I started my classes today guys, si I won't be updating as quickly as I have. I wanted to post this as quickly as I could so ou guys would have something to read.


It took about two hours for Tarble to reach his pack's den. It was dead silent, Tarble let his instincts take control. He was prepared for anything, or so he thought.

Normally his pack would greet him. They would come running out of the den and welcome him home. But this wasn't the case, no one was around. He took a deep breath trying to catch a scent of any of his pack members.

He picked up a trail that led south towards a frozen stream. There were paw prints in the mud, maybe a day old. Tarble looked around, the forest was dense in this area. It was still a part of his pack's territory, but traveling alone made him feel uneasy. He let out a deep howl, calling out to anyone who was nearby.

He waited a few moments, listening carefully for any response.

A few birds scattered and flew through the night sky. An owl screeched as it caught its prey, the mouse let out a scream in return.

Tarble shifted his ears and turned his head, and then he heard a soft howl returning his call.

It was Chi-Chi calling out to him.

With courage, Tarble took off running at his top speed towards the direction he heard Chi-Chi's howl. He panted as his light paws silently treaded against the snow covered ground.

He slowed his pace as the smell of blood flooded the air. Tarble barked softly as he saw Chi-Chi along with Kakarot standing by a cave. They both walked up to him and greeted him by licking at his jaws, rubbing against him and whimpering softly.

Tarble returned their greeting happily, he then got serious noticing three members of their pack was missing. "Where is everyone?" He looked around and took another deep breath, still smelling blood.

"While Nappa, Kakarot and Raditz went hunting, Raditz got caught in a bear trap. His front left leg was severely damaged. Nappa and Kakarot tried their hardest to release him for a few hours. Nappas finally bit down on the release trigger and freed Raditz of the idiotic contraption. His leg isn't broken, but he can't put any pressure one it. Nappa decided to move the pack somewhere closer to the stream for easier hunting tactics since we were down three hunters." Chi-Chi replied.

"And what about Bandit? Where has he been?" Tarble asked.

"He left the pack ever since Nappa put him into place. I'd watch out for him Tarble, he did not seem too happy with Vegeta and you taking the human girl away." Kakarot barked in response.

"Bulma was no concern of his." Tarble growled out softly.

"Exactly. Wait, you know her name?! Wow! I'm surprised Vegeta didn't kill her. He's hated humans ever since your parents were murdered." Kakarot whined softly.

Tarble didn't respond back as he started to walk towards the cave, Chi-Chi and Kakarot followed him. Raditz was laying down on some dried out weeds. The fur on his leg was torn off and there was gashes that were cut straight to his bone. He greeted Tarble with a slight woof and tried to stand up, but Tarble raced over to him and forced him to lay down. "Rest Raditz, save your strength."

"Nappa left a half an hour ago to go hunting." Chi-Chi said as she slowly walked over to Raditz and started to lick his wound clean. Tarble turned his head and looked out towards the night sky.

He would have to wait for Nappa to return to speak with him.

The moonlight shined throughout the forest, a small breeze grazed the skies. Another owl called out its war cry while hunting. It was one of the very few peaceful moments that pack shared together.


"So the young wolf has returned to his pack? Interesting." A raspy voice called out.

"I watched him return to the den, and then quietly followed him as he slightly panicked and ran towards a nearby stream. I returned to you as soon as that bitch howled to him." Bandit snarled.

"And what of the human girl you told me about? Was she around?" The mangy wolf growled out.

"I did not see her, but I could smell her scent reeking off of Tarble. It's disgusting. They have her hidden somewhere and once again Vegeta has disappeared. I'm guessing he won't return until the new moon like he usually does." Bandit snapped his jaws in anger.

"Raditz is out of the picture, he can't fight or hunt ever since he was caught in that trap. There's only four of them now to be taken care of, along with this human girl. The one I want taken out right away is Nappa, he's the only one that would be a threat right now. Go and alert the pack." The wolf snarled with excitement.

"For what?" Bandit asked.

The mangy wolf snapped his jaws in Bandits direction in a threatening stance. "We strike the pack at dawn."

Bandit's ears turned slightly, and then ran away from the mangy wolf. He barked and howled calling the rest of the pack members to meet him. He was originally from Vegeta's pack, but once members started to be hunted down, he couldn't take it anymore. He left to find a new pack and he joined the Cold Wolf's pack. There was ten to fifteen members, Bandit wasn't sure. He had yet to meet everyone. But they were brutal and always full of rage.

