Okay. So it's not the best I've written compared to my other story. BUT WHO CARES. I wrote this forever ago. B| GET OVER YO SELF, FOO.

Why the hell am I here? I feel so awkward and out of place already being the new girl in school. And I haven't even been here for ten minutes! Girls giggling when I walk by. Boys staring at me and then nudging their buddies with a teasing grin. Geez, I hate having so much attention like this. I was standing at my locker, messing with the combination so I wouldn't have to re-learn it later and trying to ignore a group of boys staring at me from behind at the same time. I finally managed to open it with a smile curling at my lips, and of course once I did, one of the boys slammed it shut and leaned against with his elbow.

"Hey girly. New in school?"

Oh god, seriously?

"Um, yeah. Now would be so kind to get the hell off my locker?" I glared at him and his gaze only seemed to falter a little bit at the harshness of my words. However, a big smirk was slapped on his face and he took a step closer.

"Ooh. Feisty. I like it~."

"Ooh. A player. I hate it." I placed my hand on his shoulder to try and push him away, but all he did was place his own larger hand over mine, wrapping his fingers around my delicate (s/c) ones.

"Aw, come on babe. Don't be like that."

"You keep getting near me like that and I swear I will bring my knee up into your balls." I spat. A flash of panic could be seen in his eyes and I smirked in satisfaction. At least he was smart enough to back up.

"You're an interesting one. It's sexy~."

That's it.

"Get away from me!" Before I could even manage to recollect my thoughts and stop myself from doing anything stupid, it was too late. A loud smack echoed around in the somewhat empty halls and I could feel a stinging pain in my right hand. Oh shit.

The group of guys that stood by and watched the entire scene unfold before them finally decided to do something and grab the boy by the shoulders, dragging him away. Though, before they got out of earshot, I could hear the angry teenager screaming at me from down the hall.

"You'll fucking regret that! /No one/ slaps Matt Tucker like that and gets away with it, bitch!"

Great. My first day and I already made enemies. Letting out an irritated sigh, I finally got my locker to open and put everything I don't need away. I clicked it shut and took a look at my schedule.

"Ok, so my homeroom is with Mr. Germania." I blinked in confusion. What kind of name is Germania? I shrugged and began searching around the halls until I finally found it in the hall only 7 doors away from where I was standing. I reached forward to grab the handle and I opened the door slowly, walking inside with a very skeptical look on my face. People turned to look at me for a moment before turning back to what they were doing. They're acting as if having new students walk in was just another regular thing here. I saw the teacher sitting at his desk, but he didn't seem to notice me walking in so I just went to go find a seat somewhere in the back of the class room. I took out my sketch pad and began to randomly start drawing a picture of a wolf. In the middle of drawing though, there was a large slam in the front of the room and I looked up in surprise. There stood a group of 3 very different looking boys. One of the three had long wavy blonde hair that reached just above his shoulders in a very fashionable manner, olive skin, bright sky-blue eyes, and a bit of stubble on his chin that made him look much more mature. He looked around the room and winked at all the girls in the room. The second of the trio had fair tan skin, unruly, chocolate-brown hair, and sparkling, emerald-green eyes. He smiled like an idiot and waved at everyone in the room. And lastly, the third of the group had very pale skin, almost like an albino, silver-ish white hair, and very strange blood-red eyes. A smug aura could be easily noticed surrounded the last one, too.

Mr. Germania looked up angrily and glared at the three with icy-blue eyes. "You're late again you three."

"Lo siento, senor~. We were kind of busy." The tan one spoke in a smooth Spanish accent.

"Oui. VERY busy." The, now very noticeable, French one chuckled.

"We got in trouble with another teacher, Vati. Nothing bad." The white haired spoke in a heavy German dialect and waved it off. They started heading in my direction and so I pulled my hoodie up fast, looking down to continue drawing. What was the point though? Someone pulled my hood back down and I could see out of the corner of my eye that it was the albino of the trio.

"Oi. Frau. You're in mein seat."

"I don't see your name on it."

"Espera. Are you new senorita?" The Spanish one asked. I nodded.

"My my. You are belle, no? Comme une fleur. Ohonhonhonhon!" I don't speak much French, but the only words I caught onto were beautiful and flower. What a flirt.


