He rocked back and forth with the movements of the horse. His arms kept neatly in his lap, held together by the other. His legs, hung to one side of the beast, over the leg of another, the man who held him in place upon the horse, his grip tight upon the reigns. He dared not to look from his hands. Dared not to look at the face of the man who would soon wed him and mate him in front of three strangers until an heir was conceived.

No. Alfred would not allow such to come to pass. He would flee long before their return to Chūhon, that he was certain of, for the demon within had told him, had given his word that he would not shed his virgin blood to this man.

William…No…Matthew had not been happy. He tried to convince him not to do so, that he would fight for him. Alfred had been sure that Yao had given his word as emperor that none in his pack were to be harmed in any way. Only when the Emperor had given his word did he surrender entirely to him. He remembered the look on Matthew's face; like he had seen death it's self come to claim him. Yet, the look in Berwald's eyes as his wife and son were returned to him. Alfred wanted that, a mate who would love him so dearly as Berwald loved Tino.

"Well shall you love Chūhon. Grand is land. Loved well, shall you be." Yao said, trying to break the silence. He was no fool. He knew well that Amaterasu intended to reclaim his beloved in time. That is why he left men to guard them should they try anything. Tsukiyomi was his and his alone to claim.

Alfred tightened his hands. "I do not seek to be loved by the people nor to love the land. You seek to force a marriage. A new way to enslave me." He dared not to look at him, instead focusing on his hands. "Is a foolish Omega worth so much to you?"

Yao smirked. "Omegas are worth little to me." He said switching dialect. His hand moved from the reigns and paced it on Alfred's belly before leaning in to whisper in his ear. A shiver ran down the bearer's spine as he closed his eyes, refusing to look at the other. "You are no mere omega…you are far more then that." He moved his hand, smoothly on Alfred's belly. "I will put a child in you…you will rule an empire at my side…" he took a deep breath of the wheat blonde hair. Smiling softly. "I will enjoy your company each night…relish in your body and ensure you remain with child until your body can no longer conceive." He closed his eyes, envisioning what his clan would look like with the boy as the mother.

Alfred had heard enough. He turned to look the other in the eyes. A deep crimson red glared at the emperor. Yao was much too pleased. He could see Tsukiyomi in his eyes. With a jolt of pain, his head was turned to the side and he felt…lighter.

He heard horses running while Kaoru came to check on him. "Are you well, my lord?" he asked. He reached out to examine the wound. "It will bruise, but nothing more thankfully. He is a wild omega."

Yao laughed. "What fun is a tame omega?" Yao asked as he turned to see said person being carried back by Chang and Im Young. "Good work." He praised as he moved his horse to look at the boy. "You are a runner…bad quality for an Omega. I fear I will need to keep you on a leash." He snapped his fingers and a chain was brought to him. "Will you ride peacefully? Or walk chained behind my horse until I feel your anger has been worked out of you?"

Alfred spit at him. "I said I would go with you. I never agreed to anything you suggest! I am not a creature you can own and treat like a dog!" Chang grabbed a handful of his hair and ripped it back. Alfred let out a soft cry. "I refuse to be breed for the rest of my life! I am worth more then that!"

"You are worth what he says you are. Do not test me child!" Cheng growled out.

Alfred didn't turn his head in submission, a beta was higher then himself but not as intimidating as an alpha. He glared at the other, jaw clenched, wanting nothing more then to sink his teeth into the soft flesh of his throat. "Do not test me! I am not some submissive bitch you can order about!"

"Why you low natured…" he raised his hand.

"Enough!" Yao narrowed his eyes at his bastard brother. "He is not to be harmed, not by a beta!" he moved his horse closer, taking the omega in his arms. "There will not be a single mark upon his body and to the one who does…not even the Holy Mother can save you from what I will do!" He glared darkly at his brother.

Im Young threw his hands up. "Okay okay, get it we do. Omega yours he is. Touch not shall I!" He smiled softly diverting the intense glare to him.

Cheng had never been content as a bastard beta. He felt that since the blood of the emperor ran through his veins that he was entitled to the same rights as the first and second born. Hell since the second born had committed treason, he should be able to take over his duties.

Kaoru rolled his eyes. Of course they would fight in front of their men. To challenge the right of the Emperor, Yao could have his head for treason for attempting to harm the bride elect. "Camp here shall we?" he asked as he turned to the tired men.

Yao nodded, as he tried to steady his horse. "Make the camp, I shall return."

