AHHHHHH! The fourth and final book of Elements has begun! I can't express how hyped I am about this one guys and I'm glad you all are here to share my enthusiasm. Real quick, little word of warning because this is the final book in the series this might be my longest project yet. I did an overview of my material and plot and hypothesize that this book may be about fifteen chapters, but I promise it will be a mega thrill ride!
Please read and enjoy!
Chapter 1
(Kai's POV)
*pant pant*
Another Friday another day of grueling training in the Ninja Training Hall…
I narrow my eyes at my sparring partner warningly.
Now if only I can get this blue idiot to shut the hell up…
"Hey Kai!"
My glare intensifies as I level my stance in preparation for an offensive maneuver. Even though Jay had his hood on I knew a smirk was on his face as he twirled his golden nunchucks with mastered ease.
"One is the loneliest number and the loneliest number is the number one!" My annoying blue-clad brother sings gleefully in taunting voice.
A low feral growl reverberates in my throat.
We so do not need a lightning ninja…
It's been over a month since our last major battle with the Serpentine during the rescue mission and ever since then Jay had taken it upon himself to remind me I'm the only brother left who doesn't have a girlfriend.
I tighten my grip on my Dragon Sword of Fire and charge.
Golden sparks fly as our weapons clash repeatedly I change my style and flip the sword so the blade is pointing downward as I handle it. The blade ignites and I spin it in a buzz saw rotation in a flashy feint maneuver.
Jay side-steps to avoid my "attack"…
"Gotcha!" I yell in triumph and swiftly meet his evasion with a downward swipe aimed at his weapon.
If I can disarm him it's over!
But, Jay's speed and reflexes saves him once again as he lifts his nunchucks in time with my attack and locks my blade with his weapon.
"It's not over yet Dateless," Jay jibes during our weapon deadlock, his blue eyes narrowed in sufficient concentration as he strengthens his hold on the handles of his weapon, "so don't think your winning this round!"
One of the many new stupid nicknames he's come up with to label me.
From "EnkeltBror" which I learned means "Single Brother" in Norwegian to "Romeo and no Juliet" and let's not forget my personal favorite, I think with a twitching eyebrow.
My Indian name "Dances with Nobody".
Cole actually spit out his orange juice with laughter last week when Jay came up with that one, but Zane was a bit more controlled though he did smile.
"Listen Jay," I snarl and lean in a little closer, "if you don't stop with these dumbass nicknames I'm gonna shove my sword so far up—"
"Okay students, training will end early today. The evening patrol will depart soon," Sensei Wu suddenly calls out and everyone stops immediately and we give him our full attention.
"Ayane has volunteered to make dinner, so after our meal the evening patrol team will set out for Twilight. Cole, organize the rotation as you see fit before heading up and Lloyd come with me there is a scroll I want you to study before dinner—"
"Aww, but I want to help Ayane in the kitchen," the maroon burgundy-eyed boy complains with dismay at his uncle.
"It's about Spinjitsu," Sensei tempts while walking towards the exit stairs.
"Oh uh…hey Ayane, do you mind if I help out another time?" Lloyd questions the blond kunoichi with a hopeful smile.
Ayane gives a light laugh and replies.
"Of course not Lloyd it's important to train your mind as well as your body and besides like you said there's always another time right?"
"Right, later everyone!" Lloyd yells over his shoulder as he rushes after his uncle.
Ayane and Lloyd have some sort of easy-going companionship. She seems to have a knack for getting him to focus and pay attention whether it's for training or not.
Well, the kids back in Shika did seem to idolize her. I guess she has way with them, I think absently while sheathing my sword and walking towards the others.
Jay trots up beside me and slaps his hand on my back.
"Come on bro, you know I'm just teasing right? I know you'll find someone eventually," he remarks apologetically while removing his hood, his sweat-soaked bangs now plastered to his forehead.
"Yeah, whatever," is my only reply as I remove my hood as well and continue to make my way towards my fellow ninja.
Don't get me wrong I'm happy for my brothers for finding their soul mates or whatever and if I find someone great, but come on I don't need a woman to be happy.
My mind is too busy with thoughts on how to stop and defeat the Serpentine and making sure I'm prepared for future battles, I think as I stop in front of Cole and Sasha.