"Oh~. We haven't introduced ourselves yet. My name is Antonio Fernandez Carriedo. Or you can call me Espana~." The Spaniard winked at me and smiled like earlier.

"I am the handsome Francis Bonnefoy. Also known as France~." Frenchie took my hand without warning and kissed it gently, but I pulled it back.

"Und I am the awesome Gilbert Beilschmidt! But call me Prussia. We are known as the Bad Touch Trio!" The albino announced proudly.

"Interesting group name. My name is _ _," I paused for a moment, "Why are you nicknamed after countries anyways?"

"Most people here are nicknamed like that. Now move from my seat." Prussia grumbled. I narrowed my eyes and was about to say something, but Spain interrupted before I could.

"Now now mi amigo. We can just sit next to her. It won't be that bad."

Prussia crossed his arms and grunted grudgingly. "Fine." I decided to ignore them as they all took seats next to me. Spain sat in front, France on my left, and Prussia on my right. Deciding to just ignore them, I continued to draw my wolf in silence.

"What are you drawing senorita?" I heard Spain ask. I looked up to see him turned in his seat and grinning at me.

"A...wolf." He didn't stop grinning and he started to examine my sketch.

"You are very good mi amiga."

"Thank you."

Low snickered was heard next to me and Prussia leaned over in his desk to intervene in our little chat.

"What you und katzchen talking about?"

"What'd you call me?" I asked.

"Katzchen." He answered smirking.

"I know that! I meant, what does it mean."

He laughed and turned back to face the front. "I'll let you figure that out."


"Alright class! Everyone take your seats! We're about to begin class!" Mr. Germania shouted over everyone and abruptly stood up from his chair behind the desk. I sighed and put away my sketchbook. I didn't have much time to work on it due to the damn trio. Ugh.

"Alright. As some of you has noticed, we have a new student. Come up to the front and tell a few things about yourself." I could feel my blood run cold and I snapped my attention to the front of the room so fast I'm kind of surprised I didn't end up breaking my neck. What!? I don't want to go up there!

"Senorita. You have to go up there." Spain whispered to me.

"I hate being center of attention though." I whispered back harshly.

"Oi! _! Get your arsch up there!"

"I don't want - ahh!" Before I could even register what was going on, I was thrown over Prussia's shoulders and he carried me up to the front of the room with my legs and arms flailing around helplessly. I was getting glares from the entire girl population in the room. What did I ever do to them?!

He put me back on the ground at the front of the room and stood next to me with his hands on his hips. "Talk."

I turned to the class and shuffled my feet. "W-Well my name is _ _ to start off with. I e-enjoy drawing in my free time. I hate being center of attention..." I paused to glare at Prussia but he just gave me a smug grin in return. "...and, yeah. That's all I guess."

"Good enough. Now go back to your seat." I let out a sigh of relief and scrambled back to my seat at the back of the class without a moment to waste. My arms were slammed on my desk's surface and I hid my face in them. Mr. Germania started class with a boring, yet stern voice that most teachers have and since I was new, I didn't have to do much because I have to catch up before I could actually start anything in the class. So I stuck to writing down notes from time to time. I saw a piece of paper land on my desk and I picked it up to read it.

'Let me see your schedule'

I looked over to my right to see Prussia glance in my direction. I sighed and began to rummage through my binder to find it. Once I did, I passed it over to him and he smirked. He took his pencil and was writing things down and circling different classes. What the hell is he doing to my schedule? When he was done, he gave it back to me and gave out a small "kesesese~" kind of laugh. It was really weird. I looked back to my schedule to see what he did to it. He wrote down Spain's and France's name to any classes I would have with them and he circled the ones I would have with him. I noticed that I have at least one of the three in every class for the entire year.

'Why'd you tell me what classes I have with you guys?' I passed the note back to him.

'Cause I'm awesome' was his reply. I face palmed. I took another look at my schedule and saw that I had my next class with Spain. At least it's the normal one I'll be talking with. Anyways, I placed the note in my binder to keep and I went back to writing notes.

"Alright. Class is over. Now get out." Mr. Germania barked. Dang. Class is over already? I gathered up my stuff and followed the guys out the door.

(( It was revised today since I realized my writing sucked when I started this. OTL ))