Disclaimer: I do not own any characters/things you might recognise that have to do with Harry Potter. They all belong to the wonderful JK Rowling. I only own Grace.

I promise the chapters get better.

Some of this chapter is taken from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone. I don't own it.

A/N: Before we begin the story, in case any of you want to know in the future, I DON'T plan on Grace becoming a Marauder. That's the plan anyway.



'James, you promise to write?' James' mother, Mrs Potter, said worried.

'Yes I will. I'm going to go now.' James said quickly, knowing what was coming.

'Wait! Dorea you forgot to take the photo!' James' father, Mr Potter said, smirking at James.

'Oh yes! How could I forget?' Mrs Potter dug into her bag and pulled out a camera. James stood awkwardly while his mother took the photo of him in front of the train. Luckily, for James, before his mother could take anymore pictures, the train whistle blew, signalling that it was about to leave.

James turned and ran onto the train, shouting a good bye to his parents over his shoulder. He waved to them out of the window; until the train turned they were lost from sight.

He went along the train to find a compartment. Spotting one with only one boy, around his age in, he knocked.

'Can I sit with you?' James asked.

'Yeah, of course. I'm Sirius Black.' Sirius held his hand out and James shook it, taking a seat opposite him.

'James Potter. Thanks.' the door slid open, and a boy and a girl came in.

'You'd better be in Slytherin.' James heard and glanced around to see the boy speaking. The boy had long greasy hair. The girl opposite him had bright red hair and looked as if she had been recently crying. James thought even though she had been crying, she still managed to look pretty.

'Who would want to be in Slytherin? I'd think I'd leave wouldn't you?' James said, directing it to Sirius.

'My whole family have been in Slytherin.' Sirius grimaced.

'Blimey! I thought you seemed alright!' James said surprised at what Sirius had admitted.

'Maybe I'll break tradition. Where are you going if you've the choice?'

James stood and raised his arm, like he was holding an invisible sword and said, 'Gryffindor! Where the brave dwell at heart. Like my dad.' He grinned and sat back down.

The boy snorted. 'Well if you'd rather be brawny than brainy-'

'Where are you going seeing as your nether?' Sirius interjected, causing James to burst out laughing.

'Let's leave Severus.' The girl huffed and stood up, dragging the boy out of the compartment.

James and Sirius both tried to trip him up on his way out.

'See ya Snivellus!' Sirius cried as the door closed. James and Sirius burst into laughter again and a few minutes later they became quite.

'Wonder why she would want to hand out with him. Did you see his hair?' James asked, scowling.

Sirius nodded and shuddered, carefully touching his own hair. After touching all of his hair, he brought out a pack of exploding snap cards.

'Want to play a game?'

'Yeah alright.' James said.

Sirius shuffled the cards and they started their games.

'You cheater!' James whined as the cards blew up in his face again.

Sirius laughed at him as he raised his hand to touch his newly stung eyebrows.

'Wow James. Those new eyebrows really suite you. You should keep them that a new fashion trend or something.' Sirius sniggered.

James was about to retort when the compartment door slide open.

'Anything off the trolley dears?'

They scrambled up from their seats and head to the door.

'Some chocolate frogs, liquorice wands and a packet of Bertie Bott's beans please.' Sirius said, handing over his money.

'A Cauldron cake, fizzing wiz bees and some frogs as well, thanks.' James smiled and took the sweets the lady handed him.

He passed her a few sickles and sat down again, tearing open a frog.

'Dumbledore. I have about 6 of these.' James muttered and stared at the card as Dumbledore scratched his nose.

'I got Godric Gryffindor!' Sirius yelled triumphal and waved the card view clear view.

'No way mate. Aren't those rare?' James asked stunned.

'Yeah.' Sirius said and looked at the card with admiration.

'Maybe It's a sign.' James joked.

'Yeah.' Sirius chuckled, slipping the Cardin his pocket for safe keeping.

'We should get changed. It's getting dark out.' James said, Sirius nodding in agreement. They got up and put their robes on, just as the train stopped.

'Good timing.' Sirius muttered as everyone scrambled to get off the train.

'Firs' years 'ere!' a large man shouted from the end of the platform.

James and Sirius followed the other people making their way over to him.

'Righ'. Follow me.'

They went down a narrow path and reached a lake with about 10 boats.

''Our to a boat!'

Everyone began to run to the boats and climb in. James got into the same boat as Sirius along with two other boys.

One had a mix of blond and brown hair with amber eyes. He had scars across his face and looked very tired. The other was blonde, short and slightly podgy, with watery blue eyes.

'FORWARD!' the boats began to move slowly across the lake. Sounds of awe was heard next, because before them, was Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

'Everyone out.' The giant like man said when they came to a stop.

Everyone got out and followed the man to two wooden doors.

The man knocked three times and waited. The door opened a few seconds later, revealing a woman with glasses and her haired tied in a tight, neat bun.

'The firs' year's Professor McGonagall.' The man said.

'Thank you Hagrid. I will take it from here.' She said.

She turned around and walked back inside again, they trailed behind her.

The Entrance Hall was huge. The stone walls were lit with flaming torches and the ceiling was too high to see. A magnificent marble stair-case was opposite them. A loud buzz of talking was heard from a doorway to James's right. The rest of the school must be in there.

Professor McGonagall led them into a large empty side chamber.

'Welcome to Hogwarts,' she said. 'The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory and spend free time in your house common room.

'The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn you house points, while any rule-breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the House Cups, a great honour. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours.

'The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school. Get in a line. We'll be going in now.'

Everyone got in a line. James was behind the tired looking boy from the boat and in front of an average height, pretty, skinny, light gingery red haired girl with clear blue eyes. Sirius was behind her and was staring at the back of her.

