A/N: This is a bit long. I hope it's not to rambly. :/

"Come in, Derek." Sheriff Stilinski said, giving a polite smile. It was pleasant even, not just polite. This immediately put Derek Hale on high alert.

Okay, he was already on high alert because after that whole thing with the sex tape getting around school and then what he did to Jackson...being invited to the Stilinski home out of the blue was suspicious.

But that smile? The sheriff had never, ever smiled at him like that before.

"I'm sure you're wondering why I made plans to meet you here, on my lunch break, rather at the station." the sheriff said, as he gestured for Derek to follow him into the kitchen – with the knives – once the door was shut.

"I am a little curious." he admitted, guardedly, not sure he should admit that or not but an answer seemed required here and he wasn't sure his usual dead silence was a good idea with the sheriff this time around. Being questioned about possibly murdering his sister was one thing, being questioned at home without any witnesses probably about his sexual involvement with the sheriff's son? Well, that was quite another.

And he was sure it had to do with that. Because, again...no witnesses. Even Stiles was at school right now. Probably had no idea that his boyfriend was in hostile territory, alone, and maybe about to be murdered.

Derek stopped in his tracks when he entered the kitchen. Sitting on the table were two mugs of coffee, he knew without looking due to the smell, and a gun obviously in the process of being cleaned if the state of it and the cleaning tools surrounding it were any indication. And, of course, bullets off to the side.

The sheriff smiled again. "Have a seat, Derek. I made some coffee for the both of us." he said, gesturing to the seat across the table from him as he sat down and began to resume cleaning his gun. Which Derek noticed was not his service weapon and was rather large for a hand gun.

"I think I'd rather stand...I'm not thirsty anyway." Derek answered, preferring to stay near the doorway.

Sheriff looked up at him and gave him a hard look. Steel had nothing on that look, it was fucking titanium. "Sit. Down."

Derek had to stop himself from sitting down on the floor where he stood. Instead, he hurried to sit at the chair that was obviously for him. He remembered that sort of tone and look from his own father, when Derek or Laura did something particularly wrong. Usually Laura blaming him for something he didn't do, but still.

"Have a drink." the sheriff said, putting on his pleasant face and tone again.

Derek wondered if sociopathy ran in the Stilinski family.

"I'm not-"


Derek eyed the coffee, picked it up carefully, slowly, brought it to his lips but gave a sniff first. He didn't smell anything but coffee...but that didn't necessarily mean anything. There were a lot of tasteless, odorless poisons that were common for humans to use that werewolves also couldn't detect.

He took a sip. Waited a moment. No pain. No asphyxiation. No nausea. No light headedness. Maybe it was just coffee, after all...

"Did you know there was a video making the rounds on the Internet recently involving my son?" he asked.

Derek wasn't sure how to respond. Maybe there was still hope that the sheriff only suspected it was him and didn't know for sure? After all, most of the video didn't involve...uh...faces.

"My son and yourself, actually."

Yeah, no such luck. Such was his life.

"Sir, I can explain. It wasn't-"

"It wasn't a sex video involving you having sex with my underage son? Not to mention it didn't look like you were taking any care whatsoever to exercise any caution. I didn't notice a condom, but I did notice you were being pretty rough with him."

Derek swallowed. Looked at the gun. Looked at the bullets. It was okay, as long as it was in pieces it wasn't usable...

Human bullets were usually pretty useless, but if one got lodged in a werewolf's brain it was lights out for good. It was a similar principle to the arrows hunters used, you can't heal unless it's taken out and there's no guarantee that you'll be able to heal a brain injury from a bullet, anyway, whether it stayed lodged in there or not.

"It...it was what it looked like." Derek admitted. "But, I'm clean and I would never hurt Stiles."

"Do you know the term statutory rape?" the sheriff asked, ignoring Derek's reassurances.

"I..." somehow he didn't think it would be smart to repeat Stiles' logic about being seventeen and close to his birthday to the sheriff. Somehow that seemed like a really bad idea right now.

The sheriff raised an eyebrow. "No?"

"Yes...I know what it is. But, I would never hurt Stiles." he repeated, for lack of anything else to say. He had no real legal legs to stand on here. This was the sheriff. If he wanted to get him on statutory rape charges, he could regardless of how close to his birthday Stiles was.

