Title: To Depend on a Kiss
Author: Katarin Kishika
Characters/Pairing: Haruno Sakura X Uchiha Itachi
Type: Multichapter
Genre: Romance
Disclaimer: If you recognize it, it's not mine.
READ ME: Oh, right, THIS IS AU! Inspired by "Kiss ni Juuzoku" by Ikemi Runa
To Depend on a Kiss
Part I: A Deal
A year later
"Thieves! Call the guards, quick!" Voices rang out loud from the depths of the manor. A high shriek from one of the mansion's chambermaids had awoken the sleeping lord from their heavy slumber. Pandemonium broke out. The heavy footsteps of the sentinels rang out through the once quiet halls and streets of the slumbering central city of the Kingdom of Konoha.
Lithe figures ran on the roof of the city's residential houses, away from the chaos they brought upon. With them are bags of loots stolen from one of the councils (and probably the most suspicious one – Shimura Danzo) of High Lord Uzumaki. Their 'working suit', picked for its various hues of charcoal and smoky granite were made of leather so well-oiled that no sound would escape; not that they would need it for they already trained themselves to have very light footsteps. Their hoods obscured their hairs and faces but would still enable them to observe their surroundings well. The group composed of three people – two men and one woman – travelled on wraith like silence. Their bodies shifted in and out of the darkness. If one would do so much as blink an eye, the figures would be gone.
Smirks were drawn from their lips but it fell when they heard loud footfalls following them from below and angry shouts to keep up with the figure drew their attention. "There they are! HALT!" One of the guards, a captain perhaps, shouted.
The woman smirked despite panting from exertion. 'As if we would follow you, fool.' She thought. They were nearing the town wall; behind those massive bricks was the forest, their territory. If they could pass the wall, they would be safe. Having known the forest like the back of their hands, it would be effortless for them to escape from these pursuers.
Leaping from roof to roof to reach their goal while their persistent chasers were following them from below, the woman made a split, spur of the moment decision (they were traipsing the walls now and was nearing the first tower. Behind this was the forest; it would be really bothersome for those guards to follow them through their territory) "Shikamaru, Kiba! Go on ahead, let's split up. I'll try to distract them while you escape."
As expected, her plan was countered with a scoff (from the lazy ass) and a whine and/or grunt (from Kiba). The raven-haired genius glanced at their 'Boss' on his peripheral vision, trying to peer on her eyes. Upon seeing the stubborn glint on her viridian eyes, he sighed and muttered 'troublesome' under his breath. She glared. He cleared his throat and promptly said, "Just be careful and meet us afterwards. Use the passage on the sewage at the south east side of the city. We'll split at the first tower at the gate. We will head west." Shikamaru said with finality.
Jade eyes crinkled with mirth at the order. The young woman grinned and saluted, "Yes, shadow king!" She grinned without faltering on her running. Shikamaru rolled his eyes.
The brown-haired lad beside her, snorted loudly at the nickname. "Nice one, Sakura!"
They had reached the first tower now and just as what they planned, Shikamaru and Kiba headed west towards the forest. Sakura continued the track and headed east. The south eastern walls connect the first and second towers; behind it was a steep cliff used for the town's defense. Both towers should not have any guards at the moment because of the change of shift which Sakura had already memorized to her heart. But alas, it seemed like the chase between them and their pursuers took longer than what was expected for here they are the guards who should not have been there at the first place.
The smirk on her face fell on dismay but still Sakura trudged on. Tugging her hood lower to conceal her face and sticking to the shadows as much as possible, Sakura crossed her fingers and hoped the no one would see her.
"HALT! You there! Stop that thief!" Oh, bugger. Won't those guards leave her alone? Sakura rolled her eyes. City guards were like dogs… or puppies. Nah, they're more like those annoying pesky insects that always make those buzzing sound.
Sakura could almost see that specific roof where she could drop off from the castle walls, Through there, if she dropped off from the ledge and disappear to the alley beside the house, she could make her way towards the secret passageway (only known by thieves) that lead to one side of the forest.
A few meters more. She was almost there.
She could hear the shouts of the guards from below. Damn, they were still following her. What are they? Sniffing dogs?
The guards on the tower were alerted now. Sakura looked up and gulped when she saw them looking out for her. Thankfully she was sticking on the darkness.
Those damn guards were alerting the nearby guards stationed on the roof of the nearby buildings. Some of them were archers. This was not looking good for her, Sakura thought wryly.
Yes! Only a few more steps. Sakura could almost feel freedom. Her frantic run going faster to prepare for her drop on the roof. Pumping her legs to go faster and because she was in a haste, Sakura didn't bother to hide in the darkness anymore.
Big mistake.
She felt the piercing pain of an arrow right straight to her scapula. Sakura staggered a little, her hood falling to reveal her bound hair. Another stabbed her on her lower back. Swaying a little more, Sakura failed on her steps and stumbled backwards toward the ledge of the wall.
The next thing she felt was the rush of the wind as she fell and the excruciating pain as she landed.
And then it all went black.
