This is my first KuroBasu fanfic, since I started reading/watching it not so long ago. There will probably be some OOCness and lots of bad grammar, since English is not my first language. If you see some mistakes, please tell me about them. Oh, and chapters won't be so long, I suck at writing long stories... seriously.
The current rating is T, it may go up in the future... (oh my god, this might be my first M-rated fic ever), I'm not sure yet. And yes, there was nothing wrong with your eyes when you read the summary, the pairing will be Imayoshi/Izuki.
Well, let the story begin~
"I told you, didn't I? That I would catch you, little bird."
As the first drops of the shower hit his shoulders, he closed his eyes. He heard Hyuga yelling something he couldn't register at Kiyoshi in the locker room. God knows what he said or did this time. Probably nothing. Izuki chuckled quietly while washing himself.
It had been just a practice match - quite easy, in fact, they won by 28 points - but somehow he felt more tired than usual. Well, he did play for the whole 40 minutes, but it wasn't the first time. He had done it many times before, they had so many tough games, but now the defense wasn't so tight and the tempo of the game was much slower. He shouldn't be this exhausted.
Maybe he didn't rest well enough. He barely had time for that, so it was obvious. Damn you, high school.
The point guard slipped out from the shower and wrapped a towel around his hips. From the locker room, he found his captain, who threw him his clothes for some reason. He turned away from the taller one and pulled his boxers on.
"Hurry up, Izuki. We have to go", Hyuga said while packing his own stuff. Izuki noticed they were the only players left in the locker room. He must had spent more time in the shower than usually. But wait, he was there for a minute! Right? Oh, well. The point guard dressed up quickly and grabbed his basketball shoes (they couldn't fit in the bag).
"By the way, that last rebound of yours was awesome. I didn't know you could jump that high", Hyuga commented when they left the locker room.
"Practice", Izuki replied and smiled. That rebound was really something he was proud of. His jumping power had improved a lot. Of course, he wasn't and couldn't ever be even close as good as Kagami, but it didn't matter. It still felt good. It was almost like he was flying.
His phone buzzed in his pocket. One new message. He didn't recognize the number, but opened the message anyway. His dark eyes narrowed slightly.
"That was quite impressive, little bird. I knew you had the eye, but the invisible wings too?"
Well that was just... weird. He couldn't come up with any other word to describe it. What was the point of that? And since when were eagles considered as little birds? Izuki continued reading.
"However, it would be a shame if some bastard would come and cut them off, wouldn't it? Be careful."
His expression never changed while reading the message, but inside his head, he was slightly alarmed. What was that supposed to mean? Was someone threatening him?
"Oi, are you okay?" it made him jump a little. Hyuga gave him a questioning look.
"I'm fine", he replied quickly. The shooting guard glanced at his phone.
"Who texted you?"
Izuki hesitated for a few seconds. Should he tell Hyuga? He wasn't really keeping secrets from his best friend. But he didn't want to make him worry either. And perhaps it didn't mean anything. Yeah, it was probably just a bad joke. And everyone said that it was him, who had a weird sense of humor.
"It was my mom", he lied, "she asked me about the result and the stats."
Hyuga nodded. He didn't seem suspicious at all, good. They hurried outside where the rest of the team was waiting for them. After checking twice that everyone was there and they hadn't lost Kuroko, they were ready to go home.
Izuki walked with slow pace next to Mitobe and looked at his phone again.
Whoever had sent him that, had been watching the game. And somehow had his number as well. So it was probably someone who he knew. But the question was: who it could be?
Yes, it was short. I'm so sorry... (and I feel like Sakurai now). But I'll try to write longer chapters (you can think this is a "prologue").
Let me know what you think! Please rate and review~ I'll love you for it!