my head and looked down in embarrassment. Was I supposed to know? Is it a common thing? Chand noticed my embarrassment and patted my head. "Hey, you have Amnesia, no need to be embarrassed. The guild is a place where pokemon exploration teams are formed. I wan't to become an explorer actually... a world filled with wonders... There is something out there you know..." Chand's eyes became hazy as he dreamt off into another world. I heard a hiss, which made me jump. I turned around and looked at the cave. It didn't seem to come from there...

"Ch-chand, did you hear th-"

"GAH!" I turned back around and Chand was on the floor, a rock just beyond his reach. It had strange engravings on it, and it seemed to be glowing. But wait, why did Chand just fall?

"Heheheheee." I looked up and started to shiver in fear. It was a Zubat and a Koffing. They had devious smirks and were looking at the rock Chand dropped. Chand looked up and gasped, and he scurried to get his rock back, but the Zubat swiped it with his double-tail. "Thank you very much!" I stopped shivering and looked at the Zubat in shock. He just stole something right in front of the victim! He's not just a criminal, he's a pretty stupid one.

"H-hey, thats not yours! Give that back to Chand!" I got up and tried to snatch it back for Chand, but the Zubat flew up high and started laughing. "Haha! Look at this Koffing! This little brat thinks she can match with Team Skull! How pathetic! Well we don't got time for this."

"Ember!" Chand yelled, spitting out many balls of fire. The Zubat and Koffing growled. "Lets go!"

They ran into the cave I saw earlier along with the rock. Chand looked devastated and looked as if he was going to cry. I was worried. I didn't wan't Chand to cry, nor did I wan't anyone to cry really. I got myself together. "Chand, lets go get your rock back..." He looked at me in surprise, and I gave a shy smile. "I don't want you to cry... Lets go catch those guys and get your rock back..."

Chand stared at me for a while, slowly processing what I said. A few seconds after, he smiled brightly, wiping away the tears that were forming. "Thanks Mystery... That was my personal treasure. I'm glad you want to help me get it back... I wouldn't be able to do it myself, I'm such a chicken. Lets go!"