Disclaimer: The following is a work of fan-fiction. I claim no ownership over the characters therein. No copyright infringement intended.

Chapter 1 - The Engagement Party

Benji and Aubrey are having an engagement party, told mostly through Beca's POV.

"You have the gift right?" Chloe asked Beca as she climbed into the driver's seat of her beat up Chevy.

"Yes Chloe, I have the ridiculous magic show tickets and spa gift certificates," Beca thought the gifts were silly, but she knew Benji and Aubrey would love them.

Since getting together with Benji, Aubrey had fallen in love with both him and close up magic. The Bellas couldn't believe it the first time she told them how much she loved the illusions exhibit Benji had taken her to. Fat Amy had been so taken aback she spit her drink all over a not at all impressed Stacie.

They needed to get going or they were going to be late, Benji and Aubrey's engagement party was to start at 4 o'clock sharp and Beca knew being late to a party of Aubrey's probably wasn't the best idea. Aubrey had softened up a lot since getting together with Benji, but she still loved punctuality and perfection. The party was being held at Aubrey's parents' house which was about an hour away from Beca and Chloe's apartment.

Once they got on the road Beca became increasingly curious about Aubrey's family. Some of Aubrey's comments about her father gave Beca a weird feeling.

"So what's the deal with Aubrey's dad," Beca asked Chloe as they merged onto the highway.

"He's definitely intense, that's for sure," Chloe had met the man a few times prior being so close with Aubrey but she had never had what she would call a pleasant conversation with him.

"Be careful what you say to him okay, in fact it would probably be best to avoid speaking to him at all," Chloe warned her girlfriend.

"Okay then, so what do you think of Benji and Aubrey's news?" Beca had been wondering Chloe's thoughts on the subject for a while.

"I think that it's really awesome, they really are perfect for each other and I think they will be great together," Chloe replied in the extremely perky, upbeat way only Chloe could.

"Agreed actually, Benji is perfect for her, he's really brought out the best in Aubrey, and well I think we all know she's curbed his weird a lot," Beca and Chloe both laughed, knowing it was true.

Not that being weird is a bad thing, and Beca had a hunch that Aubrey actually really loved all his nerdy hobbies. Aubrey had mentioned something once about being impressed by his large action figure collection. She said something about it showing a lot of drive, organizational skills, and patience to amass a collection like that and those are all qualities Aubrey likes in a man.

They turned onto Aubrey's parents' street and had no trouble finding the house. Fat Amy was currently walking up it and slapping a surprisingly suave looking Bumper on the behind.

"Fat Amy brought Bumper?" Chloe said with surprise.

"Yeah, I heard they're actually getting kind of serious. She must have slapped some sense into the little doofus," Beca said with a laugh.

They got out of the car and walked up the long drive way, meeting Bumper and Amy at the door.

"Hey aca-ladies," said Fat Amy.

"Hey Amy… Bumper," Beca and Chloe replied in unison as they went in for a hug with their fellow Bella alum.

A second later Aubrey answered the door, looking gorgeous in a teal dress and the diamond earrings Benji had given her for Christmas the previous year.

"Beca, Chloe, Amy…Bumper, thanks so much for coming," Aubrey said as she pulled the Bellas in for a group hug.

"Come in, come in, everybody is in the main dining room mingling," Aubrey told them as they walked through her parents' massive entry way.

Amy and Bumped went straight for the food table, bumping into a few Bellas and Treblemakers on their way. Chloe and Beca said their hellos to all their fellow aca-people, and then went to find Aubrey again. When they found her she was holding hands with Benji, who was having a friendly debate about Star Wars with Jesse. I guess Aubrey hadn't totally curbed his weird, but Beca was glad to see the 3 people besides Chloe who she had become closest to since that first year at Barden.

Everything was so different now; Aubrey and Chloe were off working while Benji, Jesse and herself were finishing up at Barden. They all lived within close proximity to campus though, and made time to meet up for dinner at least once every two weeks. It had been just the 5 of them for a while, but Jesse never seemed to mind and they tried their best not to make him feel awkward.

Recently though he was a lot happier, having met a gorgeous English major in Beca's father's comparative literature class which he took as an elective. Her name was Jen and she was now a staple at their dinners, and Beca actually quite liked her. She was good for her friend and she was happy seeing him happy, finally. It took Jesse a while to get over Beca, but he too knew she was happier with Chloe. Jen was at the party with Jesse and Beca could see her over in the corner being taught to bird dance by Fat Amy.

Beca decided to join the conversation with Benji by suggesting that Luke was a pussy, but the 3 of them just laughed and decided it was best to move onto another subject.

"So how is the happy couple?" Chloe piped up after the abrupt end to the Star Wars debate.

