AN: BEHOLD! AN UPDATE! I've risen from the grave in order to deliver unto you a new chapter of Dragons in New York.

But no, for realz. I've been away for a while figuring out my life and when I decide to log in again I'm smacked in the face with the discovery that ViperNightFury decided to steal my story even after I told them they couldn't have it. I'm seriously angry. Fans of Dragons in New York, I urge you to stay away from them and the knock-off story, but don't retaliate. Being mean about it won't do any good. And for the sake of all that's good in the world don't follow their example. Be honest and original in your writings and your life.

Chapter 8

Shirt? Check.

Shorts? Check.

Shoes? Check.

Hiccup stood at the mirror in the guest room of Dax's house checking his outfit in the mirror. He was currently shopping at Dax's Closet so his choices were limited but it wasn't like he cared. Hiccup wasn't much for fashion and he was still really new to modern fashion so whatever he was given he'd gladly accept. Today it was a grey-blue Faber Drive t-shirt, knee length dark gray jean shorts and dark gray hightops. It looked like he was ready, so off he went down the stairs to meet Dax at the door and be on their way to school.

"Ready?" The scrawny strawberry blond asked with a smile, braces glistening in the light.

Hiccup smiled back and affirmed, "Ready."

The weekend had passed quickly and uneventfully and Monday has arrived before the boys knew it. Time had been spent at the mall giving Hiccup a "Being a Teen 101" class, teaching the young Viking how to play the Playstation 3, and explaining the difference between Android phones and Acer laptops (as if there were THAT significant a difference). Basically when they weren't slaughtering Nazi Zombies in Call of Duty they were watching iZombie on the CW or reading about Deadpool fighting zombie presidents. Because Teenagers = All about zombies! - Fact of life.

Now the fun was over, crushed under the authoritarian boot of the school system that demanded all children and teens between the ages of five and eighteen be bored out of their skulls eight hours a day for five days a week. Gotta love school, am I right? Hiccup sure did. This was his second day and he was pumped. The first day had made him question his beliefs and turned his world from the ninety degree angle the trip had flipped it to the rest of the way to upside-down. What world-shattering information would he be given today?

He followed his descendant through the streets towards the school with a smile on his face and a an eager glow about him. Dax noticed and looked at him, smirking and asking, "What are you so excited about?"

"We're going to school." Hiccup told him, sounding like it surprised him that Dax wasn't excited.

"Pff." Dax shook his head smiling, "Not sure what it was like centuries ago but these days only nerds and jocks are excited about school and I'm pretty sure if the nerds could they're go to class online instead."

Hiccup furrowed his brow and asked, "So does that make me a jock?"

Dax broke out laughing at how incredulous that was stuttering out between laughs, "have you seen you?"

He spent a few minutes laughing before getting ahold of himself and shaking his head, "Nah, Hiccup. You're like the farthest thing from a jock. Jocks are huge walls of muscle that play sports and think they're better than us even though they're usually not that bright."

As he explained the stereotypical jock Dax puffed out his chest and made a stupidly smug expression as a demonstration which caused Hiccup to start laughing.

"You just described Snotlout!" the Brunette chuckled.

The laughter died down soon enough though and his expression became solemn, "I wonder how they are… I wonder if they miss me… If my dad misses me…"

Hiccup was pretty sure a few of his friends were torn up over his disappearance but there were a few of them, like Snotlout, that he thought might be more than happy he was gone. Then there was his dad… Occasionally he managed to impress the man or make him proud but it seemed more often he just made mistakes and disobeyed him. Hiccup honestly didn't know if Stoic would try to find him or just continue with business as usual. The thought was daunting and instantly killed his eager mood.

"I'm sure they do."

Hiccup was shaken from his thoughts and looked at Dax, "hmm?"

Dax shrugged, looking at the ground instead of at him and wearing a serious expression, "I'm sure your dad misses you. Parents love their kids and care about them even if they're not always around or they don't say it a lot. 'cause that's what parents do, ya know?"

Then he smiled a little and lightly slugged Hiccup in the arm, "hey, race ya to Science!" then ran up the school steps and into the building.

Hiccup stood there for a moment thinking about what his grandson had told him. He nodded to himself determining that Dax was right and followed the other up the stairs to Science. The Viking took his seat and squinted at the diagram being drawn on the board by Mr. Baity.

"Ey… Sir? What's that?" he asked, just so completely confused.

The teacher turned to looked at Hiccup with an eyebrow raised. The diagram depicted a large yellow circle with nine variously sized circles on rings around the large yellow one. He pushed his glasses up and said, "This is a drawing of the Sun, which if you didn't fail elementary school you would know is the center of our solar system, and the nine planets that orbit around it."

Hiccup stared, dumbfounded.

This was going to be a long day…

AN: It's been a few years since I started DiNY and we're not anywhere near the end yet, but I feel that in case I don't finish I should give you guys a look forward into what the last few chapters were meant to be like. If you don't want spoilers then don't read this part.

1. Stoic, Astrid, Fishlegs, Snotlout, Gobber, Ruffnut, Tuffnut and everybody else on Berk were never supposed to end up in New York. It's legit just supposed to be Hiccup and Toothless. It's sorta a journey of self-discovery for them where Hiccup learns to rely on his own strengths rather than always being able to count on Astrid and the others as back up.

2. It's also a story about family, friendship, and stories that are passed down through generations. Hiccup is Dax's ancestor but they become friends and help each other and find they have a lot in common despite the severe generational and cultural gap. It's supposed to demonstrate that when it boils down to it we're all the same and we can all be friends.

3. It's not just gonna be a smooth ride for Hiccup while the group on Berk gets the door unblocked. Dragons don't exist and even though Dax's parents are away now they'll be back soon and there'll be trouble when his scientist mom finds Toothless in the garage. It'll lead to being taken and studied and having to escape and get home.

4. The laptop. It's a laptop with a solar panel that takes in light to charge the battery, making it seem like the battery life is infinite. Dax is a teen and exaggerates things, but as long as it gets sun it'll be fine. It's also got a built into card that makes it a wifi hotspot. I did that ON PURPOSE. The story ends with Hiccup sitting on the roof of his house with the laptop he smuggled back through the doorway with him chatting with Dax. For goodness sake, I can't understand why you guys have so much issue with technology that we already have but not the magic door that sent Hiccup to the future.

5. It's not going to be easy for the Berk group either. Right now Stoic and Astrid are running on emotion and desperately trying to get to the door and move the rubble blocking it. The dragon aren't getting near that rubble because if you remember how Toothless reacted to the door in Chapter 1 they're unsettled by it and don't want to be anywhere near it.

6. I planned most of this out when I started writing DiNY. The middle part isn't entirely clear but I have a general idea and the final chapters are already written and have been even before the first chapter was written. While I appreciate input and some of it might make it into the middle portion of the story it's not going to alter the way it ends or the general path it takes.

7. Characters. I will gladly accept pointers on writing the HTTYD characters because I'm terrible at it. Please don't tell me how to write my own characters though. Dax isn't a self insert but he is an OC. The science class teacher is actually based on the real life science teacher I had in my freshman year of High School.