Welcome to William McKinley High School, in the center of Lima, Ohio. My name's Nellie Vanderbilt, sophomore, member of the glee club, and the eyes and ears of this school. I see and hear everything that happens to everyone, that's one of the only perks of being a wallflower, of being invisible in high school. It's my job to introduce you to the twenty-six most relevant people in this story. Walk with me.

Samuel Lincoln, a sophomore, is the captain of the glee club, New Directions. Despite his hippie-like appearance, he's very strong in his faith. He's a genuinely good guy and a good friend of mine. Principal Figgins calls him Teen Jesus, and the name suits him, though he'll never admit it. He never wears shoes and is constantly avoiding Figgins, hence why he gets away with it.

Ali Stokes, on the other hand, is someone to be avoided at all costs. Thankfully, she's a senior, but she has quite the following of girls vying to take her place as the High Bitch in Charge, or HBC. She's one of the reason that I like being invisible. But she's not just a bitch, it's more of a façade. She puts up the act because she's insecure about being in a wheelchair. But don't tell her I said that.

There's Damian O'Connor, Cameron Thurman, and Hannah McDonald. Their freshmen and best friends. Well, Damian and Cameron are best friends, practically brothers. Hannah's obvious crush on Damian kind of puts a strain on their friendship once in a while. Damian's family moved here from Ireland when he was six. Why they moved to Lima, I have no idea. He lives next door to Cameron , and so their friendship was born. I don't think they have ever been separated. Hannah came into their lives when she moved to Lima in third grade, and that's when her crush on Damian started. Cameron is also very close to Samuel due to their shared strong faith. They're members of the New Directions.

Emily Rodriguez, Lindsay Grass, and Aylin Mendula are the three most feared girls in McKinley. Unlike Ali, who just uses her vicious words to knock you down, these three will attempt to ruin your life if you piss them off. Emily's a junior this year, and had taken Lindsay and Aylin under her wing their freshman year. The three are Cheerios, cheerleader, the queens of the school. Lindsey's family is one of the most influential families in Lima. She lives in a gated community and reminds everyone "below" her that she is better than them because of this. Aylin comes from a devote Muslim family, though you can't tell by looking at her. Her parents don't know that she's a cheerio. In fact, she changes into her uniform when she gets to school. The three girls enjoy being able to jerk their designated boy toys around.

Alex Orwell. He's not the only openly gay kid in the school, but he's the only one who flaunts his sexuality, often dressing in drag. He's a freshman this year and made it onto the football team's Most Wanted list his first day of high school, resulting in a slushie facial once a day, at least. He's in glee, but his ego makes him one of the hardest to get along with. He tends to think that he's the star of New Directions.

Marissa van Bleak, the ginger goddess. A junior, she quickly caught the eye of Cameron, enjoying that the boy had a huge crush on her, often taking advantage of him. While she likes being the object of Cameron's affections, she only has eyes for Charlie, who I'll get to in a minute. She's the only girl who Emily and her posse seem to respect. That's probably because the girl is as manipulative as the best of them.

McKynleigh Adams and Taryn Davis. Seniors and the belters of New Directions. They are two of the nicest girls in the school. They've been best friends since they were born, literally, they have the same birthday. They're, also, two of the only people who are willing to stand up to Emily's posse. These girls are definitely the ones to go to if you need help with anything. They were offered the captaincy of New Directions, but gave it to Samuel instead, knowing that he would not let the position go to his head. Needless to say, they are my favorite seniors.

Bryce Jonasson and Maxfield Casst are seniors and on the football team. Both are the kings of the school; both are Emily's boy toys and both are oblivious to that. They're the cause of a majority of the slushies and the torment inflicted upon New Directions. They're actually pretty nice, but they tend to hide that. A majority of the school are counting down the days until they graduate.

That's Matheus Ferris, junior. He's got a bad attitude, he enjoys ruining people's day more than life itself. Same as Ali, his bad attitude is more to cover up his insecurity at his height. He tends to focus his negativity toward New Directions for a reason that I have yet to discern, though I think it has to do with Shanna and the fact that she keeps turning him down.

Over there, that Ellis West. She's a senior with a massive crush on Matheus. She's in New Directions and has more energy than anyone I've ever met. Ellis is the target of a lot of Matheus' negative comments. Why she likes him, I have no idea. She has a very unique style and, along with Alex, enjoy trashing other people's outfits. Other than that, she can be very sweet.

Abraham and Tyler Lin, their adoptive brothers. Abraham's super friendly, he kind of like my gay best friend. Tyler is transgendered and is very self conscious because of it. They're both in New Directions and they're two of the nicest guys in the school. Abraham is a senior and Tyler is a junior. They've never been apart and I don't know what they'll do without each other next year.

Lily Mae Harris and Mario Brady are the two seniors of New Directions that I can't wait for them to graduate. They have the mentality that they're better than the rest of the club. Mr. Schue, our glee director, thinks that their attitudes are their attempts to cover up their insecurities-Lily Mae's weight and Mario's blindness-but I think that they just act that way because they think no one will stand up to them.

That's Charlie Lewis, he's a sophomore and Aylin's boy toy. He's head over heels for her, but she could care less about him unless, of course, another girl starts to pay attention to him. He's very ADD and he needs to learn to think before he says or does stuff; but other than that he's a good guy, part of New Directions.

But the three coolest people in William McKinley High School are Blake James, Michael Weston, Shanna Hennison, and Dani Stewart. They are my four best friends in the entire world. Blake and Michael are my next door neighbors, I've known them my whole life; Dani, I met in kindergarten and we instantly clicked; and Shanna, I met when her family moved her from Alabama in fourth grade. Dani will always be my best girlfriend. She knows everything about me and I know everything about her; we have no secrets. I was the first person she came out to in eight grade and she was the first person who I told about my crush on Blake in third grade. Shanna is a ray of sunshine. She's always happy and smiling. She's probably the nicest person in McKinley. She hates disappointing people and feels incredibly guilt every time she turns Matheus down. Michael is an adorable math geek. He could go on for hours about the subject. He actually has before; me and Blake had to throw pillows at him to shut him up. He has a slight crush on Shanna, though I think it's bigger than he lets me know; Shanna's feelings toward him are unknown, she's likes to keep that stuff to herself until she knows for sure that's how she feels. And Blake, wonderful, funny Blake, my Blake. No words can describe how wonderful he is. He asked me out in eight grade and he became my official boyfriend halfway through the summer before our freshman year. He's such a nice, genuine guy. They're all sophomores, like me, and are also members of the glee club.

So, there you go. There's the twenty-six most relevant people to this tale of McKinley high school.