DISCLAIMER: Thor belongs to Marvel and Disney. This story is written purely for enjoyment and no money is being made from this fiction.
Author Note:Thanks so much for all the support on this story! I'm really glad you've all enjoyed it so far. Again, I'd like to stress the fact that I am basing this story off the Norse myth and therefore I am ignoring the Marvel fact that only Thor can pick up the hammer and also summon it. Sorry if I didn't make that clear before. Thanks again to all who have given me detailed reviews. They're very helpful! And now without further ado, here is the (hopefully) entertaining conclusion to this story!
Gods in Dresses
"Ouch!" yelped Thor, complaining loudly as Freya stuck him with yet another pin. Loki didn't bother hiding his grin.
"If you would stop fidgeting Thor, I wouldn't keep sticking you with pins!" scolded Freya. Thor grumbled under his breath.
"This is the most humiliating thing I have ever done," he growled, a fierce scowl on his face. Loki chuckled. Thor glared at him. "I see no humor in this situation, brother." He was rewarded with a full-out laugh from Loki, which quickly turned into a yelp as Frigga stuck him with a pin.
"Stop antagonizing your brother, Loki," she warned, and added another pin to the skirt of Loki's dress. "I'm almost finished, dear." Loki held still for a moment longer, barely containing another laugh when Thor was stuck with yet another pin.
"Honestly Thor, one would think you hadn't ever fought in a great battle or fended off a group of giants single-handedly if they could see you now, crying in pain from a simple—ow!" Loki looked down in shock at his mother, who had just stuck another pin in his leg.
She gave him a stern look. "I told you to stop antagonizing your brother."
Loki sighed petulantly. "Yes Mother. I won't do it again." He put on an angelic face. Frigga scoffed and smacked him lightly with her fan.
"The God of Lies indeed! Listen to the tales that come out of your mouth! You should be ashamed, lying to your own mother like that."
Loki smiled and put his hands on his hips, which looked ridiculous while he was wearing a dress—even a half-stitched one. "I don't know what you're talking about, Mother." He gave her a wink.
She scoffed. "You're incorrigible."
"I try," Loki said lazily.
"I do not see how you can be so merry, brother," Thor growled.
"Easily," Loki answered. "We have a good plan and I have absolute faith in your ability to carry it out." Thor grunted in response, but he seemed to be temporarily placated.
"There!" announced Freya. "Thor, hold still while I take this off of you. I'll have this stitched up within the hour." Loki watched with amusement as Thor awkwardly contorted his body so Freya could remove the dress without tearing out any of her pins. When it came time for his dress to be removed, he simply changed his shape and willed his body out of it using his magic.
"Show off," grunted Thor. Loki only grinned in response.
Frigga clucked her tongue. "Away with you! I will call you when Freya and I finish the dresses. It would be best if you two prepare to depart."
Thor and Loki bowed their heads. "Yes Mother," they chorused. Thor left quickly after, perhaps fleeing from the sight of any more lace and made for his room to don some of his lighter pieces of armor. It couldn't be very bulky or the dress wouldn't fit right and Thrym would be suspicious, but Thor wouldn't dare enter Jotunheim without some form of protection. Loki would be doing the same.
After some time Thor reappeared and found Loki standing on the balcony outside of the sewing room. The laughing voices of their mother and Freya could be heard inside, and Thor eyed the door warily. Loki sensed his brother's unease and stepped closer to him.
"What troubles you, brother?"
Thor looked at Loki and glanced around to see if anyone was listening. Loki's eyebrows shot up in surprise. After confirming there were no listening ears save for theirs, Thor leaned in towards Loki conspiratorially. "I know you are skilled in the art of concealment, Loki," Thor began.
Loki immediately grinned, knowing exactly what Thor was going to ask. "Yes," he said slowly.
Thor paused and looked sheepish. "I would consider it a great favor to me, brother, if you would conceal us until we arrived at the Bifrost. I have no wish to march across Asgard in women's skirts."
A wide smile spread across Loki's face. "Are you sure, brother?" he teased. Thor glared at him. Loki paused for a moment, considering. He knew he would likely not have such an opportune moment to tease Thor like this for a long time, if ever again. He didn't want to miss it. He also knew that Thor's friends would be wanting to see him off. His grin grew even wider. They would surely be waiting at the Bifrost. Loki laughed. "Of course, Thor. I will conceal us, until we reach the Bifrost."
