The Lost Tribe?
Raven recognized the term, but it was still cloudy in her mind. She wondered if she had read about it in one of her adventure books, or if it had come up in the Book of Spells. Netherless; Raven didn't like the new girl very much. Arielle seemed to keep her distance from the rest of the Titans- the look in her eyes was the same look that Tara had in hers.
Raven didn't like it. There was something fishy about that girl, and she would be the one to get to the bottom of it. Just like she had with Terra.
She hated having those weird feelings about people she met. It was as though she could hear their thoughts before they could act on them; and it gave Raven the chills. She would much rather be meditating in her room alone or reading a book about some adventurous hero.
Raven watched quietly as Robin drilled Arielle with questions.
"What do you know about Slade?"
The girl stared up at Robin, a look of sheer disgust on her face. "I've already told you, and it's not much. He made a deal with a demon named Tartus, and now he's planning to dominate Earth and slave everyone. And I need Alkaline Metals to stop him."
"But why Alkaline?" Robin pressed. "And why you? Do you have something against him?"
Arielle slammed her fist down on the table angrily. "Who doesn't have anything against him? He killed my tribe."
Robin barely flinched, instead he just raised his eyebrow. "The Lost Tribe, right?"
She nodded. "Aye."
"I've never heard of them."
Arielle got up with a huff and stabbed the table with her sword. "Listen, you spiky-haired freak! I don't care if you've never heard of my tribe, that's probably a freaking blessing in disguise! But if we don't act soon, the world will be covered by Slade's evil, and millions of people are going to die. Is that what you want?"
Robin held his hands up in surrender. "Hey, calm down."
"Don't tell me to calm down!" Arielle slammed her fist into the wall.
The rest of the Titans watched quietly as they watched the scene unfold. Arielle didn't seem to be in the greatest of moods at the moment, and Robin pushing her didn't seem to do the trick. Everytime Arielle punched her fist into the wall or table, Starfire would flinch. Raven shook her head at the alien. "Star, there's no reason for you to do that."
"I cannot help it." Starfire murmured quietly, her huge green eyes staring at them. "I do not like it when friends fight."
"She's not our friend, Star. We just met her." Cyborg said gently.
Arielle sat back down in the chair and scowled as Robin said something else to her. Starfire shook her head. "What if she wants to be our friend, Cyborg?"
"Then she'll be one of us. Simple as that." Cyborg said smoothly.
Raven glared at him, her eyes flaring black. "Look guys, I don't trust her."
"Big surprise." Beast Boy retorted.
Oh, go fall down a hole with your damn tofu. "She doesn't seem like one of us. There's something else there." Raven continued to stare at the brunette girl. She surely looked as though she came from a tribe, with her long hair and skimpy fur outfit. She even had a brown belt that slung over her skinny waist, and that horrible gleaming sword that looked sharp. And those eyes, black as night.
Even Raven didn't have black eyes.
"She just might be weird." Beast Boy said, trying to defend her. "Like you, Raven."
Raven turned to Beast Boy, her purple hair on fire as she struggled to contain her emotions. "Don't call me weird again, or you'll seriously regret it."
"I do wish you will not fight." Starfire mumbled, looking down at the ground. "It is very heartbreaking. Friends are not supposed to fight."
Raven was about to say something when she saw Robin and Arielle get up from the table. The both of them looked rather tense, but they shook hands with one another as though they finally came to an agreement on something. Arielle took a seat again while Robin stepped out of the room for a moment.
"What the hell happened in there?" Cyborg said the minute the door was closed. "I thought she was going to kill you."
Robin shook his head. "She's just shaken up. She's got a reason for that though."
"And that is?" Raven asked dryly.
"I can't really say." Robin said, almost apologetically. "She's asked me to keep that confidential until she trusts you guys more. It's nothing personal, it's just really bad."
Cyborg shook his head. "What do you know?"
"There's going to be an Apocalypse if we don't stop Slade. He's not only aiming for Earth, but all the other planets out there." Robin saw Starfire's horrified look and he nodded. "We need to crush Slade before this can happen, understood?"
The rest of the Titans nodded and headed out, ready to do their research on Slade.
Raven stayed behind and glanced at Arielle again, who had buried her head in her hands. It was amusing to see the girl like that, and Raven didn't feel an ounce of pity for her.
Happy Holidays. I hope your days are filled with love, happiness, and cookies. For whoever's following, I hope you enjoy!
Please review. :)