The Firework Festival
Later that night, everyone in Bodhum had gathered around the beaches of the city. The city was still in bad condition, but the Fal'cie were working to rebuild the damage from the war, the Fal'cie's technology was incredible and it was estimated that within a few months, all damage on Cocoon would be repaired, Bodhum was already schedules for completion in a week.
Alexander Issac walked up a small staircase on the hill, as he reached the top he spotted a massive dome located in the ocean. The dome was clear and there were at least a thousand people standing out on the beach with their loved ones. A light smile crossed his lips, peace had once again returned to Cocoon, Bodhum's residents all gathering for the Fireworks festival to celebrate their victory in the Cocoon Civil War.
Guardian Corps soldiers were surrounding the perimeter of the festival grounds patrolling as they both waited for fireworks to start and anybody who needed assistance.
As Alex walked down to the beach, he heard a few people whispering. "Hey, it's that new Knight Captain."
"Yeah, I heard he's the one who killed General Vark..."
"You serious!? This guy must really be something."
Alex had reached the crowd, his boots hitting the sandy shores of the beach, leaving imprints in the sand wherever he stepped.
As Alex walked, he glanced around, spotting various people. He noticed Blitz Squad who was talking amongst themselves. Their laughter heard among the voices of the crowd.
The fireworks festival began as a marvelous blast of red was spotted in the distance. Various "Oohs and wows" were caught in the Knight Captain's ears as he continued to walk. Another magnificent display was caught in the corner of his eye and the awe of the citizens was heard once more.
Alex then spotted a tuft of pink hair in the crowd, he started to walk over as a slight smile crossed his lips.
As he grew closer, he immediately recognized the woman with the pink hair. She was looking up at the fireworks as she stood in her Guardian Corps uniform.
Alex approached and gave a smile. "Hey, enjoying the fireworks Light?"
The pinkette jumped, a bit startled by the male. "Y..yeah..." Her crystalline blue hues followed him as he walked over.
"They certainly do look incredible, don't they?" He looked from her eyes to the incredible display of fireworks going off within the massive, clear dome.
Fireworks whistled as 10 multi-colored fireworks launched off into the sky, exploding at the top of the dome after spiraling around each other. Once the explosion came, the sky was lit up in various patterns of blue, red, and purple.
Their hues were lit up by the light of the fireworks as they looked at each other.
"...C..claire..." She whispered quietly.
"Huh?" Alex raised a brow at her.
"My name, it's Claire Farron. You didn't forget our promise... did you?"
"No of course not..." He smiled as he repeated her real name in his head, it was as beautiful as her, fitting for the pinkette.
"Good then, how about you tell me your part?" She folded her arms and glanced at him.
"Alright... well you know about how I like to get to know my squad and befriend my allies? There's more to that." He sighed and closed his eyes to collect his thoughts.
"And?" She raised a brow, not sure what he was getting at.
He opened his eyes right then and gaze into her eyes. "I have feelings for you..."
A light blush appeared on her face as her eyes widened, she was shocked to hear this and her heart began to beat wildly. "Y..you like me?"
He nodded and smiled at her. "A lot."
She stayed silent for a while and turned away, her face still completely red. "I.. I do too."
Alex placed a hand on her cheek and turned her eyes back to his, she noticed his smile and felt herself staring into his eyes almost as if it was a dream. Right then, a sky blue firework went off, the sound of the crowd and everything around them seemed distant, their eyes reflected the magnificent blue light, their crystalline blue hues locked as their eyelids closed and their lips moved closer.
As their soft lips met, the fireworks went wild, the most brilliant display of fireworks going off in the distance as Alex wrapped his arm around her back, Lightning's arms subconsciously wrapping around the back of his neck as they pulled each other closer to the other, their kiss lingering for only a few seconds longer as Lightning's pillow soft breasts pressed up against his chest.
She then pulled away and gazed into his eyes as he did the same. The fireworks calmed for a second as the light in their eyes faded away.
Lightning smiled at him and let go of him. "That was... amazing..."
He nodded, "Mmhmm..." He then looked out to the fireworks, occasionally looking over at her.
Alex no longer had that empty feeling in his heart, he felt happy and like nothing in the world could change that. It was now obvious to him that the empty feeling he had, was actually his wish to not lose Lightning.
To both Alexander Issac and Claire Farron, the Cocoon Civil War had finally been brought to a close, and a new future was waiting for them.
Author's Note
I hope you all enjoyed the fan fiction, The Untold Story series is currently planned to be five books long and this chapter concludes the first book. If you'd like to easily know when I upload the next book's first chapter, please follow me, it'll save you a headache. Also tell me what you thought about this first book, reading comments on how you have enjoyed the series really makes my day and inspires me to get the other chapters done. As mentioned, this book is COMPLETELY done, however I may add a few additional chapters to clear up a few loose ends, but it isn't guaranteed... for example in Chapter 14 when Radiant Issac goes with the woman to help save her family or how Amodar ended up surviving the fall in Eden. Anyways thank you for reading my series, I hope you all will return for Book II!