Thor clapped a large hand on Loki's back and pulled him into a hug. "Thank you, brother," said Thor with obvious relief. At that moment the doors to the sewing room flew open and their mother strode out.
"Your gowns are ready for you, boys," she said, a smile in her voice. Thor's shoulders slumped and he headed off with a grunt, but Loki walked calmly inside, the corners of his mouth turning up slowly. He cared not if he had to wear a dress. It would not bring him anymore ridicule than he already received, and besides, he had even spent time as a woman. He gritted his teeth at the memory.
It had been a complicated bit of magic. Loki had turned himself into a mare to tempt the mighty stallion Svadilfari and bore a son, Sleipnir, an eight-legged horse which he gifted to Odin as a Father's Day present. Sleipnir was an immensely powerful horse, able to gallop over the sea, air and land, outrun any horse in the Nine Realms, and could even travel to the land of the dead. Odin was very pleased with Loki's gift and had told him so, but that hadn't stopped him from gushing with pleasure when Thor presented him with a new set of armor specially crafted by the dwarves and a feast held in his honor.
Loki snorted. That sort of favoritism was exactly why Loki would relish a chance to humiliate his brother. He knew of course, that Thor would likely redeem himself quickly through some act of valor, but he contented himself with Thor's current misery. His brother was now huffing loudly as Freya and their mother helped in into his dress, a long, layered white gown with a fifteen foot train and big puffy sleeves to hide Thor's bulging muscles.
When the ladies finished buttoning the back of Thor's dress, they stepped back to admire their handy work. Thor stood with his shoulders slumped and a look of extreme displeasure on his face. Frigga frowned at her sullen son. "Come now, Thor, stand up straight. A lady does not slump."
Loki barely contained his mirth. He had waved away the maids that had come to help him into his own gown and slipped into it using magic. His gown was pale green and high necked, and since since he was so slender, he appeared to look much more ladylike than Thor. Still, he used his magic to lengthen his long black hair and stuffed the bust of the dress to "enhance his girlish figure." He glanced over at Thor.
"His figure is wrong," Loki pointed out, interrupting the ladies' inspection of Thor. "He has no bust."
Thor growled at Loki, but Freya exclaimed, "You're right!" and hastily began stuffing small pillows down Thor's front. Loki chuckled. Thor now looked like an ungainly, top-heavy maiden—with a beard.
"It would have been better if you would have shaved your beard, dear," their mother said a little sadly.
"There is no time," Loki interjected. As much fun as it would see to a clean-cut Thor, they needed to reach Jotunheim by nightfall. "He will just have to wear a thick veil to hide his beard."
"You are right, my son," Frigga agreed. Quickly she fetched a lacy veil to cover her son's shaggy head.
"Better," said Loki, circling his brother. "But there's something missing." He snapped his fingers and Thor's thick boots gains a two inch heel that clicked when he walked. "Perfect," said Loki, grinning. A snap of the fingers and he had boots to match. He linked an arm through Thor's and threw him a cheeky grin. "Now aren't we just a lovely bridal couple?"
"Let's just get this over with," Thor grumbled. "I long to feel the weight of Mjollnir in my hands again."
"Soon enough, brother," said Loki lightly. He mock-curtsied to his mother and Freya. "Thank you ladies, for your services. If you will excuse us, Thor and I have a wedding to attend to."
"Wait!" cried Freya. She hurried forward and unclasped her special golden necklace, the Brisingamen, and put it around Thor's neck. "This will guarantee your acceptance as me," she said. Thor nodded solemnly, knowing the importance of the rare treasure now hanging around his neck.
"I will return it as you give it to me now, Lady Freya, and guard it closely."
Freya smiled. "Thank you."
"And now we must go," Loki urged. As much fun as he was having at Thor's expense, he knew time was of the essence and that this was an important matter. "Stay close to me, brother," he ordered. Thor complied, and Loki shut his eyes in concentration. Within seconds, they were nothing but shadows.
"So this is how you sneak up on me!" Thor exclaimed in awe. Loki frowned.
"Yes, and silently. It does you no good to be invisible if everyone around you can hear your racket," Loki scolded. Thor immediately fell silent. Loki found he liked his obedient Thor and hoped he could get him to behave this way more often. Perhaps he would invite Thor the next time he harassed Sif.