They stayed hidden and kept their distance away from Vegeta's pack. Trying to stay out of sight, out of mind. They didn't want to come across as a threat, but just as another wolf pack.

They purposely hunted down humans and slaughtered them like lambs. Which was the reason why hunters kept coming to this area, they blamed Vegeta's pack for the killing. It was an ongoing never dying cycle, that the Cold pack refused to stop. Bandit had told their leader about the girl and the pack leader has already sent out spies throughout the forest to see if they could find the girl.

The pack leader wanted the girl for himself, he wanted to devour the girl in front of Tarble. Rip her limb from limb while she screamed. He was the type of wolf humans needed to fear, but Bandit had set Vegeta and his pack up many times, bringing them to the spots where the Cold pack had killed humans.

Bandit had tricked not only the humans into thinking that Vegeta was the one to blame, but he had tricked Vegeta's pack to trust him. Bandit licked his teeth, desiring the taste of blood. Trusting him, would be the packs downfall. He would make sure of it.

He howled out once more, calling the rest of the Cold pack to meet him. They all snarled and snapped their jaws at him. In this pack, there was no respect unless you were the leader.

"Prepare yourselves, Vegeta is missing, Raditz is injured. If we take down Nappa, we take down the whole pack. Once Tarble is injured, Vegeta will come out of hiding and no one will be able to protect the human girl! We strike their pack at dawn!" Bandit snarled out while his back fur bristled.

The other pack members responded back with their own mix of growls and snarls.

The leader of the pack watched in the distance, he licked his jaws. How he craved the human girls blood, and to watch the horror on Tarble's face once he devours her. He would enjoy killing her, and then once Vegeta showed his face he would enjoy killing and eating Tarble in front of Vegeta.

Him and his pack would then take down and kill the giant black wolf, Vegeta.


Back at the cabin:

Vegeta had put on a pair of sweat pants and a black tee-shirt. He heard Bulma quiet down into soft sobs. Trying his best to ignore it, he was starting to get a headache from her crying.

He sat up from his bed and growled as he stormed his way through his cabin and into the living room.

His anger vanished as he saw how pale her skin was and how fragile she looked. She noticed his presence and quickly wiped her tears away and tried her best to quiet down her sobs.

"Have you eaten anything?" Vegeta grumbled out. It was just his luck that he would be stuck here babysitting this girl.

Bulma softly shook her head and whispered out, "No, not in a whole twenty four hours."

"I killed the elk that's out there for food. For Tarble to eat, he had told me he gave you permission to eat it as well. There's no reason to be crying girl." Vegeta sighed with annoyance and leaned against one of the walls.

"But that's the whole problem!" Bulma started to cry once more, "There's no gas for me to cook the meat. It's too cold and the wood it damp outside for me to start a fire. Plus all this large wolf being able to talk, and then turning into a human doesn't make any fucking sense! I must be dead. I think that's it, I'm dead and I'm stuck in this dreamworld. Oh kami." Bulma's body started to shake with her sobs.

Vegeta watched her with a feeling of helplessness. "Holy fuck. Girl, Bloomers, whatever the hell your name is. You're not dead, you are alive cold and hungry. I'm real, I'm a wolf but in the form as a human right now because of the moon cycle. Tarble is real as well, but I sent him away. And it won't kill you to eat the meat raw. It's fresh." Vegeta rubbed his temples with his massive hands. He wasn't sure to handle this situation, he had not spoken to a human in years.

Bulma's sobs quieted down, "I'm not eating the meat raw! My name is Bulma Briefs heiress to the Capsule Corporation!"

"Never heard of it, don't care. And if you don't want to starve you will eat the meat. You're acting like a pup who has never eaten meat before. Quit your whining or else." Vegeta growled out.

"But I don't want to eat raw meat." Bulma whispered out. She wiped away her tears and calmed herself down.

Vegeta stood up and ignored her, walking towards the kitchen he grabbed a knife from a drawer. He made his way outside and towards the corpse. He dug the knife into the cold flesh and cut out a small piece from the body. He sighed as he walked barefoot through the snow and back inside the cabin.

Bulma watched him as he dropped the piece of cold meat on the coffee table in front of her.

"Eat it or starve, I'm not going to force you to eat it. But food has been provided and you have a choice to survive. I promised and gave Tarble my word to make sure no harm would come to you. But I can't protect you from yourself. Now eat girl." Vegeta snapped at her, he leaned against the wall once more and glared at the girl who was sitting on his couch.

