A/N So... It's been a while. To anyone following this story I am so sorry it's taken so incredibly long to get you this next chapter. To everyone that has reviewed a massive thank you and cyber hugs to each and every one of you!

I would like to warn that although I have now completely planned and outlined this story it is not completely written yet and I'm not sure how long it will take in between chapters.

Also, if anyone would like to beta this story please let me know!

As always, JK Rowling rocks and all credit goes to her amazing imagination and talents for creating the Potter-verse.


It was difficult to produce a smile as Harry joined Ginny on the stage, but Daphne knew what was required of her and rose to her feet to join the other diners in a round of applause.

Daphne felt a stab of jealousy as Ginny leaned forward and greeted Harry, leaning in for a kiss on both cheeks and lingering just a fraction too long.

Harry isn't playing her game, she tried to reassure herself.

But was that simply due to the audience?

What about when Ginny would approach him alone? Because Daphne was certain that Ginny would.

The presentation of the five chosen families seemed to drag on forever and it took all of Daphne's remaining composure to laugh and clap and smile in all the right places. All the while Ginny continued her routine of laughing and touching Harry just a little too long, reminding Daphne of their shared history.

Daphne was never more thankful than now of her years in Slytherin, producing the right body language was an art she had perfected at Hogwarts. So for anyone who cared to look, there was no sign of how Ginny's performance was affecting Harry Potter's wife.

The presentation finally came to an end and Daphne plastered on a smile as Harry crossed the room, back to his seat.

"Well done sweetheart," she softly complimented, but was surprised when Harry leaned forward and swept her into a short but intense kiss.

Reassurance? For her, or the eyes of those around the room?

The latter she decided as he pulled away, they didn't share a connection that strong... Did they?

As if he could tell what she was thinking, he picked up her hand in his and linked their fingers together.

Daphne barely restrained herself from digging her French tipped nails hard into the back of his tanned hand. Harry looked at her with eyes that knew of her restraint and that she was far from done.

As expected when Ginny stepped off the stage and onto the floor of the ballroom she made her way towards Harry. Admittedly she was stopped by other guests on her way who wanted to speak with the famous model, but her destination was never in question.

All her life Daphne had done what was expected of her, she had wanted to make her family proud of her as a result she had strived towards excellence in everything she did and almost always achieved it and she wasn't about to stop now.

Just keep acting, she told herself. You can do it.


The models eyes darkened with lust as she said his name making Daphne's blood boil.

"I wanted to let you know how much I appreciated you joining me on stage."

To his credit, Harry kept his expression neutral. "I could hardly say no publicly."

"Well, I know you give so much to the charity, you seemed the perfect man for the job." Ginny teased.

Daphne felt Harry intertwine their fingers and gave her hand a light squeeze.

"I'm not sure that you've been formally introduced. This is my wife, Daphne Potter."

Ginny's smile didn't falter as she turned to Daphne, there was no way Ginny was unaware they were married. As England's wedding of the century, media from all over the world had covered their nuptials.

"Charmed." Ginny dismissed Daphne and turned back to Harry.

"We must catch up soon Harry darling."

"To reminisce?" Daphne interrupted, fully aware that she was not included in the invitation.

A giggle emitted from between the models carefully painted lips. "We do have a past together."

"Yes, a past." Daphne emphasised.

"I do hate possessive women."

"Really?" Daphne raised her eyebrow, dropping all pretence. "I thought you would find it more exciting."

Harry's hold on her fingers tightened in warning.

"It's getting late, we were about to leave." Harry said.

Daphne reined in the urge to reveal she was going to have hot, passionate sex with her husband when they got home, and instead settled for a polite smile of indifference.

Harry and Daphne gathered their things and said their goodbyes to the other guests on their table.

"See you soon." Ginny called as they made their way to the exit.

Not if I can help it, Daphne thought.

Making their way through the room they were stopped by several friends and colleagues with reminders for upcoming events.

As they wove through the ballroom Harry's hand never left the small of her back, his firm presence was reassuring and helped Daphne keep her composure for the last few minutes waiting for the floo.

She sometimes pondered if Harry knew how much he affected her.

In their bedroom, certainly.

Just the thought of their coupling made her heart race. He was infinitely more skilled than any of Daphne's few lovers before their marriage. The things he could do with his mouth...

Just thinking about it sent tingles to all the right places.

The ferocious way in which he made love to her gave her hope that he cared, beyond the bounds of their situation and duty to their families.

But even as he devoured he in bed and was swept up in their lovemaking he never once said anything. No mention at all of the L word.

"My lord," a gruff voice brought her out of her head and she realised they were now at the front of the floo queue. Stepping into the fireplace she didn't spare Harry as much as a look before grabbing a handful of floo powder, stating her destination and disappearing in a cloud of green smoke.


The second it took for Daphne to regain her footing had Harry exiting the fireplace stumbling behind her.

They walked side by side through the large lobby and up the gently curved staircase to the floor above.


She turned towards him gauging his mood.

"An argument in the public eye is out of the question, you know that." She managed evenly.

Harry simply raised one eyebrow at her.

Deciding to be direct she continued, "Are you going to take Ginny up on her offer?"

Any lingering amusement at her anger quickly faded from his expression.

"Do you trust me so little? Do you want reassurance of my fidelity?"

"I want an answer to my question."

Their marriage was one of convenience, sure, but it was also based on respect, trust and affection. Not to mention mind blowing sex.

She was never meant to fall in love with Harry, but it happened before she could help it and was now paying for her stupidity, for not guarding her heart more closely, as unrequited love was agony.

"Have I ever lied to you?"


Harry's hand came up to gently rest on her cheek. "That's not going to change, my dear."

Then he covered her mouth with his own, gently biting her lower lip, teasing her.

She responded for a few seconds then pulled away. "What do you think you're doing?"

Silly question. She knew exactly what he was doing.

He sought her mouth once more, dispensing with the teasing, and as his tongue ran over hers fighting for dominance she felt her body respond.

Harry slowly unzipped her gown, the sound making the pulse between her thighs throb, and stepped away to let it fall to the ground leaving Daphne in only her black thong and jewellery.

Harry sucked in a breath taking in her smooth, taut body with the slow appreciative sweep of his gaze, pausing on her small breasts that jutted out at him with hard pink tipped nipples and then down to her scarcely covered mound.

"Take it off," he commanded of her remaining garment.

She complied without hesitation, "turnabout is fair play." Then turned her back and walked to their bed.

When she settled and looked up he was divesting the last of his clothing and began moving towards her like a lion stalking its prey, devouring her with his eyes.

Then there was only him, the world left behind as the magic of his touch swept her away. In between caresses and the heat of his mouth she was vaguely aware of him easing over her, gentle at first then faster, pushed on by an unrepentant need until they both cried out.

Breathless and finally appeased, Daphne wordlessly rested her head on her husbands smooth chest and smiled as she felt Harry's arms come around her, stroking her back softly.

She was asleep almost instantly and was unaware of both the gentle kiss he placed on the top of her head and that he lay awake long into the night.


A/N Ahh! My first M rated scene.

Too cheesy? Just right? A bit more heat to the fire? Would love to hear from all you lovely readers out there!