They passed through the city quickly and were soon within the sights of the Bifrost. Even from a distance, Loki would make out the impressive figure of Heimdall in his golden armor standing guard at the Bifrost entrance. As they got closer, Loki suddenly heard a groan from Thor. He smiled. Standing to the left of Heimdall were the Warriors Three, all of them grinning like fools. Even Hogan the Grim had a small smile on his usually stern lips.
"Do not lift our concealment, brother," Thor urged.
"I only promised I would conceal us until we reached the Bifrost, dear brother. Besides, we must be visible for Heimdall to let us pass," Loki said, amusement clear in his voice.
Thor put his veiled head in his hands. "So be it," he grumbled. With that Loki released the enchantments shielding them from view.
"Ah, at last the beauteous bride and his lovely maid approaches!" shouted Fandral with delight. Beside him, Volstagg roared with laughter.
"I believe it is a good look for you, Thor," said Hogan.
"Can't we see the blushing bride's face?" teased Fandral, his own cheeks bright red from laughter.
"Believe me, Fandral, you would not want to see my face right now," said Thor angrily. He stepped forward, puffing out his chest and clenching his fists. Unfortunately, this only served to show off Thor's newly acquired bust, and the warriors burst into new bouts of laughter.
"You are rather well-endowed, Thor," chuckled Volstagg. "Impressive indeed!"
"And what if I had asked you fools to be part of my wedding party?" Thor asked, his voice straining with his restrained rage. "Would you be laughing then?"
Hogan and Volstagg quieted a little, but Fandral only laughed harder. "Of course," he said merrily.
"I am doing this for the good of Asgard," Thor growled, growing angrier by the minute. Loki was thoroughly enjoying himself. He watched the squabbling friends with glee. Heimdall however, stood stoic as ever throughout the proceedings.
"But of course!" cried Fandral. "Saving Asgard with your skirts blowing in the wind!" The warriors laughed again. Thor's shoulders heaved with anger and Loki thought it past time for them to be departing. He thought it odd that Sif had not come to see them off, but thought no more of it. He was through dealing with her today.
"As fun as this is," Loki drawled, "we do have a mission. Heimdall, may we pass?"
The solemn man turned his piercing golden gaze on the pair of them. "Certainly, my princes. And remember to have care in your manner of returning, for I must continue to keep my duty to Asgard. If your return threatens the safety of Asgard, I will have no choice but to leave you in Jotunheim."
"We understand," Loki said quickly before Thor could say anything ridiculous about the glory of battle or some such nonsense. Heimdall nodded and they stepped into the Bifrost.
"Wait!" Loki frowned as an annoyingly familiar voice shouted at them from the bridge leading to the Bifrost. He and Thor turned around to see Sif, golden hair flying, sprinting down the bridge towards them. But what was most shocking was the pale green gown she was wearing to match Loki's. The Warriors Three simultaneously dropped their mouths open.
Over the years they had gotten used to Sif and her crusade to prove that women made just as fierce warriors on the field of battle as men. She ate with the men, drank with the men, swore like the men, and she never wore dresses. For once, even Fandral was speechless.
Thor stepped forward to greet her. "Lady Sif, what are you doing here? And why are you dressed as such?" Loki rolled his eyes. Wasn't it obvious?
"I've come to join your wedding party, Thor. Surely you would benefit by having my sword at your side?" She eyed Loki distrustfully. Thor laughed.
"Of course," he said, sounding much happier than he had only moments ago. Possibly this was because Sif had yet to laugh at Thor's attire. At this Loki stepped forward.
"I don't think—"
He was cut off by Heimdall suddenly speaking. "I am sorry, Lady Sif, but the princes must make this journey alone. I have seen it."
Sif bristled. "With all due respect, Heimdall, surely my presence would do no harm?"
Heimdall shook his head. "You are known as a fierce warrior throughout the Nine Realms, Lady Sif. Your presence would seem suspicious to the Jotun king." Loki smiled as Sif fought with being outraged and flattered at the same time. Heimdall was far too observant most of the time for Loki, which made it difficult for him to play his tricks, but there were times when his famed "sight" was useful.
"But," Sif started to protest again, but Thor shook his head.
"I am sorry, Sif. Heimdall has spoken. This is one journey you cannot accompany on," Thor said gently. "But I will not forget your willingness to help." Loki rolled his eyes as Sif ate up Thor's words. For such an out spoken feminist, Sif certainly wasn't immune to Thor's charms.
