Hey, people! Listen, I know I pretty much always start with the story right away but this is my first M rated fic ever and I'm not sure how to type everything so please don't be mean to me and if you see something what could use some improvement, please say so as I could probably use some tips and if I do everything right, then please leave a nice comment.

Oh, en als je familie of een vried of vriendin van me bent en vindt dat ik hierdoor een viespeuk ben, IK BEN 17 EN IK HOOR NU NIET MEER ZO ONSCHULDIG ALS EEN PEUTER TE ZIJN!

The line above is Dutch and here is a translation: Oh, and if you are family or a friend of mine and think this makes me a perv, I'M 17 AND i'M NOT SUPPOSED TO BE AS INNOCENT AS A TODLER ANYMORE!

I hope some of you can enjoy this in some way.

Disclaimer: I don't own TFP.

To Protect A Family

"Optimus, take a look at this." Ratchet said to his leader and old friend as he looked at the main computer.

The sound of heavy footsteps let him know that Optimus was walking his way.

"What is it, Ratchet?" Optimus asked as he looked down at the medic.

"I was looking over the energon-readings when I came across this." Ratchet said showing a diagram with a bunch of coördinates and readings of the energon there.

"It seems normall at first but then I saw this." the medic continued as he zoomed in on the reading for the coördinates (23,54).

"Hmmm… It seems that you have located a place wich has enough energon for us for a while, old friend." Optimus said sounding pleased as the readings were very high.

"Yes, but I asked you to look at this because of this." Ratchet said turning towards his leader while pressing a button behind his back.

He was expection his leader to come with a frown on his face that said he was deep in thought or for him to ask for a explanation but instead he covered his optics with his big hand and fell backwards screaming "MY OPTICS!"

Being caught completely off guard by his leader's action Ratchet turned around again to look at the screen and let out a startled scream as instead of showing what he wanted to show, he had made a picture of two very ugly pink rusted up and dented up feet appear on the screen.

"Away with those!" Ratchet yelled as he quickly made the right picture appear.

He sighed in relief when the feet were away.

"Optimus, are you alright?" he asked his friend who was still lying on the ground while covering his optics.

"Ugh…" the Prime groaned as he sat up and rubbed his optics professionally.

Then the sound of a honk was heard followed by Arcee, Bulkhead and Bumblebee driving inside the base with the kids in or on them.

"Hey, there! What are we doing?" Miko asked as she jumped out of Bulkhead.

"Well, I don't have the slightest idea about you but I'm trying to figure out how I made such a mistake like I just did and Optimus is trying to recover from the traumaticizing image I just showed him." Ratchet answered as he helped his leader up.

"But what can scare Optimus?" Raf asked innocently.

"A sight that will even give Megatron nightmares." Ratchet said as he shuddered.

"And wich is something none of you will hopefully ever see." Optimus added as he finally stopped rubbing his optics and got back on his feet.

"Seriously, Ratchet, why do you have a picture of my aunt's feet?" the leader then asked turning his attention to the red and white mech.

Upon hearing that the others couldn't help but laugh.

"Wait, dude, you have a aunt? Miko then asked as she realised what she had completely heard.

At that the other also stopped laughing at looked up at Optimus being just as curious as the japanese girl.

"Yes, in fact, I have always had twenty-seven aunts. I used to have a really big family. Me and my second cousin were also the only ones in the family who didn't have siblings." Optimus told a small part of his live.

"Second cousin? Why not just say cousin? I mean, what does it matter that he or she was born second?" Miko then asked and everyone else except Bulkhead and Bumblebee (who also didn't get it) rolled their eyes/optics at that.

"No, Miko, I call her my second cousin because our fathers were cousins." Optimus explained patiently.

"My mom has a cousin who has a son! Does that mean that that guys is my second cousin?" she then asked excited.

"Yes, it does, Miko." Optimus chuckled.

"But you just saw a picture of your aunt's feet? Isn't it mean to act like this over the feet of one of your family member? Wow, never thought I'd ask something like that." Jack mumbled.

"Normally Optimus is indeed to polite for that but you have never seen those feet." Ratchet said as he shuddered again.

"I bet those feet won't scare me!" Bulkhead bragged.

"We'll see!" Ratchet said and he went to press another button to show the picture again.

"NO!" Optimus yelled as he quickly grabbed the medic's arm, having already figured out what he was stopping.

