As If
By: Marina StormFire
X-Men: Evolution

Summary: Remy's POV

Disclaimer: I don't own x-men: evolution. T.T

Main pairing: RoMy

Dance- As If no was watching,

Red-on-black devil-like eyes watched her silently… appreciatively. The way she moved in time to the music; dancing… as if she knew that she was being watched, but danced as if no were watching her dance her heart out—letting out her pain, anguish, anger, and sorrow. His heart twisted with emotion as he watched her dance her emotions out.

Sing- As If no one were listening,

Dieu, she had an incredible voice… he could listen to her sing all day. It nearly baffled him at some point, to learn that although she dressed like a goth, she actually really liked country music and not all that heavy metal shit that was more noise than music. So far, he'd heard her sing songs by Tracy Byrd, Carrie Underwood, and Martina McBride; as well as the latest song he'd heard that was called "Home" by Alan Jackson. When he'd heard her sing that one, it seemed to him that the song itself held a whole lot of meaning to her. To him, she seemed oblivious to anyone who might've been listening.

Love- As If no one would hurt you,

The months before she could touch, she'd been wary of him… afraid to be hurt and forgotten like so many times before, and he couldn't blame her. And when he'd finally earned her trust, he was determined that he would never hurt her. Then, time wore on, they both seemed to have realized that they were in love with the other and both had decided that they would love each other like no one else had before.

And Live- As If you would die tomorrow.

Even after she learned to touch, we remained together. Living each day with the constant reminders that we were loved by the other, and cared for too. Despite my past with the Thieves' Guild and her past with Mystique, we lived as if we weren't going to see each other for a very long time… until the day the Assassins came for my blood… and her's too.

But, even in death, love tied us together… and there were no regrets; never looking over our shoulders. We faced whatever came at us… together.

And died together.

Written 10.13.2012 complete oneshot