All characters belong to T. and Andrew Loid Webber. Except Rosealeana she is mine and if you want too barrow her just ask.

It was a dark but cool night in October. In a junkyard in London an orange tabby she-cat with black tiger stripes, black paws, and some small spots and splashes of gold or red waited distraughtly. Soon two more she-cats joined her, the smaller one was black with many streaks of gold, the taller one was red with a very small amount of black spots, all three cats had white on their chests, recommending that they were sisters.

The Red queen was the first to speak," Rosealeana" she said belaborly." What should we do about Macavity?" then the orange and black striped queen named Rosealeana said "we have to get our kits back. But how? Demeter what do you think?" Demeter (the gold and black queen) looked at her sisters and said incendiarily. "We must go over to Macavity's hideout." After pausing she continued "Bombalurina (the red queen) and I will sneak in while you Rosealeana distract Macavity and his henchcats." Rosealeana and Bombalurina looked at each other, then after a moment Bombalurina said "That plan just might work!" "I agree, but I think that I should use my magical powers for this." Suggested Rosealeana. Bombalurina and Demeter agreed that Rosealeana should use her powers, and set out for Macavity's hideout