"Optimus, Bulkhead is pretty much asking for it so why stop me from showing him?" Ratchet asked getting annoyed.

"because I care about him and eveyone else in this room!" Optimus countered and everyone xcept Ratchet smiled at that.

"We care about you too, Optimus!" Bumblebee chirped.

"Awwwww! Group hug!" Bulkhead laughed and the humans were lucky that they were so small as that allowed the mto escape while Bulkhead pulled all four of the other autobots in the room in a killer-bear-hug.

"Ack! Bulkhead! To tight! To tight! To tight!" Optimus rasped.

"Come on, guys! Group hugs can never bet o tight!" Bulkhead argued and he hugged them even tighter.

"No, you big lughead! You're choking us!" Arcee yelled and upon realising she was right Bulkhead quickly let go of everyone who all gasped for air.

"Whoops… Sorry, guys." the former wrecker apoligised.

"Never mind, Bulkhead. Ratchet, why don't you show me what you wanted to show me before the others came?" Optimus changed the topic.

"Right, look at this." Ratchet said as he this time showed the right picture.

It were also energon-readings.

"Look at this one. The one I showed you earlier showed highg energon-reading but here it says that there isn't any of i tand the strange thing is that this one is from a month earlier." the medic explained and he then really had everyone's attention.

"Wait, so you're saying that there suddenly appeared energon on that place out of nowhere?" Arcee asked lifting a optic-ridge.

"Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying." Ratchet replied looking at her.

"Hmmm… Perhaps it hasn't appeared out of nowhere but has it somehow been transported there." Optimus mused.

"Maybe the enegon storage of the cons is full so they left it at a place from wicht hey knew wasn't much energon so we wouldn't look there." Miko guessed earning her stares.

"That's a nice second choice but we'll keep guessing." Arcee said before she put on her thinking-face.

"Maybe the ground-bridge from the decepticons didn't work right when they tried to move it to their base." Raf guessed then and unlike with Miko everyone now seemed to seriously think it over.

"It is possible that the ground-bridge that the decepticons used may have had a malfunction." Ratchet agreed.

"Well, that's settled then. I'll go and see if we can get the energon here." Arcee said as she walked up to their own ground-bridge.

"Be carefull, Arcee." Optimus called after her.

"I'm always carefull but thanks for the concern, Optimus." the femme said looking over her shoulder and flashing a eye/opticcatching smile and Optimus smiled back.

"I'm just looking out for my lo- friend. For my friend." Optimus couldn't believe he almost told her his feelings for her with everyone present.

He wasn't embarressed about his feelings for her but it was more that he didn't want the others to see him get rejected by her if she did.

He had no reason to be embarressed about being in love with Arcee.

He had a wonderfull personality with kindness, humor, passion and everything.

She was also the most beautifull femme he had ever seen and he knew he wasn't the only one who thought so as he once saw a bunch of Vehicons pretty much drooling over her.

He had personally crushed them for staring at his Arcee.

Wait. His Arcee? It was true that he was in love with her but he hadn't claimed her yet.

That was one of the things he always dreamed about of doing, weither he was recharging or wide awake.

Oh how he longed to hold her against him, kiss her and make pleasure go through both their bodies.

He even wondered if her winglets were a hot spot.

'Ack! Stop that! Now is not the time for dirty fantasies!' he scolded himself in his head as he shook it a little to clear his thoughts.

"Are you alright?" Bumblebee asked him.

"I'm fine, Bumblebee. I am merely pondering." Optimus answerred smiling down at the young scout.

"Well, I'll be going now so I'll see you guys later." Arcee said and she jumped into the ground-bridge.

"Ratchet?" Optimus asked turning to his friend.

"She made it through just fine." the medic said as he already knew what his leader wanted to hear.

It was common stuff whenever someone used the ground-bridge.

"Good, I hope this will also not take to long." Jack said.

Bumblebee made a few beeps and clicks but since Jack couldn't understand him he simply let out a small "Huh?"

"He asked why?" Raf translated.

"Well, I was hoping we could go for a nice long drive as it's such a nice day." Jack explained looking up at Bumblebee.

"This shouldn't take to long." Ratchet reasured the boy who smiled at that.

Optimus himself also couldn't help but smile a little as he liked it much more when she was close to him.

End Chapter 1

How did I do? I know some of you probably thought this was boring but remember that this is my first M fic and I also don't wanna take everything to rushed with SMUT already in the first chapter. Well, please read my next chapter too!