Full Moon Chapter 1 - Escaping
AN – okay, so I've been really wanting to write one, so here's my first Wolfblood fanfiction. Chapter one of hopefully many :D Hope you enjoy :)
Full Moon
Chapter 1: Escaping
"He loved you Maddy, you do know that?"
The words of her best friend still echoing in her ears; did he really? Was it that obvious? She couldn't see it, but then can no one ever could tell.
"Did he say that?"
She was almost certain he didn't. He'd never expressed that in any way before, it was only ever friendship, and that's all it was going to be, wasn't it?
"He didn't need to."
She didn't want to trust him, Tom, as he had said those words, it would mean to trust her best friends as she always did, the ones who had had the chance to say bye... the ones who had saved them.
"Come on Maddy!" She heard a call through the house, her mother was still telling her to pack. It was a week since he left... A week since she last saw the face for real, but ever since that stupid day, with Ceri and Bryn, she had been constantly look at pictures of herself with Rhydian.
Her all time favourite was the time just before the first transformation, once they'd been running in the woods, and they were laid next to each other, and the picture made it look like we were holding hands, smiling at something between them.
There was another too. Mum took one of them as wolves. He was standing so it looked like he was protectively over her, her head against his neck, the way some animals show affection for each other. A stray tear slipped slowly down her cheek. She knew that he was out there. Would he still be thinking about her? Or would he already have forgotten?
Tomorrow is the full moon. Her first one without him. She remembers how he took her hand to comfort her when it was her first time transforming, the way he looked at her, so proudly, when she had, and how they had played on the beach, in the sand, being free, being wolves. She sighed, looking down. Her parents couldn't stop her finding him, not now. She needed him to be there tomorrow, like she had been for her other transformations.
It was late at night now, almost full moon, and Maddy could tell. She was playful again, active, wanting to run, but she didn't have her running partner there... did she...
She laid in bed, thinking to herself, before finally coming to a decision. No she didn't care she was breaking all the rules, she knew where she wanted to be tomorrow night, and there was only one way she would get there.
So her parents thought she was at school, she wasn't. She was running. Full wolf speed and running, faster and faster. She was faster than Rhydian normally anyway, at this speed she was twice as fast, if not more. No one knew she was, obviously, the fastest in school, as usual, she kept her wolf self hidden, except for extreme circumstances... She considered this one.
She didn't actually know where she was supposed to be going. It was like a sixth sense, leading her there, ever closer to where the pack were. The pack she so hated, and yet held her best friend, held the one she cared for most. She didn't realise, but was it love?
She knew she was getting closer. More and more tracks were around, there, for her to follow at her will. She bounded, like a wolf yet in human form, towards where she believed they were, calmly following like the soft patter of rain before the loud rumble of thunder. She was currently the rain, quiet, stealthy, intent on getting somewhere. But before long, she would be the thunder. And she knew she wouldn't be the only one, her parents she knew were following, somewhere. She could feel it, and she knew that before long, they would reach her, and she would be in trouble when they did.
AN - if there's something you want me to include, review or PM me :D I've got some idea of where this is going :) I love reviews anyway, so anything that you want to comment on, please do :D I'll post more at some point this week, sorry this chapters so short, hopefully they'll get longer :)