Rated: T+?
Contains: Allen-torture, character-deaths, OCs, OOCness, pervy Tyki, overprotective uncle Neah, Arrancar Noah!Allen
Pairings: slight one-sided Tyki x Allen, hints of Road x Allen (romance is not the main thing)
Disclaimer: I do not own -man nor Bleach,
DGM © Hoshino Katsura
Bleach © Tite Kubo


Neah was gone now. He left after he killed the millennium earl, using Allen's body. He was ready to reincarnate together with the other Noah who had died in battle, fighting him or exorcists. During this final battle, many exorcists had died. In fact, in the end the only living exorcist was Allen. Komui had committed suicide once his dear little sister had died and Bak Chan had simply disappeared. However, this didn't count for the higher ups who had always hidden themselves from battle. Malcolm C. Leverier was still alive. Such a pity; the man deserved to die. The man had seen Allen lying unconscious on what had been a battle field. He knew the Noah had left the boy's body, but he had always hated the teen, and he still did.
He made a false report about this final battle, saying Allen had betrayed their side in the end. Allen was tried for heresy by the still existing order. The order hadn't ceased its existence because they still held their duty of finding innocence. Leverier had spent the next months torturing Allen. He found it so much fun to see the teen in pain. He knew the boy didn't deserve this, but his mind was so corrupted and sick that he never even thought about quitting doing it.
He had broken half of Allen's bones already and made him bleed very much, just not enough to let it kill him. That's right, Allen was his toy now. It'd be no fun if he died halfway trough.
Allen was barely kept alive. His white locks were no longer white. Instead, they now were a pinkish-red color. Everything was soaked in blood, Allen's blood. The boy was panting, but it hurt like hell… Leverier used his new invention, akuma blade. It was made when there were still akuma lurking in the world. It was a dagger from which the steel was mixed with akuma blood. Each time Leverier had cut Allen with this blade, the wounds would smoke and Allen would scream in pain. But his scar kept him alive, and for the first time, he wasn't grateful about this.
All this carried on until the pope finally decided the black order was truly useless. The Order was shut down. But the young Allen was 'forgotten' in the dirty cell.
He died of starvation.

But Allen was never able to leave the world; his urge to fulfill the promise he made to Mana, to keep on walking kept him there. When he died, he first had a chain coming out of his chest, where his heart used to be. The pain of the torture that still haunted him, the sadness from his friends that had died on the battlefield what no one cared about, the sorrow for his lost foster father and the despair in Allen's heart caused the chain to erode fast. The chain became a hole in his heart and he turned into a monster… a white humanoid with a skeletal mask.

'What did I do to deserve this?'

He grew hungry but several attempts made clear he couldn't reach human food at all. The hunger was driving him mad. Oh how he missed Jerry's food…

The hunger wasn't driving him mad anymore, no, it was driving him INSANE! That's when he saw another soul. It smelled delicious… it tasted delicious…
He scolded himself for eating souls. He used to live to set them free. Then again, he wasn't alive anymore, was he? He ate multiple souls; he simply couldn't stop.
He ate…
and ate…
and ate…
He was a Hollow, a fallen soul who lost his heart. He must eat souls to fill the void of his existence. The more souls he ate, the more power he had, he received abilities, he could separate souls from bodies to eat the souls… and when he touched humans, he burned them as if he poured some kind of acid into them. He learned he could fire a blast of energy; Cero. Cero could have multiple colors, but his was white.
After eating so many Hollows and souls, he found a way to go to another world. This world was called Hueco Mundo, a world for monsters like himself. Once there, he continued to eat. He ate the weaker Hollows, Hollows that wouldn't be strong enough to eat Allen himself. But soon, he ran out of weaker Hollows to eat, so he had to fight to get his food. It wasn't that hard since he had been a soldier when he was alive. He knew many tricks to defeat his 'enemy' like the technique crocodiles use to grab their pray (he learned this when his master threw him in a river full of those annoying beasts after telling him to observe their fighting skills.)

Allen sighed; he wouldn't deny he missed his master and his friends. He hoped to see them again, but then again, if he were to see them here, they would be Hollows. That would mean they suffered. He didn't want that.