He moved to leave when Cheng moved his horse in front of Yao's. "It is not wise to run off with an unclaimed Omega! You may not be able to over come his…"

The Emperor scuffed. "As if I would fall to a mere Omega. I know what I do." With that he ran off, taking the wild omega with him. He rode though the forest for some time before coming to a small clearing. He drooped to Omega to the ground and hopped off the horse. "You are no mere Omega!" He snapped. Moving toward him, like a lion to his pray.

Alfred stood, his leg protesting since the fall. "What are you on about?" he growled, warning the approaching Alpha that he was not to be tampered with.

Yao laughed. "I can see it, sense it even, the look in your eyes…the feel of the air around you." He took another step forward. "The smell of the equinox…" he stopped a good distance from him. Eyes narrowing softly as he held out his arms. "The barriers, created to keep light from darkness…the high born first son, cast aside by his glorious brother…" he laughed sarcastically. "I am the only one from neither realm. Sent to earth to teach the mortals…" he began to circle him like a hungry predator. "There is a reason you exist. A reason she fears you so very much." His voice low and soothing.

"Mothered by creation…fathered by destruction…" He moved closer to him and Alfred backed away. "Do you know what your creation meant?" he asked. The boy did not reply. "No? How could you? No one told you much did they?" he smirked. "They wanted you ignorant of the truth. The reason you are the strongest of us, for you can do what no other can."

He lunged at the boy. Alfred moved to swipe his claws at him but Yao was far quicker. He knocked his hand away as he moved behind him. One arm over his body, holding his head in place while the other wrapped around his waist, hand holding his thigh. Alfred struggled to break free but the man was too strong. "I am not whom you claim me to be! I am no all powerful god! I am a simple omega!" he cried out, hoping the other would release him.

Yao pressed his lips to the smooth shoulder of the boy. His body already shooting hormones through him, producing a musk that would entice the omega, intoxicate him with only one thought. He hated the collar around his neck. The damn thing ensure none would claim him, covering the mating gland was cruel. Though Yao would be sure that the damn thing was off before they wed. "You are, why you had chosen this I shall possibly never understand but…" he pressed his body against him, ensuring the Omega could feel arousal. "I do know you shall be mine. Tomorrow we return to Chuhon…we shall be wed at sun down and I will fill your belly with heirs." His voice was deep, sensual as he moved his hand up the omega's body.

Yao pulled away from him reluctantly. "For now…you will be treated to a feast. A future Empress can not bear male heirs with such small hips." He frowned at how thin he was. Yet all he did was take the boy's hand and drag him along. Alfred struggled to keep up with bear feet, Yao having them taken so he could not get far. He lead him back to the camp and to the large extravagant tent that was for Yao's use. He opened the cloth to throw his bride within.

He turned to Kaoru. "I trust you, keep him in this tent. I intend to bathe." He muttered.

Kaoru narrowed his eyes. "You do not intend to…"

"And if I am?" he asked.

"I mean only to remind my lord of customs. His lordship would need 3 witnesses and…" Kaoru was cut off.

"I have three brothers. I am sure your word shall be enough to appease the lords." Yao crossed his arms as he glared down at his beta brother. "Do you not approve of my judgment?"

The younger male shook his head. "Nay, I do. Yet, I speak to remind you of custom. He is to be wed to you before you lay claim to him. It is our law. Father had to wait to marry mo…"

Yao drew his sword, pointing it at Kaoru. "He was not your mother. Remember your place bastard." He said darkly. "Mei Lung had but two sons, remember that well next you dare speak of him again!"

"Even so he was married to father first. You can not have legitimate heirs if it is not done properly. Your first born will be seen as illegitimate. He will be considered a consort and not an Empress." He warned. Kaoru, much like Yao, had a thing for knowledge and learning.

"You've a point…" He muttered. Even so he was in need of a bath. "Then again if I were to, Cheng would profit. When I pass he would become Emperor." He looked over at his brother whom ordered about the soldiers, telling them where to set the camps.

Kaoru frowned. "He orders me about as it is. I can only imagine if he were emperor." It is true that if an empress conceived no heirs, that the bastard sons could take the throne given that the blood of the emperor beat within them.

Alfred moved from one end of the tent to the next, each time peaking out of the cloth only to find soldiers watching him. He was in the heart of the camp, surrounded by over a hundred alpha males and a few betas peppered in. The boy slowly lowered the cloth, coming to realize that he was trapped. This time tomorrow he would be wed and breed like some rare breed of dog. Everything he had done, all he had been through…meant nothing! He did not have to agree to the marriage. That is what Kiku had told him. That all they needed was an omega that was approved by the council and judging by how the late Emperor had spoke they had done just that.