"So excited," squealed Aubrey.

Beca tried to supress a giggle at Aubrey's uncharacteristic giddiness over her impending nuptials, but really she thought it was sweet.

"Honoured," Benji said adding, "I can't wait to have such an amazing wife."

The group then listened for a while as Aubrey and Benji spilled the details about their wedding, the honeymoon they have planned in Australia, and the up close magic show Benji was planning on performing at the reception.

After an hour and a half or so of mingling with friends, members of Aubrey and Benji's families and other random friends of the happy couple, dinner was going to be served on the large patio in the backyard, overlooking a gorgeous lake.

As they were making their way outside Chloe grabbed Beca by the arm and pulled her into a corner.

"You really want to do it now, here?" Beca smirked at Chloe.

"No, geez Beca, its not that, I just need to remind you of what we talked about in the car," Chloe seemed concerned.

"What?" Beca was getting hungry now and just wanted to join the rest of the party outside.

"Hold your tongue out there, especially when it comes to Aubrey's dad babe," Chloe was being very stern, which was amusing to Beca.

"Why would I need to hold my tongue? Its not like I'm going to start a fight with the man if he says DJing is lame or doesn't like underground music or something," Beca assured her girlfriend.

"Its not that, from what Aubrey tells me he's not at all happy about their engagement, he doesn't like Benji and its been really hard on her. He's also a bit of a drinker, and has a habit of getting mouthy at inappropriate times," Chloe was interrupted,

"but what does that have to do with me?" Beca inquired.

"I know you, and your mouth and I know you care about Aubrey and you relate to her and might not be able to stand her dad's crap if he does go off at dinner, just watch it okay," Chloe kissed her girlfriend, "Just promise me, okay?"

"Okay Chloe, I won't punch Aubrey's dad in the face, even if he's a giant asshole," Beca leaned in for another kiss before grabbing Chloe's hand and walking out the patio doors.

They sat down just as the others had begun eating. A caterer placed a plate down in front of each of them, just as the conversation turned to discussion of the wedding venue.

"It's a beautiful hall, Benji's mother picked it out," Aubrey said as Benji's mother smiled, and went on to describe how she knew the owner of the venue.

Aubrey's father scoffed and instantly Beca knew why Chloe had warned her about him. He looked so smug, drinking his scotch and rolling his eyes as details of his daughter's wedding went in one ear, and out the other. Aubrey's mother seemed sweeter, and Beca could only assume her parents were the stay together for the kids, even if it makes everyone in the family miserable type. They weren't affectionate at all, they barely even spoke. It made Beca somewhat relieved that her parents had called it quits, rather than dragging her through that kind of crap.

Chloe rubbed her leg, which brought Beca's focus back to the conversation going on at the table. Benji was telling Aubrey's family about the job he had lined up at his father's accounting firm after graduation. Benji's major was the same as Chloe's, Math & Accounting. Beca was surprised when she learned that Chloe was so good with numbers, she pegged her for more of the creative type. Chloe told her that she wanted to have something practical to do with her life, and she really did enjoy it.

Singing was just a hobby she also really loved, so visits to karaoke bars were common for their group of 5. Benji and Aubrey had taken to doing hilarious, drunken, lovey dovey duets. Last weekend they brought down the house with their mushy rendition of "Don't Go Breaking My Heart." Chloe currently worked at Benji's father's firm, and loved her job. It was a straight up at 9-5, which meant she had lots of time to spend with Beca at home, after classes, which Beca loved.

Suddenly the table got quiet after Aubrey's obviously drunk father mumbled something about "pussies in suits."

"Daddy!" Aubrey yelled.

"What, I'm not allowed to have an opinion?" spit Aubrey's father James, "he's no good for you, he's a loser that talks about space ships, and magic and all kinds of other nonsense," Aubrey's father was becoming increasingly aggressive and offensive.

Chloe looked to Beca, making sure her girlfriend's lips were sealed.

Beca looked up again to see Aubrey in tears, Benji obviously embarrassed and Benji's father visibly angry but too shy to say anything.

"You need to marry a real man Aubrey," her father yelled as he stormed inside, presumably for more scotch.

Chloe got up and went over to comfort Aubrey, as Aubrey's mother tried to make excuses for her husband's poor behaviour and get everyone back to enjoy what was a delicious meal, prior to his outburst.

Beca waited until Chloe was out of ear shot before she let Jesse know she was just going to the bathroom.

Jesse winked and said, "I'll be sure to let Chloe know that's where you are if she comes back."

Beca walked through the patio doors, through the kitchen and back into the main dining room where sure enough Aubrey's father was pouring himself more scotch.

