Many things stalked the dirty streets of London in the dead of night: filthy whores lingering at the entrance of grimy alleyways, preying on men looking for a cheep fuck. Gangs loitered around the empty roads, waiting for some loner to take the piss out of. Old drunks -thirty odd years old and only the whores would touch them- staggered across the streets, some falling over while some –the young ones with the charming features and lots of money- had merciful friends that kept them upright.
On this particular night, however, something much more sinister lingered in the dark confinements of the shadows. It was this creature that was responsible for seven brutal murders, three girls in their late teens and five boys of a similar age range all with their necks torn an the blood drained form their bodies. There had been no sign of a struggle that Scotland Yard could make out, nor any pattern to whom, when and where. The bodies had been found in the oddest of places; on rooftops of houses or in the backs of carriages and carts. The only connection between the victims was that they were all beautiful and wealthy but police could rule out thieves and pickpockets being the killers since each victim still had money in their pockets and their jewellery still intact.
It was because of the peculiarity of the case that Queen Victoria felt obliged to have her Guard Dog look into it and this was why Ciel Phantomhive and his trusted demon butler, Sebastian Michaelis were wondering the streets of London that specific night. Neither knew exactly what they were up against, what creature they were hunting -in fact the case baffled Sebastian too- but Ciel knew he was safe with Sebastian. Their simple contract had developed into an understanding of sorts, a friendship if you will but awkward silences had been bubbling between them as of late. Strange; the young master was never usually tongue-tied.
Sebastian's eyes wondered around, each sense heightened to its fullest as he kept on edge, ready to protect his master should he need to. He found he cared a great deal for the boy, he needed to protect him and not because of the contract but because he wanted to. He wanted to keep Ciel safe and happy and to take away all the troubles that tangled the young earl's mind but, for all his powers, he couldn't even do that much. What a pathetic butler he was.
"You're a pretty one." Said an unfamiliar voice and Sebastian turned to find a whore with her filthy hands on his young master. "I could just eat you up."
"Excuse me, Ma'am," Sebastian said coolly. "The young master is on business here. He doesn't need distractions."
The whore hissed at him, here pleasant brown eyes flashing red as fangs extended from her gums. Ah, she was a lower class demon: a vampire.
Sebastian froze for a moment in surprise and, in that moment, the woman took his young master.