Author's note: I do not own Hotel transylvania or any of the characters!

Dracula yawned and walked downstairs to the lobby, it was early in the night. He didn't usalley get up this early but tonight he wasn't tired. He sighed as he sat down in a chair, dozing off but not fully falling asleep. He curled up into a ball, trying his hardest to sleep but it didn't work.

"Dad are you okay?" asked Mavis, as she transformed into her normal form.

She decided to fly around outside for a little while and then come back in, but seeing her father curled up on a chair in the lobby concerned her. "Shouldn't you go back to bed if your tired?"

"I'm not tired...well I am but I can't sleep" Dracula replied

"Why not? Nightmares?" she asked, knowing how bad they can be for him sometimes. Most of them about the night her mother died.

"No, just can't fall asleep" he yawned

Mavis sighed and sat dow on the floor staring at her father, his eyes were closed but he wasn't sleeping. She could tell, he wasn't breathing like he was asleep. She frowned and then smiled, "Then get a glass of blood! That's where I'm plus its Christmas Eve and I need to force Johnny to get up. I swear he sleeps like a baby!" she sighed

Dracula chuckled at this and slowly got up, when he got to his feet and staretd to sway. Worried Mavis hurried and caught him before he fell, he thanked her and sat down. He put his face in his hands and rubbed his eyes. "Could you get me a glass of blood, I don't know what's wrong with me" he asked his daughter

Mavis quickly said yes and sprinted into the kitchen, she smiled at Quasimodo. "Could you get me a glass of warm blood?" she asked

The chef smiled, "of course. Animal?"


He nodded and got the blood, he then gave it to her and she went back to Dracula. "Esmeralda go back and spy on them some more, make sure he drinks all of that. I want him dead by Christmas at Midnight" he growled

The rat simply nodded and scurried along, once she got to the lobby she watched as Dracula drank the whole glass. He put it down and then slumped back into the chair. Mavis sighed and wiped his mouth.

"You look like a vampire from those horror movies" she said

"You mean those vampire movies about me? I do not have pointy ears" he mumbled

"Well...they're a tiny pointed"

"So are yours"

"Are not"


Mavis chuckled, knowing she won this fight. Eventually her father passed out, she started to get concerned but the chef came out and told her it was probably because he made the blood extra warm.

"To help him get some sleep" he said inoccently, Esmeralda snickering behind the couches. Mavis looked at the chef with a strange glare.

She shrugged and half dragged/half pushed her father to his room. She sighed when she was half way there, "You're heavier than you look dad"

"Am...n'ot" he slurred

She rolled her eyes and almost laughed at him sounding so drunk, when she made it to his room he tried to stand but started to fall again. Mavis helped him to his coffin where he immeditaly lied down and went to sleep.

Mavis noticed how much he was sweating and decided not to put the lid on, her father didn't put the lid on that much anyways. After she made sure he was comfortable she left to go see if Johnny and the other monsters were awake, she sighed.

She getting highly concerned about her father's health, the strangest thing was that he gotten worst after he drank the blood. She frowned, she had a feeling in her gut that Quasimodo was up to no good.

When she arrived at Johnny's room she poked her head in and smiled, "Rise and shine!"

"Ugh...this is so weird sleeping during the day and up at night..." he groaned

"I never really thought that was weird, but eh I'm not a human"


"How am I lucky?"

"Because, during the day and dumb school"

"My dad taught me everything I know, but since we're technically immortal I have a really long time to learn all this stuff. So I hardly ever have school"

"Exactly!" he said, sitting up

Mavis giggled and then sat down beside him, with a worried face on. Johnny looked at her and frowned, "Mavis what's wrong?" he asked, his voice carrying his worry

"My father...he's not acting right, I don't think Quasimodo is up to any good"

"How is he acting different? He was perfectly fine yesterday...well...maybe a little slow and worn out looking"

"Exactly, he got worst after having some warm blood to drink. Quasimodo said he made it extra warm to help him sleep but it didn't feel any different and I swore I heard some snickering behind those couches. It was probably his dumb rat"

"Probably, man I hate that rat. She's so...strange!" he exclaimed

"Yeah, I'm going to wake my dad up at Midnight, hopefully he'll be fine by then"

"I'll help you take care of Drac, since he's like another father to me"

Mavis smiled and kissed her boyfriend on the cheek, "Thanks" she whispered softly

~ 4 hours later ~

Mavis and Johnny walked into Dracula's room to see him hanging over the coffin. Confused they both walked up and poked the sleeping vampire. He didn't sturr or make any noise, he just lied there. They poked him a little harder again, he did a little groan but nothing more.

" you think he's sick?" asked Johnny, frowning

"I don't know, but I'm tempted to get a nurse from the infirmary" Mavis replied

Johnny sighed and then smacked Dracula on the shoulder gently. He slowly opened his eyes, they were glazed over with pain and agony and sadness. He looked up at the human teen and vampire teen. They both looked at him, their faces full of worry.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Mavis asked

"M-my...side really hurts...ugh...m-make it stop!" he cried in pain

Mavis stroked his cheek, "Dad you need to get up, okay? And for now on I'll go hunting and get the blood. I don't trust that chef anymore"


"C'mon Drac, we need your help getting you up" Johnny pouted

Groaning, Dracula slowly got up and then gasped and almost crumbled in pain. "DAD!" Mavis gasped.

She and Johnny caught him before he smacked his head on the marble floor, he had tears slide down his cheeks as he fell. "Dad what's wrong!? What's hurting!?"

"My side...!" he gasped

He clutched his side painfully and started to cry, Mavis rubbed his back to try and calm him down. Johnny ran off to quickly get Mummy, Frankenstein or Wayne or the Invisible Man. When he got down to the lobby everyone was just getting there, the pups were all playing and the adults were all laughing and talking.

Johnny spotted Frank first and hurried over to him, the monster turned and saw the ginger kid sprinting over to him. "What's up Johnny?" he asked

"Its Dracula! His side is literally killing him and he's crying and can't get up and can't walk!" he cried

Everyone in the lobby stopped and stared at him, Wayne, Mummy, Invisible man and Frank's wife hurried over. "What's wrong?" asked Wayne

"Just come with me"

As they all hurried off to the master's room the chef watched with an evil smile, he laughed quietly to himself. "Fools, he only has four hours left!"

Unfourtantly one of the pups over heard the chef and glared at him. He hurried over to his mother and whined. "What is it Will?" she asked, worried

"Mommy where's daddy going? Can I go?"

"To Dracula's room and no dear, I don't think you should" Wanda replied

The pup pouted and then sneaked off anyway, he asked one of the witches and she happily guided him to the room. She opened the door and let the young werewolf in.

Wayne smelled his son and turned around, "Will you shouldn't be in here!"

"I know what's hurting Drac!" the small pup exclaimed

Everyone looked over at him, along with Dracula who's eyes were red with tears and his hand white from grabbing his side so hard.

"What's bothering him?" asked Mavis

"I overheard Quasimodo saying you fools he only has four hours left. I don't know what he was saying, but I'm pretty sure he's poisoning Dracula" he said

Everyone gasped and then Frank picked the master up carefully in his arms and hurried to the infirmary. While the others hurried, angrily to the chef's room. On the way to the infirmary Dracula started to scream in pain.

Author's note: Sorry for any mistakes and it being rushed! I'll work on my other stories as well! :D