A hundred years passed by and he had evolved into a Gillian. He now had to fight for dominance over his own body… again. But now it wasn't against one person; it was against the souls he had eaten. And that was A LOT. But this body was his, his and his only! He killed the other souls and, to his surprise, they turned into reishi that added to his power, making him stronger. Soon, he gained control over the huge body, and he ate fellow Gillian to only have to fight more souls. He had to fight 20 million souls every time he ate a damn Gillian.
When he ate about fifty (maybe more, but who knows?), he became Adjuchas. He was a humanoid in size and resembled the innocence he once had, his beloved crown clown. Once again, he didn't stop eating. He ate weaker Adjuchas. He worked hard to be able to fight the ones stronger than him.

Time passed and he grew tired of the boring forest so he decided to go look for another place. He once heard the forest wasn't the only part of Hueco Mundo; he heard there was a dessert too. Maybe there was something interesting there? He had enough strength to be prepared for was could be waiting there and besides he wasn't hungry anymore so he had no reason to attack fellow Hollow.
He climbed up one of the trees to make his way to the dessert. He had been wandering there for a kind of a long time and was lost in thoughts when he stumbled on a new being. Well… he actually didn't see her so he bumped onto her pretty hard causing her to lose her balance.
"I'm sorry, I… a human, in Hueco Mundo? It's dangerous here miss, you know?" The female had pretty long green hair and she wore white clothes. The woman looked at him for a few moments and noticed he was holding out his hand to help her up. She accepted and gave him a smile, "thank you, and I'm not a human actually. I'm an Arrancar" Allen stared at her, confused. The young woman didn't seem to notice though; "I'm here to find strong Hollows like yourself; Aizen-sama ordered me to", She continued. "err… what is an Arrancar? I am Allen Walker by the way", Allen said with his infamous smile, this woman seemed nice. "Neliel Tu Oderschvank, nice to meet you", she replied, "and an Arrancar is a Hollow who ripped their mask off and gained Shinigami-powers, we chain the nuclei of our power into a Zanpakutou."
"…so you are a Shinigami?" Allen asked, still confused.
Neliel giggled, "not quite, I am still a Hollow. I just obtained Shinigami-powers. There are rather much Arrancar. The ten strongest are put in order by numbers, tattooed on our bodies. The strongest being '1'. We are called Espada. Now would you please come with me? Then Aizen-sama can turn you into one in exchange for your service"
'So she's an Espada,' Allen noted in his mind.
"No thank you. I had pretty bad experiences with organizations… And, watch your back. You seem very loyal to this Aizen person to me, but if you were to become useless or maybe... too strong, they might betray you and stick a knife in your back, if you know what I mean", Allen pointed out as he left, leaving Neliel stunned and thinking about his wise words.
Allen was doing the same. He had a chance to become human-like again, though not really. But it was better than how he was now; a monster.
His curiosity brought him to the human world where he could probably go unnoticed, and more importantly: he didn't want this Aizen person to know he would become an Arrancar; from what he heard, the man would probably try to recruit him.
The Garganta gate brought him in the backyard of a most likely abandoned little house in Kurakara-town, Japan.

Allen mentally sighed, "Here we go!" he told himself as he started pulling his mask. It was painful; the damned thing seemed to be glued to his face or something! But wouldn't stop; he was going through it, no matter how painful it'll get.


"Tencho! A very powerful Hollow, beyond my powers has landed in our backyard!" a man called Tsukabishi Tessai cried as he hurried over to a man with dirty-blond hair wearing a stripped bucket hat dressed in traditional Japanese clothing, Urahara Kisuke.
"Really now? I thought you could take care of it but if what you said is true, it must be really strong", Kisuke mused as he took his cane to go take a look at this said powerful Hollow.

When they opened the door, they saw a white clown-like Hollow acting… strange.
"… What is it doing?"
"I think it's trying to pull off his mask, Tencho…" Tessai said as he looked at the Hollow with a funny look on his face.

Allen was pulling his mask harder and harder, wanting the pain to stop as fast as possible. He was screaming pretty terrifying and the light that had started to come from his mask blinded him so he didn't notice the two men staring at him in disbelieve. Eventually, the mask started to crack causing much power to radiate from it.

"Good thing we set up that barrier", Kisuke mused, "all we can do is to watch."

The Hollow let out a final scream as it finally pulled off his mask. Right now, it was undergoing a transformation. It became a young teenage boy with pure white hair, perfect pale skin, deep silver pools for eyes, a deformed left arm and a huge hole where his stomach should be. And also: he was naked.
The teen noticed this too and let out a little scream while he put his hands to cover his genitals.
"eep! That Neliel never said anything about this! I'm butt naked! How am I gonna get clothes if I can't touch humans?"

