AN: Review and let me know if you think I should continue this. Just a funny little story I felt like writing that I'll post one chapter for at least twice a month, maybe more often. I own nothing.

Noah Boyd: OK, fine. Owen, you win, I now have a personal page and half the cast members are already my "friends". This can't possibly end well…
(Posted 5 hours ago)
(Owen Powell likes this)

Owen Powell: Dude, this is awesome! We're totally best buds now!

Noah Boyd: Are you saying we weren't friend before?

Owen Powell: No we were. But now it's official!

Noah Boyd: …I'm already regretting this decision.

Lindsay S. Hathaway: Welcome aboard Nick!

Noah Boyd: It's Noah! It's even spelled out for you!

Lindsay S. Hathaway: Your so funny Ricardo!

Noah Boyd: *You're

Noah Boyd: And that's not even close to Noah!

Lindsay S. Hathaway: Who's not close to Noah?

Noah Boyd: Ricardo!

Lindsay S. Hathaway: You mean Alejandro?

Noah Boyd: What – NO!

Lindsay S. Hathaway: I don't know a Ricardo… I don't think I do, anyway… is he a fan of mine?

Owen Powell: I'm sure there's at least one fan of yours named Ricardo. But Noah meant that his name isn't Ricardo.

Lindsay S. Hathaway: Wait, so Ricardo isn't Ricardo? Then who is he?

Noh Boyd: Nonono! I'm not Ricardo!

Lindsay S. Hathaway: I know that silly. You can't be Ricardo, your Nick!

Noah Boyd: *You're

Noah Boyd: And I'm Noah!

Lindsay S. Hathaway: So I'm Ricardo?

Lindsay S. Hathaway: No, I'm Lindsay! You're confusing me Nathan!

Noah Boyd: For the love of -!

Owen Powell: It's alright dude, just breathe…

Noah Boyd: First convo and already I want to throw my computer out a window. You owe me big, Owen.

Gwen Brookes: So… season 5 is a maybe and, if we're allowed to audition, our host is going to be…?
(Posted 3 hours ago via iphone)
(Owen Powell and 4 other people like this)

Courtney Swanson: It's Chris, I'm sure he'll charm his way out of prison.

Duncan James Hendersen: Or he'll buy the place out.

Courtney Swanson: I don't think he can legally do that…

Trent "Cool Dude" Sanders: It's Chris. He does a lot of things that aren't legal.

Cameron Reeds: He got away with sticking us on a toxic deathtrap for a full season. Do you know what the radiation poisoning could have done to us!?

Jo Thompson: *cough Dakota cough* He was arrested anyway.

Geoff Chambers: It'd be GREAT if we could have a host who doesn't want to blow us up on a regular basis.

Bridgette Gale Rhodes: Would Chef still be Chef?

Gwen Brookes: Hold up, are we actually considering auditioning for a show that's almost killed us countless times?

Noah Boyd: I would enjoy not having to break dance to survive lasers again, thank you very much.

Scott Simmons: I don't think I can survive another shark attack.

Alejandro Burromuerto: My hair FINALLY grew back.

Cody Anderson: I have no intentions of skydiving from a plane ever again.

Heather Banks: Money's money. It's kind of a once in a life time opportunity.

Noah Boyd: So is living.

Courtney Swanson: I think we're just being paranoid. I mean, Chris is in jail, there's nothing to worry about!

Chris Gorgeous McLean: Who said I was still in jail?

Trent "Cool Guy" Sanders: I don't think there's any two-word combination scarier than "Zombie Apocalypse".
(Posted 2 hours ago via mobile device)
(Courtney Swanson and 8 Other People like this)

Courtney Swanson: Economic Collapse

Owen Powell: Empty Fridge

Noah Boyd: Twilight Saga

Duncan James Hendersen: You're Busted

The Fabulous Dakota Milton: Friday, Friday~

Cody Anderson: Gotta get down on Friday!

The Fabulous Dakota Milton: Dude, I wasn't singing it because I liked it.

Cody Anderson: Oh… oops.

Brick MacArthur: Power Outage

Gwen Brookes: Hello Kitty

Jo Thompson: Chris McLean

Heather Banks: Angry Eva

Trent "Cool Dude" Sanders: I think Heather wins this one.

Heather Banks: Ha-Ha!

Courtney Swanson: Oh, come on! She always wins! An Economic Collapse is terrifying!

Duncan James Hendersen: Yeah, but not as much as an angry Eva. I'd take the collapse any day if it meant I wouldn't have to deal with her temper tantrums!

Eva IWillKillYouSoGetOutOfMyWay: You guys know I can see this conversation, right?