
A ray of light is making its way between the curtains, chasing away the darkness of night and announcing the morning. Elizabeth slowly emerges from a heavy sleep. Turning around under the covers, she is surprised to see she is alone in the bed. Concerned, she gets up and puts her robe on.

She is worried about Peter. He has talked to her about the clash between him and Neal. Peter feels really bad about it. She has faith that they will make up in no time. They care too much for each other to stay away for too long. There is nothing to worry about here. No, what concerns her is the storm they are heading into, those events and forces they can't control. It seems much bigger than anything they've been through before. Peter hasn't said anything about his nightmares, but she knows they are back. She knows what Neal means to Peter and she hopes with all her heart that when the dust finally settles, both men will come out unscathed.

She goes and checks the bathroom, but Peter isn't there, so she heads downstairs.


What she sees makes her stop on the last step.

Neal and Peter are lolled on the sofa, sleeping soundly under a shared blanket. Their heads are tilted toward each other, almost touching.

There are two empty glasses and a bottle of whisky on the table.

El smiles. See, she was right, they can't live without one another.