A/N: So I'm back, just for a bit. Sorry everyone who has been waiting for me to finish Master And His Slave and waiting for me to update Without A Voice, trust me. I will get to them in time, but I felt like I had to start over a new page for now. Start something new and fresh to get me back in the game.

Alright with that all said and done, let's begin.

This has been unedited, unbeta'd. Sorry for any mistakes, I'll go back and get them if anyone points anything out.

I need a Beta though, badly.

And volunteers?! ;)


Taking a deep breath, inhaling the smell of the burning wood from my small fire. I loved the smell of pine, even when it was blazing. It's a shame we couldn't use it in our fireplaces at home. Closing my eyes I let out a soft sigh, my body was shivering and my nose would not stop running.

"Fuck me," I whispered out to the cold winds. This just had to happen, and I was unprepared. I scooted closer to the small fire, trying to stay warm. I opened my eyes, squinting as another blistering cold gust burned my pale face.

I shook my head, it was October. A few weeks before Halloween and I was stuck, lost in the middle of the northern woods. I sniffed and adjusted my backpack that I was sitting on, my butt was starting to go numb.

There was a loud, shattering crack that came echoing from the woods. And then an extremely loud thump. Trees were starting to break and snap under the pressure of the snow. They weren't ready for this snow storm, I doubt anyone would be.

Raising my head, using my hand to try and protect my eyes from the cold whipping winds, I looked at the trees above me. They seemed to be okay, I just had to stay quiet and listen for cracks. I thought it would be better to shelter myself under the trees, but it seems to be a death trap.

My body shivered once more, "fuck." That's all I could whisper out, not help me, not stay calm. No, no one would be able to hear me, in all reality I can not stay calm. I put myself in this position, but the weather channel had said nothing about a snow storm this early. It almost never happens.

A few days earlier I decided to take a break from society, stray away from the photographers and the news. Ever since Yamcha and I split, I've been all over the news. I just had to get away from it. I hated all the attention, even from my parents.

Bless their souls, I thought, they might never see their daughter again. I knew I was fucked. I just had to forget my emergency capsules in my car and not bothering to capsule my car and bring it with me. I left my car way down in the parking lot before you even step foot into the northern woods.

I just kept walking, treading on for a day or two. Passing over valleys and creeks, I started to climb up a mountain thinking I could cross that off my bucket list. Not a very tall mountain with sharp rocks, more like a very tall hill that was challenging to walk through the dense woods.

I dropped my compass somewhere and lost it for good, I found that out when I wanted to turn around and didn't know which way to go. Normally I can tell by the stars in the night sky, but the forest's tree tops were too dense to make anything out. And everything around me was pitch black, except the small area my fire lit up.

A soft crack echoed from above me, my frozen body froze. I held my breath and heard more cracking. "Fuck me!" I yelled out as I stood up quickly, my sore body rejected what my brain was telling it to do, I wanted to run but pins and needles shook through my legs.

I grabbed my backpack, "Shit! Come on! Fucking go!" I started to yell at myself, forgetting that I was trying to conserve my energy to just stay alive, the cracking continued above me. I forced myself to run. There was more cracking, louder. No matter what direction I ran, the cracking, snapping and loud thumps of tree branches breaking and trees actually snapping in two then crashing down to the Earth's snow covered land.

I left my fire behind, and in a panic I left more supplies behind at my small camp. "Fuck." I whispered out, my sneakers were soaked, my feet hurt from the cold. My toes burned, my face burned, my eyes burned as well.

My whole body burned and ached from the winds and from the cold. I had a winter's jacket but not one that was made for a snowstorm. My denim jeans were stiff, and my knit gloves couldn't keep my hands warm as the temperature dropped as the night continued on along with the storm.

My chest had a dull ache, that turned into a sharp pain every time I inhaled. The cracking just continued, and I didn't care where I ran as long as I made it out of these damn woods. There was now a dull, pale light coming from up above, from the moon and stars. Yes, I thought, almost there.

I lost my footing on a frozen slippery rock and fell on my back. My spine crashed against the jagged rock. Tearing my jacket instantly and digging into my soft skin. I let out a scream that slowly died down into a hiss. Tears fell from my face, I cursed my luck that when I fell my backpack flew up against my neck, leaving my back bare to the rock.

I knew I had a wound, and I couldn't move my legs or my body. I felt so tired, so cold.

"Someone, anyone. Please, please help me." I whispered out loud as I felt my body going numb from the pain, lack of food and water, and from the cold. I was going to die out here.

I cried more at the thought.

My eyes felt heavy and my vision started to blur, I couldn't even lift my hands and get into my backpack that was now a pillow for my head and neck, a very unpleasant pillow.

"Help! Please!" I screamed out, crying and sobbing. Knowing very well that I was alone out here.

I heard some cracking, and I froze. Opening my eyes, wincing as I forced my head to look up. I was out of the forest, out from underneath the deadly trees. They were behind me, and could still fall on top of me, crushing my body.

I cried harder, as the cracking got closer, I was breathing heavy and every breath I took a pain shot through my aching back spreading it throughout my whole body.

The cracking started to form into soft crunches.

That didn't sound like trees, I thought, fighting to fall into unconsciousness.

I gazed upward and saw a dark figure, it came closer. It was short and I gasped as I heard soft growls. It sounded like a canine, a soft smile formed on my face, well this is it I thought. This is how I'm going to die. My eyes grew heavy and I didn't fight my body anymore. The last thing I felt was a cold wet nose touch my forehead, and then my body shut down.


A/N: So, I was not to sure where I would take this...And I'm not to sure how long this will be, but I would like to know what you guys think about this so far. And yes to answer any questions, this will be a Bulma and Vegeta story. I'm going to keep the rating T right now, unless I have a good reason to have it as M.

Unless someone complains but oh well, until next time my loves!


Oh! And I need a beta, would anyone like to help me out with that? :)