Two updates so close together? Am I okay?

Suddenly waking up, Kid Flash's entire body jerked, He quickly realized a few things; he was standing up, he was chained to a wall, he was wearing an inhibitor collar, and the rest of the team was already awake around him.

"About time you woke up, Baywatch," Artemis said, rolling her eyes.

"Are you okay, Kid?" Miss Martian asked, looking at him in concern.

Moaning a little, he shook his head, trying to clear it from whatever drug had been used to knock him out. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Damn, what the hell were we drugged with?"

"A simple sedative," A voice from the dark answered, making all of the team jerk in their chains, looking around for the source. "I'm afraid that I may have miscalculated the amount needed to give a speedster to knock them out for 6 hours, my apologies." As he finished speaking, Slade walked into the light.

"Slade, let us go," Aqualad said, keeping calm as he always did. "This is not your style at all."

"You clearly don't understand how wrong you are" their captor responded, mask hiding his entire face, and any expressions he may have. "Don't worry, you'll know soon enough." He took a seat on the ground, ignoring the team as they kept asking him questions.

The team was unnerved. Normally at this point when they were captured, they were tortured, interrogated, had DNA forcibly taken to possibly clone them, etc. Something. But Slade was just sitting there, watching, seeming to wait for something. After some time, they all fell silent, focusing on trying to find a way out of their binds without the use of their powers. Luckily, they didn't have to wait long.

Slade stood slowly, all of their eyes snapping to him, waiting to see what they would do. "You're late."

"Sorry, you forgot to give me a time and location, how rude of you," a familiar voice spoke from the darkness.

"Nightwing!" Kid Flash cried out happily, believing that the hero was there to rescue them. The rest of the team investigated the dark as well, searching for their team mate and, they assumed, his brothers as well. But they were all ignored.

"If you needed an invitation to determine something so simple to determine, that you have truly been slacking on your training. I'll be sure to fix that" Slade stated, looking at one spot in the dark.

Emerging from exactly where Slade was looking, Nightwing stepped into the light. "I'm here, aren't I?"

"You are indeed."

Looking the team over quickly for injuries, Nightwing quickly turned back to the mercenary. "Nanobots again? Really, Slade, how unoriginal," neither spoke for a moment, just staring at each other. "Let them go."

"You know what I want," Slade responded. Everyone was totally silent, watching the exchange with confusion, worried for their team member.

"Let them go…master." As soon as the words left his mouth, Nightwing's entire posture deflated and the team started screaming, mad at Slade, mad at Nightwing, not knowing what was happening, but understanding enough to know that Nightwing was somehow being blackmailed into obeying Slade.

Ignoring all the screaming sidekicks, Slade focused on Nightwing. "Go ahead and set them free, I'll be waiting for you." Turning away, Slade once again disappeared into the darkness. The lights in the warehouse suddenly snapped on, showing that the bioship was parked outside the building. At the same moment, the inhibitor collars snapped off the team. Slade was nowhere in sight.

Turning to his teammates, Nightwing gave them a shaky smiled, moving to start releasing them, starting with Aqualad. "What is going on, Nightwing?"

"I made a deal for your freedom," he said moving on to release the rest of them, one by one.

"We can't let you do this," Miss Martian said, looking at him sadly.

"What the hell did you even agree to?" Artemis asked as she was released, rubbing her wrists.

Not looking any of them in the eye, Nightwing slowly released Superboy. "I don't really have a choice, this is what Slade wanted from the beginning. That's why he put nanobots inside of you. Now you have to go. He's not going to wait forever." Stopping in his walk over to Kid Flash, he smiled at them all sadly. "I'll be fine, I promise."

Although none of them looked happy about it, they listened to Nightwing's instructions, making their way to the bioship as he slowly released Kid Flash, looking back at hum sadly.

Alone in the warehouse for a moment, Kid Flash fell to the floor as he was released, quickly standing up. "You sure about this, dude?" he asked. He may have not taken the time to become particularly close with the younger hero, but he still cared about him.

Smiling sadly, Nightwing nodded and walked away from Kid Flash. "Just…do me a favor? Take care of the baby birds for me?"

Eyes wide, mouth wide open in shock, memories from what seemed like a lifetime ago rushing back to Kid Flash. Memories of his best friend, of the stories he would tell about his little brothers, of how much Robin cared for the younger siblings who, he hoped, would become Robin someday. His baby birds.

By the time he realized what those words meant, who Nightwing was, the teen was gone, off to serve his new master.