"Where are you? Monster…demon…" he grit his teeth. "You swore you would get me out of this."

Darkness over came him. Brilliant bright blue eyes illuminating before him. "You doubt me?" he asked, voice smooth and coy.

"I do. I doubt what you can do. You said you would get me out of this." Alfred narrowed his eyes. He observed him carefully as he emerged. He looked much like a demon, as he always had. Though he was starting not to fear him, the beast did not seem aggressive toward him.

The demon yawned and spread his large wings. "Yes I did, but if you also recall I had said I shall do such after he enjoyed his spirits." He moved toward the boy. "I gave you my word and I intend to keep it. You must understand it strains me greatly to take over, I am only able to do such in small bursts." A clawed hand brushed the back of his fingers against his cheek. "And do not call me monster nor demon. I bare a name, you need only to listen." A small sad smile played on his lips.

He was brought back, his eyes trying to focus on the obnoxious beta before him. "Hello~" the beta said as he waved his hand in front of his eyes. "Lose you did we?" he asked, he worried for the boy. It could not be easy to be an Omega surrounded by those of a higher nature.

"I here am." He said lowly. Alfred was not in the mood for games. He wanted out. To go back to his brother he only recently found again. Why had he not known sooner? Why had Matthew changed his name and hide behind a mask? He could not be sure and he would sooner cut the womb from his body and present it as a gift to the so called emperor before he was breed. Alfred had more pride then becoming a victim of his nature.

Im Young smiled. "Glad I am! Worried was I, that ill you were." He looked at the tattered clothes that the boy had on. How it was torn and dirty, unbefitting of an Omega. He tsked as he moved to the chest and pulled out a white Kimono lined with sapphire dragons. The rim was blue, accenting the Kimono with great beauty and charm. He then picked up a silver Obi, one with simple waves upon it. He brought it back to the boy. "Neh neh! For you it is! Is better much."

Alfred's eyes drifted toward the clothes. They were lovely, truly so but he did not wish to accept anything given to him by then. He turned from it. Not caring for the rich silk it was made from. None of it impresses him much. No, instead it just angered him more that they would think material objects could win his favor.

If there was one thing the beta knew it was persistence. "Bought was it not. Silk, design hand made all by I." He lowered his eyes as he traced the dragon. His eyes narrowed fondly at it. "My mother…great kimono maker she was, famous was she across all Chuhon. She teach none but I. In secret, I make for her this." He looked up at him. "Too late I was."

Blue eyes looked to his, sympathetic. He and Matthew never had parents. They had wandered about until they were picked up by slavers and sold to Arthur. Yet Alfred had seen, had observed how a mother acted. How he longed to have known such a creature as a mother. He himself destined to become one. If he were to be breed, there was no doubt in his mind he would love the child unconditionally, yet…would he want to raise a child with a male he hated? "For your loss, sorry am I."

Im Young smiled. "Neh, well it is, last all things do not." He held out the kimono once more. "Better then rags is much." He laughed. "Honor my mother it shall." Once the omega took the kimono he turned to leave before stopping at the entrance and turning back. "Hard on outside the Emperor is. Yet, kind his heart is. Chance you may give?" he asked hopefully. "All of country he holds upon shoulders. Heir must he have to ensure bloodline he must."

Alfred sighed and lowered his eyes to look at the kimono. "That he is, sure am I. Yet, fearful am I. Caged I am, bird not a song to sing." He muttered as tears swelled in his eyes. He was destined to marry Yao it would seem. He did not see how the other could get him out of this. Not with all the Alpha's near.

"Caged bird, more beautiful is song when finally does it sing." With that he left.

Alfred looked up at where he once stood. How could any song of pain, suffering and longing be beautiful? He did not know but he stood and began to change from his tattered clothes. Slowly he pulled the Kimono on. The silk was soft to the touch, like petals from a flower, well woven and cared for. Never had he felt such silks, even among the gifts from Arthur. A soft smile. It seemed familiar, comforting even. How very strange.

Amaterasu huffed as he followed Tsukiyomi. The god acted as if he knew where he was going. Not a word was uttered between them as they walked. Tsukiyomi observed the world around him, from the flowers to the animals, who seemed very interested in him, to the birds that chirped happily. Their songs far different from the songs sung in his realm. He stopped to listen and watch.

The golden child smirked. So he had a thing for birds? He motioned for a little blue bird to come to him. It came without hesitation. He smiled as he whispered to him before tossing him in the air.