She slowly moved her hand to grab the meat and picked it up. She brought it to her face and took a deep breath. Bulma closed her eyes and took a small bite. She immediately spat the piece of meat out and gagged. "Ugh it' so gross." Vegeta rolled his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers.

"Whatever, if you want to survive that's what you have to eat. I have nothing more to say to you." Vegeta pushed himself off the wall and started to make his way back into his bedroom.

"Wait!" Bulma called out to him. Vegeta stopped and turned around facing her once more. He didn't respond back, and waited for her to speak.

"You said that changing forms had to do with the moon cycles, are you some sort of werewolf perhaps?" Bulma asked as a thousand questions buzzed through her mind. Her inner scientist was kicking in.

Vegeta tilted his head and walked over to an arm chair and sat down. "Not quite. You humans have many mythological tales about humans turning into wolves. Or many crypto zoologists believe that it has nothing to do with the moon. No matter what the case is, my blood line is one from what those legends are based from. Only it starts with a giant wolf, possibly the size of a horse, depends whether it's a male or female. Since birth the wolf will turn into a human during the full moon and change back into a pup during the new moon. It helps us live longer and my father once told me that it helps us stay hidden from you humans. Like a camouflage. This cabin has been in my family for generations. My father has been able to turn along with his mother. Out of the first litter, only one pup survives and that pup is the legendary. Tarble is from my mother's second litter, and he was the only one to survive but he cannot change forms. "

"So you and your bloodline is what the legends are all about? Only backwards?" Bulma asked taking everything in.

"Exactly, have you ever heard of a dire wolf girl?" Vegeta asked, she nodded her head, "That's what we are called. No one has ever been able to catch us and keep us for study. Normally you find our dead bodies and keep the skellingtons and put them on display. Then you humans try to figure out how we lived what we ate and son on just from our bones. It's disturbing almost." Bulma bit her lip and attempted to take another bite of the meat. She chewed it slowly and swallowed it. She gasped and her body shivered in disgust.

"I figured if you could tell me all of these things, then I can atleast what you have killed for me." She smiled softly.

"Don't get any wild ideas girl, it was food for my brother. Not for you." Vegeta turned his head and ignored the girl's smile.

"You said your father was like you? What happened to him?" Bulma asked quietly.

"Both my mother and father were shot and killed by hunters. Many of our pack members have been killed. In many years this has never happened. Not in this part of the forest anyways. We never attacked humans or have gone after their farmland. We stick to elk and sometimes bear or buffalo. Nappa's mate has been killed. Kakarot's and Raditz's father and mother have been killed. Our pack was once full of numbers and we lived in peace. Now we hide like cowards in fear to be killed." Vegeta said with anger. He grinded his teeth thinking about the past.

"That's so sad." Bulma said softly. "We don't need your pity girl, we will survive." Vegeta glared at her.

"But maybe I can do something. Like I said earlier I'm the heiress to Capsule Corporation! Maybe, maybe if I speak out against the hunting people will listen to me." Bulma said with excitement.

"Or draw more people here and they sneak around slaughtering us." Vegeta shook his head, he didn't see the point in her idea.

"I can always buy this land. And whoever steps foot across here for hunting would be punished by law. My parents would be all for this too. They love animals, and since we are scientists and speak out not mentioning wolves at all, but stating that we need to study the wildlife and how humans affect this native land. People might buy into the idea, along with the government. We can turn this into a national park, but just have no visitors. And you and your pack could live in peace. I'm just saying my family and I can do something to help out." Bulma rubbed her eyes while still trying to think of other ideas.

"Who knows, if man wants to hunt us, they will hunt us." Vegeta responded back to her.

"I'll come up with something." Bulma said as she yawned. She leaned back against the couch and her eyes slowly closed.

"Stupid girl." Vegeta growled out as he stood up and grabbed an blanket and placing it over herself.

"You know, you're kind of cute. Even in your wolf form. You're like a giant teddy bear." Bulma mumbled out.

"Yeah right, you just want to see my ass again." Vegeta chuckled as he heard Bulma whisper out "Jerk."

He made his way to his bedroom and rested himself on his bed.

He thought about what Bulma had said and decided against her ideas, it was his pack and he would be the one to take care of it. He tried to fall asleep but his instincts wouldn't let him. He might have the body of a human, but his thought process along with everything else was still a wild animal.

He felt like something was wrong, and whenever he got this feeling something bad, really bad always happened.

He sighed, he felt helpless to his pack in this form.

There was nothing he could do.


Thanks for the reviews everyone! I hope this chapter answered a lot of questions for everyone!

Until Next Time!

-Lunar Sinner