"I believe I can help you with that", said Urahara Kisuke as he approached the boy with a smile on his face.
"Y-you can see me?" Allen stared at the man in disbelieve. The man opened his fan and began fanning himself,
"of course I can", Allen blinked, "…so in exchange for clothes, would you like to answer me some questions?"
"Sure…" Allen said as Kisuke took of his own haori to cover the teen and brought him inside. The small house wasn't abandoned, in fact, it was a small shop.
"I am Urahara Kisuke, by the way" Urahara introduced himself, "and this is Tsukabishi Tessai" he continued, pointing at the (big) man next to him with his now refolded fan.
"I'm Allen Walker, nice to meet you", Allen gave a smile and made a small bow.

(A/N: Let's make this prologue go a little faster, ne)

Allen lived with Urahara for a few years and had answered most of the questions Urahara asked him. Urahara looked concerned when he had told about Aizen but he wouldn't say why. Eventhough, after a few years, Urahara had finally told Allen what was up with it. Appearently this Aizen was the reason why Urahara was on earth instead of soul-society; he and Tessai were excused of something Aizen had done, namely: Hollow-fixation. Allen had met the Vaizard via Kisuke, they got along pretty well.
Allen had trained with with Urahara and Yoruichi. At first Allen was able to defeat both so the two of them decided to train with Allen in order to become stronger. After a lot of training, they were finally on par with the unlikely strong shounen (A/N: shounen means boy).

However, Allen wanted to live a normal human live, something which Urahara gladly helped him with, so he created a Gigai which an Arrancar like Allen could wear and made sure Allen had a place to live. Allen was very grateful to Urahara for this. Allen said he could call him anytime when he needed him for something.

Allen went to school, but since he didn't age and always looked like a 15 year old boy, he had to change for school very often. But of course, school gets very boring after a while so he had to find something different. He stranded in the Karakura Hospital. He had worked there for maybe twenty years when Ryuken Ishida joined and later became director. Everyone saw Allen as an old man; Allen wore a mask and made his voice sound raspy and old so that no one would question why he worked there, after all, teens are not supposed to work. Of course Ryuken knew he was an Arrancar, but he did not mind that fact. They actually became friends. It was thanks to Ryuken Allen met Isshin Kurosaki. The two were nice men and even got children after a while, the two little boys had the same age. Allen couldn't help but to feel a little jealous sometimes; his parents had abandoned him and his foster father had died way to early… but he really was happy for those kids to have such wonderful parents. However, Isshin was quite good at feeling people's emotions, even Allen's, who could hide them so well behind his everlasting smile. He had noticed Allen had missed a father when he was a child so he took the role up him to become Allen's father figure. But… he could act weird sometimes. Especially when he got two daughters; he never stopped talking about them.

But Allen of all people should know things don't last forever.

~11 years later~

"Allen, could you come over here please?" sounded Ryuken's voice from the other side of his cell phone.

"But Ishida-san, I have a patient…" Allen tried to explain but he was interrupted by Isshin's unnaturally cheery voice; he was most likely with Ryuken at the moment and had taken the man's phone out of his hand.

"Allen-chan~", he sang, "Come over here would you? We took care of that already~"

*sigh* "alright I'm coming, I'm coming." Allen said before he hit the red-phone button on his cell phone to end the conversation and went to Ryuken's office.

When he reached the door he thought it was better to stay polite and knocked. No response. 'what are they up to?' Allen opened the door saying "I'm coming in."
He didn't expect to be glomped right away and lost his balance, falling against the wall, squashed by Isshin.

"Kurosaki-san! Get off!" he was yelling while struggling to get free from the weird old man's hugs, causing his mask to fall off.

"I said 'get off!'" he yelled once more before rudely kicking Isshin in the stomach.

"Allen-kun, don't yell in a hospital", Ryuken said as he helped Allen to get up "there are people sleeping here."

"I know Ishida-san, what did you want me here for?"

"Isshin and I wanted to ask you a favour," Ryuken said as he pushed his glasses a little up.

"Of course, what do you want me to do?" Allen asked with his infamous smile on his face.

"Could you watch over our sons? They are a bit too reckless and could do something seriously stupid anytime…"Isshin asked, being serious for the first… no second time.

Allen nodded, "sure, we're friends, right?"

Ryuken smiled, "thank you, I'll call his school and submit you as a transfer student from England, is that okay with you?"

"Sure why not?"