"You're an idiot," Beca said causing Aubrey's father to turn around and give her a nasty look.

"How dare you come into my house…" he started before Beca cut him off..

"No, how dare you, how dare you ruin your only daughter's engagement party," Beca barked at the man.

"Is that the kind of father you want to be, the loud, drunk who makes his daughter miserable?" Beca asked him, but she continued before waiting for a response. She wasn't done giving this guy a piece of her mind. A really good friend, and person was outside in tears because of him and she wasn't going to let him get away with it. She knew Chloe would eventually forgive her for breaking her word.

"Did you know he convinced her to go into teaching?" Beca still wasn't waiting for an answer, it was rhetorical question.

"She had no idea what she wanted to do after school and he believed in her, and knew she would make a great teacher. She went to teacher's college after Barden, and now she makes an amazing teacher and she loves it. He's good for her, he loves her, he treats her right, he supports her and as cheesy and it sounds, he completes her," Beca couldn't believe she just used that cliché but she meant it.

"He's not just the idiot who knocked up your daughter, and he isn't marrying her out of obligation. You know he had that ring in his pocket for months before she told him she was pregnant. He showed it to Chloe and I when he bought it, but he didn't know the right way or the right time to ask her to be his wife," Beca remembered how Chloe had squealed when Benji showed them the ring.

Benji made them swear they wouldn't tell Aubrey. He wanted the proposal to be perfect, and he was still trying to figure out what they entailed. While it didn't end up being the perfect scenario, she was thrilled and said yes without even thinking. They would tell their friends later that he proposed in the alley, outside of the karaoke bar they frequented.

Aubrey had gone outside to throw up, Benji ran out after her, and she told him she was pregnant. He was surprised, but he always had that gorgeous ring in his pocket and knew this was the right moment. Aubrey smiled and said yes as he slipped the ring on her finger. They would discuss the details of her revelation later, when they weren't standing next to a dumpster, and a pile of vomit.

"He loves her, he brings out the best in her and he's going to be an amazing husband and father. They both have solid jobs and they can take care of themselves, and their family. You should be happy your daughter has found love in her life and stop being such a self-righteous asshole," Beca didn't mean to curse at the man but she pretty pissed with him still.

Aubrey's father was speechless. He put down his scotch and walked back out onto the patio without a word, or even a telling facial expression in Beca's direction.

Beca was about to turn to go out, when Aubrey walked into the dining room.

"I figured you would be in here, talking to my father were you?" Aubrey said knowingly.

"Yeah, I'm sorry if I pissed him off, it's just, I couldn't…" Aubrey interrupted her…

"I know you couldn't sit by and listen to him rag on your friends. You care a lot, and I can't believe I didn't see that about you at first, alternative girl," Aubrey smiled at Beca.

"Thank you," she continued, "we have never had a good relationship, and I don't know if we ever will, but whatever you said to him about Benji, about me, I'm sure it was good and in the back of his mind, I know he'll remember it," Aubrey moved in towards Beca for a hug.

The two girls let go just as Chloe walked in. Aubrey could tell she was about to yell at Beca, but gave her a look that said, no, she did the right thing.

Chloe instead walked over and kissed her girlfriend.

"I'm sorry I made you promise not to stick up for your friends, I know you're not the type to sit back and ignore that kind of thing and I shouldn't have tried to stop you from being yourself," Chloe said.

"Its okay babe, I know you were just trying to protect me, as usual," Beca smiled at her girlfriend, and her friend before the 3 of them walked back out onto the patio to enjoy the rest of the party.

They walked out onto the patio just as Aubrey's father was apologizing to the guests for causing a scene. They didn't hear him apologize to Benji, but when his daughter walked out he gave her apologetic nod, and motioned for her to come back and sit with her fiancé, and the father of her child.

Aubrey walked over and kissed Benji before announcing that there were be a delicious chocolate cake with berries for dessert.

After dessert, Benji and Aubrey opened the gifts. Aubrey's face lit up when she saw was Chloe and Beca had brought for them.

"It will be so fun!" she said in a high pitch, ultra girly voice.

Benji nodded in agreement as he read the details of the magic show on the back of the tickets.

Later in the entry way the friends all exchanged hugs, and promises to make plans for dress fittings, and another karaoke night to celebrate.

As Chloe and Beca walked down the drive way hand in hand towards their Chevy, Chloe turned to Beca…

"You're amazing you know that?" Chloe said in that loving way she addressed Beca when she was feeling particularly mushy (which was frequently).

"Thanks babe, you're not too bad yourself," Beca whispered in her ear as she kissed it.

"Maybe the next engagement party will be our own," Chloe looked at Beca with that look, that look that said I can't live without you and Beca melted.