Hey! Its AnubisYacker here! This is the final chapter to my alternate ending! Thinking of writing a sequel though, thoughts?

Here it is.

Chapter 3

After what seemed like 2 years, Emma walked out of the spare room and down the stairs.

"Is he okay?" Maddy asked as soon as she walked through the door to the living room.

"Why don't you go see for yourself?" Emma teased, hoping to get a small smile, but in return being pushed past as Maddy ran up the stairs. Maddy had never ran up the stairs so fast, she tripped on the middle step, bashing her knee against the wooden staircase and letting out a painful moan, but carried on running.

She stopped outside the door, hesitating whether to go in or not.

"I can smell you Maddy" Rhydian mumbled, only to hear a laugh and her walk through the door. He had a few stitches in his forhead and some down the side of his stomach. She tilted her head as she looked at him. Even with all the cuts and bruises, he still looked attractive. "When you've quite finished staring at me, hi!" Rhydian had his eyes closed, but could sense her. Maddy grinned and walked over to him lying in the large bed. Family members would stay in here when they visited. She walked around the bed to the side he wasn't laying on and sat on it, crossing her legs.

"Hey" she said shyly, turning her head away. Rhydian's eyes opened slightly as he let out a cough and turned his head so he could look at her.

"What's up?" Rhydian joked, lifting his hand up and stroking her cheek.

"You blooming idiot! You could've been killed!" Maddy spat, pushing his hand away. She was mad at him. She needed to show it, but her straight face turned into a smile as he poked her chest.

"Well I'm sorry for saving your life Madeline!" Rhydian said sarcastically.

"Sorry, if I wouldn't have chased you this wouldn't have happened!"

"I'm glad you came for me, there was something I had to give you anyway" Rhydian flushed a crimson colour as she raised an eyebrow at him.

"Really? And what would that be?" Rhydian arched his in hand, signalling her to come closer. Happily, she moved closer and closer towards his face until she could feel his warm breath on her face. As soon as the ends of there noses were an inch from each other a cough filled the room, making them jump back.

That cough was Shannon's as she walked through the door, making Maddy and Rhydian go red in the face.

"Sorry was I interrupting something?" Shannon asked innocently looking at Rhydian and Maddy's faces and feeling guilty.

"What's up Shan?" Maddy sighed, looking at Shannon.

"I was just seeing if Rhydian's okay that's all, it was a big attack!" Shannon said.

"Well as you can see I'm fine, not gonna let some phsyco kill me off!" Rhydian joked, getting a few giggles from Shannon. "And, thanks for helping me, both of you" Rhydian looked at the door. "OH, AND YOU TOM!" Shannon and Maddy burst out laughing as Tom walked in nervously.

"Sorry, I was just erm-well I was just erm- oh nevermind" Tom spluttered looking at Rhydian embarrassingly. "Shannon, do you not think we should leave them alone to y'know, like make out now?" by now Shannon was laughing hysterically, Rhydian went pale in pure embarrassment and Maddy covering her face with her sleeves.

"Tom, that was a bit far fetched don't you think?" Shannon asked grabbing Tom's hood and pulling him out. "See you in a bit?"

"Definitely!" Maddy smiled, peering around the door until they were out of sight.

"Take two?" Rhydian joked, letting a chuckle escape his lips.

"Why not?" Maddy said, leaning in once more. They were so close, so close, until…

"Maddy, do you want a bacon sandwich?" Emma asked walking in the room. Maddy and Rhydian had already pulled away at a fast speed.

"No thanks Mam, I'm fine!" Maddy answered.

"Okay then, what about you Rhydian? Up for it?" a huge grin appeared on Rhydian's face.

"B-Bacon? As In real bacon?" He asked, making Maddy and Emma giggle.

"Yes Rhydian, real bacon!"

"Then yes!" Rhydian said loudly, before stopping. "Please!" he added.

"Coming right up!" Emma walked out and back down the stairs.

"Right" Rhydian began. "Third time lucky?" He asked, swiping a piece of Maddy's hair from her face.

"Third times a charm!" Maddy leaned towards Rhydian, her hands on the bed for support as their lips finally met, clashing together. They smiled, taking it all in.

"Mads, your phones going o-" Daniel was cut off by seeingwhat Maddy and Rhydian were doing. "Erm, never mind then!" Dan pressed the green button. "Erm. Maddy's unavailable at the minute. call back later" With that, Daniel pulled the door shut behind him.

Maddy and Rhydian were in there own world.

Maddy pulled away ad smiled at Rhydian, biting her lip and smiled at him. Rhydian twisted a lock of Maddy's hair in his finger as she wiped top of his wound gently

"You have no idea how long waited for that" he whispered.

"I knew could'nt let you go" Was Maddy's reply.

"I love you Madeline Smith"

"I love you too, Rhydian Morris" Maddy pressed a kiss to his cheek and linked there fingers.

After a few moments of looking at each other Tom ran into the room and slammed the dor.

"Tom? what's wrong?" Rhydian asked the sweaty boy. a shout from Emma answered their question.

"Tom? Why is the washing pole hanging off the back of the truck?" Shannon walked in laughing, as well as Rhydian and Maddy.

"It's not funny!" Tom whispered blocking the door way.

"Yes tom, it is!" Shannon admitted, still laughing. Maddy's mums howl filled the house as she called out.

"Howl with me guys!" Tom called as they all howled together, laughing once more.

And that is it! let me know about having a sequal! Until next time!