She could hear footsteps walking towards her crumpled form. Sakura mostly felt numb but she knew that once it eased, the pain would follow, so she basked on the numbness she was feeling now. She knew that aside from the wounds from the arrows earlier, there would be a lot more scrapes and wounds from her fall earlier. It would be a miracle if she did not break a bone or two. Scratch that, being alive was a miracle already. 'Oh shit', Sakura could almost feel two broken ribs already. Struggling to open her eyes and succeeding on opening it for just a fraction, Sakura saw the stars on the night sky. Her eyes travelled to her side and saw the braches that had most probably softened her fall and saw that she was lying on a bush, another factor that must have cushioned her fall.
The footsteps were almost silent but Sakura knew that there was someone there. She tilted her head on another side and saw the black boots of the unknown person. Her gaze moved upward – a cloak, the hood drawn so Sakura could no longer see the face of said person. Based on the built and height from her vantage point of view, Sakura hazard a guess that her visitor was a male.
The person crouched low to probably observe her state. Sakura's nose was assaulted with the smell of clean sheets, sun dried clothes and the smell of waterfall. Calming and refreshing… And something masculine that Sakura found she kind of liked after all. Her vision was getting blurry. Too weak to open her mouth and scream, Sakura settled on whimpering when the person reached a hand to stroke her cheeks. Upon his touch, pain erupted. It seemed like the numbness were no longer effective, the pain was creeping back.
For the second time that day (or night for that matter), Sakura fainted.
It was the smell of lilies and the light chatter, the small noises from some distance that woke her up. It was the rays of the sun, the caress of the wind from an open window forced her to open her eyes. It was the site of the drapes of a four-poster bed, the feeling of its soft mattress, the silk sheets and the warm duvet that baffled her and struck her confused.
Sakura's eyes widened. 'Where the hell is she?' Her mind screamed. She tried to sit up but the pain rendered it naught. She tried again and again, all with the same results. Settling on observing where she was first, Sakura saw a huge glass door which opened to a veranda on one side of the unfamiliar bedroom; the light white curtain flapping with the wind. The walls were painted a tasteful periwinkle color, the furniture mostly dark colored; a large dresser on one wall, two doors leading to who knows where, a few paintings of landscapes, a desk and a vase of white and yellow lilies.
Wrinkling her nose a bit, Sakura deduced she's on a noble's house. How peculiar. Ever since she was little, she knew that in this country (no matter how they sugarcoat and deny it), if you are weak, no one would help you. People, especially nobles, were greedy creatures. That's why she and her gang let their hearts to harden so they could be prepared with the harshness of life. That was why they steal… so that they could live. Yes, there may be a few more other options. But with their standing on the society, it would be a huge fat chance to land a decent job. The society abhorred them; the government treats them like they're trash. But for them, it didn't matter. They were just another means for them to live and it's not like they steal from everybody, only those with questionable and suspicious wealth.
That was why it was a mystery for Sakura to find herself on a noble's house, dressed on silky but warm robes, bandaged and resting on a sophisticated room. Kindness were hard to come by especially nowadays… so, who?
As if being summoned with her unspoken question, a knock on the door pulled Sakura from her thoughts. With a silent 'Come in.' which was strange for her, the door opened to reveal a man, four or five years older from her. He was wearing a tacky noble's clothes of navy blue color. His hair bound at the nape of his neck. Piercing and intense obsidian eyes pinned on her. Her breath hitched and heartbeat almost failed with the way he made her feel. He was striking but Sakura knew he was lethal. And that made her afraid.
"You're awake." His voice was deep, smooth like hot chocolate. He walked towards her bed, and upon closer inspection, Sakura saw the crest of the Uchiha family sewn on his coat. The white and red fan a huge contrast with the dark color.
As he neared, Sakura grew more nervous, scared. He was imposing, like a big predator. "Why am I here? What's the meaning of this?" Despite her predicament, jade eyes burned with hidden fury. The hell with consequences, if he would behead her now, so be it. She glared at him, daring him to come closer.
And it seemed like this person was either blind or he did not care about her glares for he continued his treck and sat at the side of her bed. He reached out and grabbed her chin gently, "I'll be taking care of you." His voice so serious; if it was another setting, Sakura would have laughed.
Sakura's most coherent thought at the moment was a nonsensical, 'Wha-?' Her expression one of bewilderment.
One of his hands settled on one side of her head the other on the other side. He leaned a bit, almost covering her with his upper body although their bodies did not touch. Even so, Sakura could feel the heat of his body radiate from him. "But in exchange, I… want your lips." He said while using his thumb to gently touch said lips.
'Huh?' was Sakura's intelligent thoughts as her jaw dropped from the bargain. Upon sensing her confusion, the young man stood up and with mysterious but highly amused face (most probably because of her expression) said, "It's quite simple really. Every time you take a painkiller, your bandages are replaced; for meal time and bath time, as well. I will take a kiss as collateral each time." If it was possible, Sakura's jaw dropped lower. The nerve of this guy! "Think about it carefully tonight." He said as he walked back to the door and leaving with a small click.
It was a long time before Sakura made a coherent thought from her shocked and jumbled mind. 'No freaking way.'
AN: Still a bit short from my usual ones but I don't have much time to make one, so meh :/ Sorry if Itachi was OOC... I'm still grasping the dude's character, lol.
Anyway, wow. There were a lot of hits, I was quite shocked. Hopefully this time, there would be reviews *wink*wink*
Next update would be… I dunno yet, lol. Soon-ish?
At any rate, I would love to have feedbacks so PLEASE READ AND REVIEW.
~ Katarin Kishika