Cole and Sasha now there's a couple in paradise, Cole had been tight-lipped about what he whispered to Sasha that evening after the rescue operation, but my brothers and Lloyd managed to pry it out of him after a few short weeks of going through his things and finding well-drawn portraits of Sasha.
Blackmail is a useful strategy…
He didn't appreciate that, but hey I think sometimes he forgets his brothers are ninja and ninja are curious by nature, at least that was my excuse.
I never would have guessed he bought an engagement ring during one of his patrols in Twilight and had pretty much proposed to her that evening.
A smirk forms on my face as I shake my head slightly.
Cole always did like to plan ahead, I think as I see him with his scheming-face on. Sasha was speaking to Nya as she walked up about her recent tutelage to Lloyd.
Hmm, I wonder what her answer was…
I look down at her left hand…
She wasn't wearing it so—
"You are not upset with me then?"
I turn towards Zane's voice and see him speaking to Ayane his expression slightly fearful.
"No Zane because I trust you, if you say you didn't know about all of Hayate's capabilities then I believe you, but I had no idea Hayate was yours or that he was a robot as well to begin with. The way I see it though is that Hayate is one of the ties that bind us and I'm grateful to him."
Ayane steps closer to Zane and places a kiss to his cheek. My brother visibly relaxes and pulls her to him an adoring hug.
"You will show me the footage though right?" Ayane questions a bit warily.
Zane smiles and I see his arms tighten their hold on her slightly.
"Of course Ayane and I promise we will have our date in Twilight. We have been so active lately with our training and teachings to Lloyd, not to mention Sensei wants us to maintain our focus during our patrols and not become preoccupied. I am sorry—"
Ayane suddenly pulls back and interrupts Zane gently.
"Zane, it's okay really. I understand business comes before pleasure and I'm learning so much from the others about city life when I'm not on patrol with you," she reaches up and places her hand on his cheek, "When things have settled down then we shall have our moment right?"
"Yes, you are correct."
I smile at them lightly as they come over to us as well and can't help but think that if anyone in this room deserves happiness it's Zane. I also respect Ayane for not only her combat prowess, but also for her decision to be with the Ninja of Ice regardless of him being a nindroid.
"Alright everyone, let's get the evening patrol situated. The team will consist of—"
"I'm going again Cole," I cut in hastily.
Cole stops and looks at me in surprise and everyone else does too.
"Okay hold on Kai," Cole starts and levels me with a hard stare, "you've been on every single patrol for the past month, now what's going on?"
I shrug with one shoulder nonchalantly already having my excuse ready.
"You know I don't like waiting around doing nothing I want to be out there on the field," I reply easily.
Everyone soon mutters in agreement and Cole eventually nods as well, but my sister narrows her eyes at me with scrutiny. I keep my expression neutral however and look her in the eyes.
There's no reason for them to know my true motives, that…that I've been kinda keeping a lookout for that pure white braid.
Hell, even I don't fully understand my logic, but there was…something that compelled me to try and catch up with her that day over a month ago.
Sigh, I don't know…
"Yeah okay, I guess it's not hurting anything if you go all the time and it may prove advantageous for some sort of consistency. Alright so the evening patrol will consist of Kai, Jay, Zane, and Nya, any objections?"
No one says a word to counter our leader's decision.
"Cool, now let's get out of here and freshen up for dinner. Ayane, what are cooking tonight?" Cole asks with keen interest.
"Oh nothing fancy," Ayane replies with a light blush, "just cheeseburger hamburger helper."
"YES!" Jay shouts with enthusiasm, "I haven't had that since I was a kid! Great choice Ayane!"
I travel at the back of the pack as everyone begins to file out of the Ninja Training Hall.
I noticed how the nights are starting to get much longer then before…
Winter's solstice…the last Elemental Master…
The Master of Darkness…
Another smirk forms on my lips.
Yeah, we should be in for some wild nights…
AHHHHH! I'm still stoked everyone because next chapter will be in Ebony's POV! Man, I have to listen to her chosen theme to keep myself in her essence of character. Phew! My heart's pumping for the next chapter and those of you fantastic readers who haven't listened to her theme, please do for it will play an integral role and help with imagining her persona. Oh and those of you who wish to be heard, please cast your vote on the poll in my profile. I will keep it up throughout Beyond the Flames then remove it and tally up the winner. I truly wish to involve my readers and listen to your opinions on what you all wish to read and see, so please find the time to have your voice heard. I wait eagerly for your treasured responses.
Please read and review!