"Thor, we must go now," Loki said, glaring at Sif.
"Farewell, my friends," Thor said gallantly. He raised a fist, apparently forgetting how ridiculous he looked in his dress and veil. Then Heimdall powered up the Bifrost and Loki and Thor disappeared, their last sight being Sif smacking Fandral upside the head for ogling her dress.
Their landing in Jotunheim was hard, but somehow they both managed to keep their feet. Immediately they caught sight of a group of Frost Giants marching their way. Loki turned to Thor quickly and adjusted his veil. "Whatever happens, you must remain silent," he warned. "I can alter my voice and face so Thrym won't recognize me, but there is little I can do to yours. So for god sakes, if you have to speak, please try to remember you are supposed to be a woman."
Thor didn't answer, he merely nodded. Seconds later they were surrounded by a group of leering Frost Giants, the largest of whom spoke to them. "Welcome to Jotunheim, ladies," he said, his voice sounding like rocks grating against metal. Neither Thor nor Loki answered. They held their heads high and looked at the giants disdainfully as they were directed towards the city.
Once they reached the city limits, the giants summoned a large carriage pulled by an ugly six-legged beast to take them to the palace, where King Thrym eagerly awaited them. Loki kept his face black as they walked and thanked the stars that Thor was wearing a veil. Thor often wore his emotions plain on his face, and Loki had no doubt he was sneering now.
They were brought straight to the throne room, as Loki had been on his first visit. Thrym sat languidly on his throne, smiling cruelly as the "ladies" were led to his feet. Loki kept his gaze down. Even though he had cast a glamour on his face, there was still the slight chance Thrym could recognize him, and Loki didn't want anything giving them away until the hammer was in their sights.
"Welcome, Lady Freya and maid. Allow me to express my true delight in your presence," announced Thrym, standing. Even Loki had to confess a small flicker of fear as the huge Frost Giant stood, towering over them. Without the hammer they were virtually helpless. Even with Thor's extensive battle skills and Loki's magic, they had a slim chance of escape without Mjollnir. Thrym clapped his monstrous hands, signaling for several lesser ranked giants to come running. "There will be a feast held in your honor, my lady," said Thrym.
Alarm filled Loki. Thor's massive appetite was famous. They would not get through a feast without suspicion if Thor was allowed to eat. Not to mention he would be required to remove his veil, which would be instantly disastrous. There was nothing else to do. Loki had to speak up.
"My lord!" he called suddenly. Thor jumped slightly at the sound of Loki's voice, which has jumped up several octaves. Even Loki cringed.
"Yes, maiden?" Thrym said. Even when he was trying to sound gracious, his voice came out as a sneer.
"If my lord would permit me to say, my lady wishes for you to be wed as soon as possible. Could we not postpone the feast until after the ceremony?" He swallowed, silently urging the king to accept this suggestion. His guess was that Thrym would not be adverse to having his supposed bride become his wife sooner than planned.
Thrym stroked his chin thoughtfully. "I must admit I had not anticipated such eagerness," he said, but a delighted smile stole across his face. "But of course I will adhere to my bride's desire." He turned towards Thor. "Is it your wish that we be wed as soon as possible, Lady Freya?"
Loki held his breath as Thor lifted his veiled head to speak. "It is," he answered in a frankly pathetic falsetto voice, but thankfully Thrym thought nothing of it.
"Very well," he said. "Servants, prepare the wedding hall and fetch the hammer. My lovely bride does not wish to wait!" He smiled down at Thor. It was a gruesome sight. While the giants rushed about following their king's orders, Thrym stepped down in front of Thor. He fingered his veil. "Might I gaze upon my bride's beauty before the ceremony?"
"No!" cried Loki. Thrym looked sharply at him but Loki managed to give him a simpering smile. "It's just, my lady does not wish for you to see her face until you can gaze upon her as Queen of Jotunheim."
Thrym gladly accepted Loki's lie and ceased fingering Thor's veil. Instead, he took Thor's hand and led him to an ornate seat beside his throne. Loki watched, amazed, as Thor quietly allowed Thrym to guide him to the seat. Thrym chuckled as he released Thor's hand. "You have quite the grip, my lady," he said.
Loki wanted to smack himself in the forehead. Couldn't Thor control himself? He put on the simpering smile again. "The women of Asgard are strong, my lord," he said.
