Kindred Sparks

By Asher Tye

Disclaimer: I own nothing here. If I did, I'd be rich. As I'm not, well, you get the picture. All rights go to Hasbro.

Author's Note: Okay, sorry if I'm disappointing anyone here, but this is not gonna be a real chapter. Don't worry, I'm still working on the real chapter 9, and Kindred Sparks is going to get completed. But, thanks to a rather insightful Private Message review, as well as re-reading the past few chapters, I've decided that while the story is well written and in character, it's missed its mark on something I really wanted it to hit, particularly with the intention to being a sequel to Rival Survival. To that end, I've decided to rewrite those parts of the last few chapters that were flawed and re-post them. Of course, since the changes made may fundamentally change the ninth chapter, it makes little sense to even try to upload this chapter until I'm sure of what revisions it's going to need. All this boils down to it may be a bit more of a wait before you get to read the next installment.

I will be deleting this little note in a few days, but I simply did not want anyone to think this story is being abandoned. So, until then, Ciao for now!

Edit: Sorry, I'm going to have to ask for a little more patience from all of you. It appears my laptop has experienced a meltdown and won't boot up, and that means it may have taken my revised version of Kindred Sparks with it (I'm going to the Geek Squad today to see if I can't fix it or get the files recovered). And I was having such a great weekend too. Fortunately, the real Chapter 9 is still in hard copy form so all the work I've put into that has yet to be lost and I believe getting a new laptop should be a snap once I find one I like. Again, sorry, but I thank you for your patience on this matter.