Mushroom Kingdom's Resident Evil
So I decided to do a horror fic. This came to me while I was watching the new episode of The Walking Dead. I was just watching the commercials, thinking about Mario, when a preview of the new Silent Hill movie came on. Then I got the idea Hey, What if I could make a Silent Hill Mario fic? But then I remembered that one Kaiimi's friends was making that (Even though it hasn't been uploaded yet..) and I didn't want to seem that I was copying, so I changed it to Resident Evil. Copyright time! I don't own ANYBODY in this fic. You heard me right, this time; The Order of Gaming isn't going to be in this fic! Though I do accept cameos, just tell me about them via PM, and if you want me to make them good or bad. Well, after this incredibly long authors comment, I guess it's time to start the fic!
Jade Miracle out! (Oh! P.S, this is gonna revolve around the original Resident Evil. Enjoy!)
Chapter 1: "Call me Dixie"
"Call me Dixie. Mario insisted we create these recorded journals. Now I'm glad he did. Maybe I should tell you about my current situation. I am trapped in a mansion belonging to a person I don't know, filled with these… THINGS bent on killing me. I have no weapons, no allies and no idea what these things are. But I do know what they do. I was with a friend of mine in the squad. We were the last 2 people alive in that Mansion. Or should I say HELLHOLE? I don't know. I was the medic of the Mushroom team and the newest. He was a strong fighter and one of the oldest. We were walking through the corridor near the kitchen. He said for me to stay in the dining room because he had heard a noise in the back. After 5 minutes I heard the scream. It was his, of course. I ran towards the noise, crying his name."Donkey?! Donkey Kong are you okay?!" That's when I saw it. A thing was eating Donkey alive. After that I ran and hid in this supply closet. Huh? I hear something coming. I have to shut off now in case a thing hears me. But… If anybody finds this in here if I die, get out immediately. If you don't, you will die. Dixie Kong, out."
Well, I'm not good at intros, but I like this. Next time, we'll see what the Star team has gotten themselves into. Also, every chapter will have a recording, and will only leave it if something major or a flashback happens. R&R!