"Indeed," said Thrym, eyeing Thor up and down. Loki tried not to gag and did his best not to think what the Frost Giant might be thinking at the moment.
The sudden sound of slamming doors announced the arrival of Mjollnir and Loki watched as Thor flexed his fingers. "Patience, my lady," he murmured. Thor gave a minute nod.
Thrym stood once more and smiled down at his soon-to-be wife. "Let the ceremony begin!" he cried, and signaled for the hammer to be brought to him. Loki tensed. This was it. As was custom for weddings on Asgard, the hammer would be placed between the bride's knees and used to invoke the blessing of Mjollnir on the marriage. Smiling triumphantly, Thrym took the hammer in his hand and gently placed it between Thor's knees.
He had no sooner done so when Thor grabbed the handle of the hammer, ripped off his veil and jumped forward, summoning the power of lightning to him. Thick, incredibly bright strikes of lightning danced all around Thor, killing Thrym before he even had a chance to shout in surprise.
The Frost Giants, seeing their king fall dead, roared in outrage and charged the throne, hell-bent on destroying Thor and his companion. Loki, as soon as Thor revealed himself, had removed his glamor and changed into his armor, which he summoned using magic. Then he pulled his sword from the space between spaces and threw himself into the fray, sticking close behind Thor.
After regaining his trusted weapon and seeing the charging giants, a delighted smile had crept onto Thor's face. The lust for battle and the desire to reclaim some of his wounded male pride had overtaken him and he had immediately set to slaying every giant within reach. The bodies were quickly piling up as Thor easily parried and overcame the giants. Mjollnir was the only true weapon the giants feared, and in the hands of the only one able to summon its full power, it was terrifying.
"We should return," Loki shouted to Thor over the chaos.
"Why?" laughed Thor. "Are you tired so soon brother?" He thrust the hammer above his head, summoned the lightning and sent beams of it shooting out at all the surrounding giants. Loki rolled his eyes as Thor bellowed out a mighty war cry when a great many of them fell dead by his hand.
"Is this not enough retribution?" Loki shouted over the din, gesturing towards the multitude of bodies piling up in the throne room. "You've slain their king, they'll not return to any sort of order any time soon, Thor. We have what we came for, we should return before they summon reinforcements from the city!"
Thor laughed again as he battled four more giants at once. "Ah, very well brother," I suppose you speak the truth. Come, join me and I will fly us to the Bifrost site." He knocked away the last of them easily and Loki quickly made his way to his brother's side. Once there, Loki gave him a cheeky grin.
"I must say brother, never have you looked more lovely on the battlefield." He gestured to Thor's now tattered wedding dress, blowing lightly around his knees. Thor glared at him, but Loki only laughed. Thor's dress was tattered, his veil was missing, and the pillows stuffed down his front were lopsided and one was leaking feathers. The only thing not looking battered was Freya's necklace, which still shone brightly around Thor's neck. Loki wasn't quite sure how he'd managed that one.
"It was a means to an end, brother. I see you wasted no time in ridding yourself of your female garments," Thor growled.
Loki shrugged. "Why not?" he said.
Thor didn't answer. He began spinning Mjollnir faster and faster at his side, gaining momentum for flight. "Let's go home," he said before grabbing Loki and throwing them into the air. They flew through the frigid air and landed at the Bifrost site with a jarring impact. "Heimdall!" called Thor, and suddenly they were flying up through space until they landed safely inside the Bifrost, where Sif and the Warriors Three were waiting for their return. Loki noticed Sif had changed into her usual armor, however.
"My friends!" cried Thor, storming forward. "Our mission was a perfect success. Though with my brother Loki planning it, I should have known nothing could go wrong."
Loki colored a bit at Thor's praise, but shrugged nonchalantly. "It's what brothers do," he answered truthfully.
Thor beamed at him. "Better words were never spoken my brother," he said. "Come! Let us go tell the All-father of our success! And I must change. I have had enough of women's wear to last me a lifetime."
Loki grinned and ran up beside his brother. He couldn't resist just one more jab at Thor, not when he presented such an easy target. "But Thor, you look so ravishing! Are you sure you don't want to make this a trend among all the great warriors?" Even the Warriors Three laughed at that. Thor growled good-naturedly and shoved Loki aside.
Loki only laughed. It was his job to tease him after all. It's just what brothers do.