The ARC was… the ARC. It was the same building, the same layout, the same… everything. Minus all the tech, creatures, and, well, everything else. Becker had found himself trailing along after Connor and the rest, listening with an amused smile as Connor pointed out where everything was supposed to go. Cutter, Claudia, Lester, Stephen and Abby were all listening to Connor intently, Lester even having Claudia take notes.

Danny was beside Becker motioning to areas he thought there should be extra security. Becker had to suppress the rush of affection that went through his body as the man talked. At least Danny was still Danny. For a moment, Becker could actually imagine he was back home.

Then Stephen fell back beside them and Becker instantly snapped back to where he was. "What are you two doing?" Stephen asked, eyebrows raised.

"Just talking about security," Danny answered, shrugging his shoulders and not really looking at the other man.

Stephen nodded slowly before saying, "Connor seems to be in his element."

"I never really thought about how the ARC would get along without Connor's input," Becker said with a frown, thinking about the ARC without the ADD, the locking device… or even Connor's security program.

"Our Connor had never thought about a Detection Device, or about something to lock the anomalies," Stephen told Becker quietly, while keeping his eyes on Connor. "He usually just let Cutter take the lead on all of the anomaly stuff."

Becker frowned. "That doesn't sound like my Connor."

Stephen turned his eyes to Becker, a smirk crossing his face. "My Connor? Well, it seems like you're getting used to this reality, aren't you?"

Becker felt himself flush and he closed his eyes in mortification. "I didn't mean it that way. I meant that-"

"I get it, mate," Stephen said with a laugh, placing a hand on Becker's shoulder. "Just a joke. Anyway, he is your Connor… in more ways than one."

Danny chuckled as Stephen sent Becker yet another smirk. Becker just glared at the two of them, walking away quickly as they continued to laugh. "Becker! I was just telling everyone that we should go check the museum and make sure that they don't have the-"

"You just want to see Sarah," Becker said in amusement. He didn't blame Connor for that, he was fond of the woman himself.

Connor grinned sheepishly, running his hand through his hair. "Maybe a little." Becker couldn't help but smile back softly, his eyes meeting Connor's brown ones. "But if they do have the statue, the anomaly will open sooner or later."

Becker turned his eyes away from the other man as he saw Claudia and Cutter exchange a glance that made him extremely uncomfortable. "I can send a few men to check it out."

"But what if-"

"Connor, I believe Captain Becker has it under control. Now, if you two would stop flirting, we should continue," Lester commented dryly, rolling his eyes and turning away from them.

Connor blushed brightly and Becker had to work hard to keep his face blank. He presumed it didn't matter which reality you were in, Lester still had a knack for saying exactly what you didn't want him to.

"Uh, right. Well, the ADD was-"

Connor broke off as Claudia's mobile went off. She sent him an apologetic look, quickly moving away from them. "Claudia Brown… Where? Do we know what we're dealing with? Any… wait, what? Who? She's asking for who? We'll be right there." She turned around to face them once again, a frown on her face. "An anomaly has been reported on a campsite about an hour from here…" She broke off, frowning in slight confusion. "There were reports of creatures getting ready to attack… and they reported a young woman opening a 'ball of light' and making all of the creatures disappear."

"Sorry?" Connor asked instantly, a frown on his face.

"A young woman… opening an anomaly?" Professor Cutter cut in.

"Special Forces should be there in ten minutes," Claudia replied curtly, shooting a quick glance at Becker. "Apparently, she's asking for Professor Nick Cutter."

Cutter blinked in surprise as Stephen and Danny both frowned. Becker crossed his arms over his chest, not liking the sound of this in the slightest. "Do we have a name?" Stephen asked Claudia, his eyes moving from Cutter to Becker. Becker didn't know what the other man was looking for on his face… but apparently he found it, because Stephen gave him a short nod before turning his gaze back to Claudia.

"From the information I received, she says she will only speak to Cutter."

"What about the anomaly the creatures came from?" Becker questioned, raising his eyebrows as everyone's eyes turned to him in confusion. "Claudia said that the woman opened an anomaly to get the creatures to go through. But what about the anomaly they came through in the first place? If it's still open, more will just show up."

"We need to go," Stephen said instantly, nodding to Becker. "Becker and I can take the men and track back to the original anomaly site… make sure nothing else has come through. We can get in touch with you once we reach the anomaly."

Cutter nodded as they headed toward the parking garage. "Claudia, Danny, and I will meet the woman, see what it is she wants."

"What about us?" Abby asked, motioning to herself and Connor.

"I can go with Becker and Stephen," Connor said instantly. "You'll need me around if the anomaly is still open… and if anything came through."

Everyone was staring at Connor with wide eyes, which only made the younger man shuffle in discomfort. Becker was also wondering what was running through the team's minds. Connor was right, he would be useful to have around.

"You… want to go track with Stephen and Becker?" Abby questioned, a small smile twitching at the corner of her mouth.

"Uh… yes? Why?"

"You just don't usually do that." Claudia cut in, shrugging her slender shoulders and climbing into Cutter's truck.

"Connor always comes with me," Becker said instantly, not liking the way they were all looking at Connor. It was like they didn't really trust him to go with him and Stephen… like they thought he would be more of a liability than anything. He wasn't sure how their Connor handled things… but his Connor knew what he was doing. Most of the time, anyway.

Stephen turned his eyes to Becker, only to shrug and climb into his truck. "It's all right with me."

Connor turned to Becker with a grin, "Thanks. I have a feeling I wasn't very… useful here."

"You're useful to me," Becker told him shortly, placing his hand on Connor's back as they walked toward Stephen's truck. Connor leaned back into the touch slowly and Becker slowly pressed a little harder, letting his thumb move back and forth.

Connor was blushing as he climbed into the back of the truck. Abby was apparently going with Cutter and Claudia, as she had jumped into Cutter's truck. Becker climbed in beside Stephen.

"What do you think about this woman?" Stephen asked instantly as he pulled out behind Cutter's truck.

"I don't like it," Becker replied, a frown on his face. "I know you said you haven't seen Helen in a year, but if this had happened in our reality, she would instantly come to mind."

"I don't think Helen would ask for Nick," Stephen told him with his own frown.

"That's not exactly what Becker meant," Connor cut in, leaning forward between the seats. Becker felt a smile tug at his lips as Connor spoke eagerly to Stephen, his eyes wide. "Helen had help. Usually whenever something like this happened, Helen was always involved somehow."

"Like with Leek," Stephen said, his expression blank.

Connor nodded slowly, his eyes flickering over to Becker. They both knew what Stephen was thinking about. "Right. But that was before. Maybe she isn't involved at all," Connor continued quickly, leaning back once again.

The rest of the ride was silent. Becker was extremely relieved when they finally came to a stop, jumping out of the truck quickly in relief. "Awkward." Connor muttered as he came to stand beside Becker. Becker nodded instantly, completely agreeing with him.

"Captain! Professor Cutter!" Lieutenant Morrison called, striding up to them quickly. Becker let out a sigh of relief at the familiar face. "Sir, we have the woman-"

"Do you have a name? Or any information?" Professor Cutter asked, cutting Lieutenant Morrison off.

"She only wishes to speak with you, Professor," Lieutenant Morrison replied, his eyes narrowed in annoyance at being interrupted. "As for a name, she had only admitted to her first name."

There was silence in which Professor Cutter was staring at Lieutenant Morrison in anticipation. Becker fought back a smile, knowing that this was Morrison's revenge for being interrupted. "And?" Cutter finally snapped.

"Her name is Eve, sir."