The bird flew about, singing a cheerful song about spring. He made sure to capture the dark god's attention, doing tricks in the sky by looping about. Brilliant blue eyes watched, a smile gracing his lips. The bird flew down towards him, slowly lowering himself onto his horn. His song continued as he hopped about, moving from his shoulder to his arm, and onto his finger. The dark god was gentle, even reaching out to stroke his feathers. It felt grand, the bird's song ending as he closed his eyes in contentment.

Soon many other birds landed upon him. From a sparrow to a proud hawk, all came to observe the being more closely. Tsukiyomi's smile grew brighter as he pet them one by one. "What lovely creatures you are." He cooed. He must have made a jerky movement because in an instant all of them took to the sky. Without thinking, he broke into a run, spreading his wings before taking to the sky to follow them.

Amaterasu watched in utter bliss as the other enjoyed himself. Never had he seen such skill in flight. How the strong wings pushed him higher and higher. He looped about, spinning and dipping before closing his wings to descend quickly to the lake. At the last moment he opened his wings, pushing the water to the side before spinning upward carrying water with him in a small cyclone. With the spread of his wings, it broke, spraying water about the lake and creating a large rainbow. Tsukiyomi landed again, eyes still trained upon the sky. He smiled as he watched them flutter about chirping happily.

Amaterasu moved to him. "Amazing! I had not known you had such skill!" he clapped his hands together. "Marvelous!" The other's smile faded as he looked on. He clearly had forgotten he was there.

"Why must you place me upon such a high pedestal? Like I am some rare and unique flower meant to be displayed?" Tsukiyomi threw his hand up. "I am not what you would believe me to be. I am nothing more then an unwanted welp within this world. Why must you pester me so?" he really needed to know. Why of all the gods and goddesses would he choose to pursue him? "Is it that I am the one being you can not have? The forbidden fruit you long to taste for you know you are not meant to? Like the food of Jigoku (hell)? Or will after you've had your taste decide to toss the fruit aside for a new taste?" he narrowed his eyes.

The golden god frowned. "Do you believe all that fall from my lips a jest?" he moved toward him. "Do you truly believe I would toss you aside for any other? There is no other such as yourself. From the moment I saw you, I knew you were nothing like the rest of us. We are born divided and judged. Each god is sent to one side or the other, our natures clear. Yet you…" he stood before him, in all his holy glory. "You were a breathe of life to this world. If not for you…there would be no light in the darkness. If not for you, this world would have no meaning." He held out his hand. "Allow me to show you."

Tsukiyomi was hesitant. He did not wish to take the hand but his curiousness overwhelmed him. What if…just what if it were possible that the other was no lying to him? Hesitantly he took it.

A gentle smile. "Come." He said softly, calling a cloud to appear under them. Slowly they rose in the air before taking off toward the village. One there, Amaterasu lowered them down to observe. "That girl," he pointed to a small child with a little bow in her hair. "Her mother passed while…"

"While giving birth. She was very ill and feared the loss of her first born. She begged me to spare the child." He balled his fist. "I took her to heaven, reuniting her with her mother and father."

"You remember?" he asked, curious to know.

"I remember them all, their names, their faces, the reason they all shine so brightly is because I remember them long after their blood runs dry upon the world." A small smile graced his lips as he watched the child giggle and play as her father worked.

"That girl shall grow to be a healer, the greatest ever known in the land. Her name shall be the aspiration to many in the world." Amaterasu looked to him. "She will change this world for the better, because she lost someone dear to her. Darkness is not a curse, but a way to show how brightly one's soul can shine within it."

Tsukiyomi turned to him. So Amaterasu could see the future, he could see what that girl shall become while Tsukiyomi could only see her past and the loss she suffered. "I do not understand. How could death be a good thing? How could any be satisfied with their short lives?"

"They learn quickly to value their short lives, to make the most of it. They will die knowing they have lived their lives in satisfaction because they had done so much in such a short time. Her father shall die knowing his daughter will carry on his name grander then any son could." Amateratsu turned to him. "All of this because of you." He reached his hand out to touch the other. The dark god drew back, fearful of the touch. He narrowed his eyes softly. "You fear the touch of others?"

"There are few laws within the realm of darkness. You must fight to be on top or cower below. There I struggle to keep my virtue. I am seen as a prize. To claim me would give them access to a better life, one where they would not have to watch their backs constantly." He lowered his gaze. "Most dare not to touch me, fearful of the claim Amida has upon me…" he growled his name.

