Pichugirl is back and I know most of you are mad at me for deleting all the chapters...I'm so sorry...I am rewriting it so it's better and makes more(or less) sense. At least I hope I am better at my romance(probably not). I do not own If I DieYoung or Hetalia.

Pichugirl out!

The sound of the radio enticed him as he walked inside the cafe drawn by its natural warmth. Sitting down at a table by the window, he listened to the lyrics. "If I die young, bury me in satin, lay me down in a bed of r-"

"Hello, welcome to The Happily Ever After Cafe, where all your dreams come true! I am Amelia Jones, your fairy godmother for the day~ What would you like to drink? We have a smashing selection of tea!"

"There's a, girl in town, who said she'll love me forever. Who would of thought that forever could be severed by the sharp knife of a short life~" "I think I will stick with a Diet Coke, da?" The man looked at his waitress, surprised to see her in a sparkly blue dress that fell just below her knees. To add to her character, wings were attached to her back by elastic.

Violet eyes drowned into blue and for a while they stared at each other, taking in the others appearances. A blush lit up the woman's cheeks as she felt overexposed like she did all those years ago. "Lay me down on a bed of roses, sink me in a river at dawn, send me away to a words of a love song~" The song that had filled the silence ended, making Amelia spin on her toes and walk away to give the customer what he had ordered.

No, what Ivan Braginski had ordered.

Ivan had noticed it started raining which trapped him inside the cafe, watching his first love twitter about to fulfill people's orders. She would glance back at him every five minutes as if making sure he wasn't an illusion.

Sadly, he was not

The change of her behavior was noticed from him as most of the customers left. He would catch her staring out the glass window as if waiting for someone to show up. Vaguely, Ivan wondered who would go for such lengths in a shower like the one outside.

Even he had to agree it was a nice eating venue for a family outing. The prices were cheap and the staff were friendly. Though as the day went by, Ivan did notice a number of other male's eyes on one certain waitress and sometimes he could feel that strange feeling called jealousy burning his stomach as he tried to forget about that one night they had together.

The rain grew worse as the cafe close. Ivan noticed that Amelia was not dressed in her uniform, instead dressing in a pair of daisy dukes and a white t-shirt. He recognized the cowboy boots she had wore that night and the bomber jacket. A small smile formed on his face as he thought of her still being the same woman he met on that night.

Whisking away those thoughts, Ivan saw a small blond man walk over to sit by her side. Emerald green eyes were lit up with worry as he heard her soft voice complain about the rain. They were trapped here, the same as him.

The Russian went back to staring out the window. he could a feel a pair of eyes on him until he heard the door being open. Glancing over, he saw Amelia squeezing a small bundle who was wearing a light purple rain coat. Feeling curious, he wondered if it was her child. It had been years since they last saw each other. She could be married for all he knew.

The soft hum of the radio distracted him as he watched the woman take the coat off the child. His heart nearly stopped as he saw the kid.

It was a young girl. A young girl with long, wavy platinum blond hair. Unlike the slightly tanned woman woman beside her, her skin was pale like Ivan's own.

A blush grew on his face. Did I make her pregnant? he thought, panic stricken. His sister would be disappointed with him that he didn't raise a child he helped make. He covered his face.

But he didn't know.

"Papa?" Ivan uncovered his eyes to see the girl near him. "Papa?" she repeated. "You wook wike me." The girl pointed at herself. "But you got big nose~" A giggle escaped her lips, making him smile.

Ivan picked her up and let her sit on his lap. "Where is your mama?" he asked.

"Mama's in the back with Uncle Artie." The girl started playing with the end scarf. "I know your name. Ivan Bwaginski." While saying his name, he tried to imitate his accent. "That's what Mama towd Uncle Artie. So you must be my Papa."

The child's reasoning confused Ivan immensely though he could believe that she was his. Unless he had a long lost twin brother he didn't know about. "What's your name?' he asked innocently.

"Sofia Bwaginski Jones~"she stated proudly. "I'm four." She showed him four fingers. "See?"

So she didn't forget me... That makes me happy. Though he was still bitter about how she walked out of that hotel room. In his heart, she wasn't forgiven even if she raised their child for four years.

"Rawr, I'm a monster!"exclaimed Sofia suddenly. Ivan giigled as she tried to look intimidating. The small girl pouted, not getting the reaction she originally wanted. "Nyet, you are suppose to be scared. You aren't pwaying right."

"Sofi?" called Amelia as she came to the front of the cafe. The American froze as she saw the two sitting together. "Hey! Put my daughter down!" yelled the woman.

Sofia slid out of Ivan's lap and stood to the side. Anger surged through the Russian. "Why couldn't I hold her? She's my daughter too." Ivan's eyes grew dark. "Or are you making her hate me too?"

"No! I-I just want her away from you! She isn't even yours!" Amelia crossed her arms.

"Oh, she just happens to look like me."

"I met your doppelganger."

"Her middle name?"

The woman didn't have an answer for that. Ivan grabbed her wrist. "She is my daughter too, and I demand to be in her life now."

"Or what?" hissed Amelia.

"I go to court."

"Then I'll charge ya for statutory rape!"

Ivan let go of her. "What do you mean? It wasn't rape. You consented and left."

"I was seventeen and drunk."

His eyes went wide. "S-seventeen?" He knew most teenage pregnancies didn't end well. Four years... Did she have to drop out of school? Maybe her parents kept her at the house so she could graduate... Her blue eyes were filled with guilt. "I'm sorry. You could have told me."

"I was...scared," she stated. "I was scared you'd reject me like I did to you."

"I waited for you to come back." Ivan stated.

She'd stared at him surprised. "W-why would you...Why would you wait for me?" Tears started to forming in her eyes. "I was cruel to you."

Ivan offered her a hand. "I fell in love with you. I am still in love with you." Amelia smiled back as the tears ran down her face.

"H-how long did you wait?"

"I still am."