The Great Hall was amazing. It was lit by thousands of floating candles hovering over four long tables. The students sat at the tables in houses, ghosts also sitting there. Shining golden plates and goblets were placed on the tables. At the top of the hall there was another table where the Professors were sitting. James had the sudden urge to look up and his eyes met not a ceiling, but the night sky.

'I was there next to my friend, James.' Sirius said to the girl as they walked into the Great Hall.

James hid his smile. He hadn't known Sirius for a day, and Sirius considered him a friend. But, James thought, if anyone had asked, he would have said they were friends too.

'Oh sorry,' James heard the girl say. 'You can go in front of me if you want.' She smiled at Sirius and moved back so she and Sirius were walking next to each other.

'I- no- it's okay.' Sirius stuttered looking at the girl.

James snickered and Sirius shot him a glare.

'Alright. My name's Grace.' The girl, Grace, said brightly.

'Grace.' Sirius muttered as they stopped. McGonagall placed a four-legged stool in front of the first-years and then placed an old, fraying and extremely dirty pointed wizard's hat on top of it. The hall fell silent, watching the sorting hat. James jumped when it started singing, so did quite a few people.

'Oh I am the sorting hat,

My job is to sort you,

Into your correct house,

The first would be Gryffindor,

For the brave and daring,

Then Ravenclaw,

For the hard-working,

Hufflepuff comes next,

For those who are kind,

Last is Slytherin,

Perfect for the ambitious,

So put me on!

Don't be afraid!

I will sort you,

Into your house.'

The hall clapped and Professor McGonagall unrolled a piece of parchment.

'Black, Sirius!' she read.

Sirius slowly walked to the stool, sat and the hat was placed on his head.

'GRYFFINDOR!' it yelled only a few moments later.

Sirius was beaming, as he walked over to the Gryffindor table. Two girls were sorted next, Alice Bones became a Gryffindor and the other girl, Anna Daniels, was sorted into Hufflepuff.

'Evans, Lily!' the girl from the train, with the red hair was called and became the third Gryffindor.

James then decided that he would take note of the people that were sorted into Gryffindor, because he was 99% he was going there.

'Lupin, Remus!' the boy from the boat ride also became a Gryffindor, along with, 'Longbottom, Frank,', 'McDonald, Mary!' and 'McKinnon, Marlene!' 'Pettigrew, Peter!' was called next, the other boy from the boat. The small boy was trembling as the hat was placed on his head and after a good 5 minutes of people whispering to each other if the hat had died, Peter was announced a Gryffindor.

'Potter, James!' James walked to the stool, feeling slightly nervous, but not showing it.

The hat was placed on his head.

'Potter? Your father was a Gryffindor, like most of your father's family. You're very skilled, loyal and brave. I can see that you would die for your loved ones, fighting. Yes. You really are a true GRYFFINDOR!'

The hall clapped and cheered. The hat was taken off and James walked over and sat next to Remus and in front of Sirius.

'Well done mate.' Sirius said.

'You too.' James whispered.

'Prewett, Grace!' was called up.

Sirius's head shot up. James and Remus exchanged looks as the girl sat on the stool.

'GRYFFINDOR!' the table burst into applause.

Sirius being one of the loudest as well as two red headed, twin boys that looked a little older than them.

They were yelling happily, 'We got our sister! We got our sister!' repeatedly until a girl who looked to be in her last year and their older sister, smacked them on their heads.

Grace laughed at the as she passes and sat next to Lily and a girl, if James could remember correctly, named Alice.

'Snape, Severus!' McGonagall called. It was the greasy haired boy. James thought, he got his wish, sourly, as he walked over to the Slytherin table.

Lily. James noticed, looked quite upset about it.

'Welcome back to another year at Hogwarts! Now, I do have a couple of notices but we can all have a chat about that later, hmm? Let's have the feast first!' the Headmaster, that James knew to be Professor Dumbledore, because if you hadn't heard of Dumbledore, you must've been living under a rock for your whole life, said.

Suddenly, after Dumbledore had clapped, all of the tables had plates and plates of delicious food on each of them.

'That was delicious.' Sirius moaned patting his stomach as the last plate of the deserts disappeared.

Professor Dumbledore stood up as it did, and silence fell across the hall almost immediately.

'I hope you are all full up and ready to listen to, I hope, my lovely speech,' Dumbledore's eyes twinkled. 'First years should know that no one is allowed to enter the Forbidden Forest. Also, Mr Filch has recently banned Dungbombs. To see the full list of banned items, please go to Mr Filches office. Now, I would like to introduce our new Defence against the Dark Arts Professor, Professor Servark.'

A man in his twenties stood up. James could see his dark and cold eyes sweeping over the students in the hall.

The students and the Professors clapped slowly.

'Thank you. Prefects, please escort your houses to the common rooms.'

'This is the entrance to the Gryffindor common room. You will need to tell the Fat Lady the correct password to enter. Do not tell the password to anyone in another house. The password at the moment is Lightening.'

The portrait swung open and James climbed in after Remus.

James could see that the common room was full of comfy sofas and armchairs. Tables were scattered around the room as well. The colour of the room was themed red and gold, the colours of Gryffindor, their house. The fireplace made the room warm and welcome.

They stopped as the Prefects turned and spoke to them again.

'Boy dormitory's are up the right staircase and the girls on the left. If you need any help, ask me or Dirk Cresswell, the male Prefect, who has mysteriously disappeared as soon as we entered the common room. Probably gone to sleep somewhere. Lazy bas- erm- yes, sorry. I'm Dorcas by the way. Dorcas Meadows. Also Quidditch Captain, Keeper. Now of to bed.' Dorcas said.

James led the way up to the boy's dormitory.

Pushing open the door, James headed straight to the bed with his trunk at the end. Without changing, he crawled under the covers and fell asleep.