The other tilt his head. "My father's bastard?" Oh he was not pleased, not pleased at all that a vile beast would dare to pursue him. Amida, God of Death had no right to glance his way. "You did not accept…"

"It would not matter. While he prefers me to agree he is not above forcing me as his bride. The laws are claim or be claimed. If he ever decided to just take me…by law I will be his." He closed his eyes, not wishing to say anymore. "I am not some prize to be won. Though he does try to woo me and charm me…I can see the hunger for power in his eyes. When he looks at me…he does not love me, only the idea of me."

Amaterasu could not imagine such a world, a world of chaos where only the strong could hope to survive. He himself could not claim what fascination it was about the other that drew him to long for him. It was not his power, his name, his creation, it was not his darkness, his mysterious ways, not he could not quite think of it but…he needed to know the truth. He needed to find out for himself why he was so obsessed with the God of the Dead.

"I did not know." He said softy, speaking the truth. "I know so little of your realm…having it kept from me all these millennia…" he looked at his hands. "It was because of my birth that the realms were divided. My divine light overwhelmed my father, drove him to madness…He tried to destroy me but mother defended me. For thousands of years they crossed blades until they were cut." He looked to him. "That was the day you were created…"

The dark lord looked as if nothing was news to him. "She did what she thought best, yet she caused endless war and suffering. There is no need to have light and darkness kept from each other. Just as I stand before you in the Realm of Light you too can stand in the Realm of Darkness. Both can coexist without the needless bloodshed. Without the punishments and wars." He knew they could, if she would just give them a chance.

"I feel the same as you." He smiled softly. "I thought you all monsters, demons without hearts. Yet, when I saw how you treated that Okami pup…I knew it was all lies." He moved closer to the God of Darkness. "We can live in peace. We can usher in the new age of Light and Darkness." He took the other god's hand into his. The dark master tried to pull back but he tightened his hold slightly.

Amaterasu looked down upon the captive hand. It was beautiful. Black talons well kept on a pale hand. "You are not so different from me. Underestimated, used, I have nothing because my mother fears so much. She tried to keep me from pursuing you." He took a step forward as the other took a step back.

"She is right to fear. To keep you from me, I am not worthy of you no matter how much you wish it of me." He felt the warm stone behind him, the cliffs were this close? He turned his face from the other. "You are the God of Light, of Hope born from the Womb of the Holy Mother herself. I am the God of Darkness, of The Dead, to put simply a bastard god created from the shed blood and grown in the cold womb of the sea."

The god of light could hear the self-hate. He could hear the words flow without hesitation as if he had heard it for years. It enraged him that any would have the gull to speak to him in such away. "Listen to me. I do not care where you come from or how you were brought into this world." He curled his finger under his chin, turning his head to look at him and gave a soft smile. "Long have I lived, long have I seen one beauty after another. Yet, none caught my eye more then thy inner glory." He laced their hand together. "Thy heart is beauty pure and true. Virtuous and ever giving, bountiful and limitless." He moved his finger from his chin and cupped his cheek. The cool skin was more then he could bear. He leaned closer, his lips grazing the other's. "I have seen how you look at me, when you think I can not see…" He pressed himself closer to him, wanting to feel all of him. "I know longing…I see it in my own eyes." his breath hitched, nearly unable to control himself. "You were created…for me." his lips pressing closer to the other's.

A strong gust kicked up dirt and dust. Amaterasu covered his eyes and stepped back to brace against the wind. "Kuso…" he cursed.

Tsukiyomi sat perched atop a tree. His eyes red with anger and narrowed darkly. "I was a fool to believe your sweet lies. You whom claim to be better, to be pure as light! You are nothing, no different then the cold bastards whom torment me!" tears pricked at his eyes. "Twas foolishness, to hope for what does not exist. Doomed am I, fated to be taken one way or the next." His hand was placed gently at his belly. "Half my womb I gave to a man for love. No love had I seen so greater then in his eyes. Omegas…are all my children, each, and all." He lowered his head. "Why does the caged bird sing? If not for hope? Yet only if a caged bird known freedom does the song sound so sweet and sorrowful. To a bird whom has never tasted the sweetness of freedom, does he live his days in wonder and admiration for the bird's sweet songs of freedom." His tail cracked like a sound of thunder rolling across the hills. His eyes a deeper red then before. "I would sooner end my existence then give in! I will die untouched, unknown to love if that is my song of sweet sorrow then so shall it be!"


I know it has been some time but do understand things were not well in my home. I do not wish to speak of it but I feel as if my world is falling apart. Writing this brought too much pain but I was able to do so. Forgive me and I shall try to be quicker about the update.

Thank you all.