"You wouldn't hurt him? It didn't look like you were taking much precaution to make sure of that."

"I'm clean. And...I know it looked...rough." he blushed. God was he having this conversation with Stiles' father? Seriously? Somehow, he pictured that if they had to have a conversation like this with Mr. Stilinski it would be different. And that, at least, Stiles would be there as a buffer. The sheriff would never hurt Stiles, either, regardless of how ridiculous Stiles' explanations and placations got.

He was totally not thinking about hiding behind his seventeen year old human boyfriend, either. That was...not on his mind. At all. Nope.

Sheriff Stilinski began to put his gun back together. Derek stared at it.

Okay, so maybe he was thinking about hiding behind Stiles, but you know what? That was justified. It's not like he could hurt the sheriff, Stiles would never forgive him. Even in self-defense. He'd have to hope he could get away fast enough. Werewolf mojo or no, the sheriff was well-trained with guns, he could easily be as dangerous as a hunter even without the wolfsbane bullets.

"Why should I take the word of a guy who thinks it's a good idea to have sex with underage boys?" the sheriff asked, and Derek winced. That made him sound like a pedophile. And it made him think of Kate and the way she'd used him.

"It...it's not like that. I..."

"You'll get tested."


"Tested for STDs and STIs. And so will Stiles."

"Okay..." Derek was sure he could work that out so it didn't give away his werewolf heritage so long as he was careful and knew in advance what kind of test they'd be administering.

"No, not okay. That implies you have a choice. You'll get tested."

"Yes." Derek said, eyeing the gun as the sheriff put it down, now fully reassembled and only needing the bullets. Which were very close to the sheriff's hand.

"Good. And no more sex tapes."

"Absolutely not." Derek agreed, firmly. That wasn't even his idea in the first place! He'd known it was a stupid thing to do when Stiles brought it up, but he'd given Derek those puppy eyes and...dammit.

The sheriff nodded.

"I just...I really would never hurt Stiles. I..." God he kept getting choked on that sentence!

"You what?" the sheriff narrowed his eyes.

"I love him." Derek said, quietly.

"He's seventeen." the sheriff didn't seem to buy that.

"I know." Derek said, looking at the table, at the rapidly cooling coffee in front of him.

"Does Stiles know how serious you are about this?"


"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely positive."

"And he reciprocates?"

"Yes. I think he does. You should ask him..."

"Maybe you should ask him. And think long and hard about whether he's old enough to make a decision like that about his future." the sheriff knew that while he could intimidate both Derek and his son – though apparently Derek more than Stiles it seemed – he couldn't make the decision. He could refuse to let them see each other, but he wasn't an idiot. If young people wanted to carry on clandestine relationships and have sex they were going to do it whether their parents agreed to it upon finding out or not. They were already sneaking around.

"...I trust Stiles to know his heart." Derek said, quietly, still staring at the table. Besides, if Stiles was in the age group that Derek considered old enough to make their own decisions about whether or not they should receive the Bite then he could be trusted to make a decision like this, too.

The sheriff was quiet for a while as he looked at Derek for a long time.

Derek couldn't help but fidget. Just a little. This was different than being interrogated by him for murder. Everything about it was different, felt different even. It was like being under the scrutiny of his own father when he was displeased with Derek over something. Old habits died hard.

"You'll use condoms from now on. Even if I have to buy them for you two." the sheriff said firmly.

Derek's eyes widened a little and his blush made it up to his ears. "I can buy them..."

"Good." the sheriff said. "I'll have a talk with Stiles tonight."

Derek nodded.

"Now...about Jackson Whittemore..."

Derek frowned. "I heard he got what he deserved."


Derek was silent.

"So, he got what he deserved, did he? Stuck at the top of a flagpole in front of the whole school with no clothes?"

"That sounds about right."

"What made him deserve that?"

"I heard he was a bully."

"Uh huh..."

Derek was still silent.

"He released the tape didn't he?" the sheriff asked after a while. It all happened so close together, after all. And Jackson had never been put in such a humiliating position before. That would've gotten around.

Derek was still silent. He had a right to not incriminate himself, right?

"Alright. Go home and...make an appointment to get tested, then." the sheriff said with a sigh.

Derek got up quickly and practically ran for the door, his face still burning. What the hell was his life, anyway?

Damn Stiles and his stupid ideas!