Hello there,

Whats happening Fanfictioners? I finished this chapter a while ago, but I was too lazy tp upload it so here it is! Hope you enjoy. So please Review, Follow, and Favorite!


Buttercups P.O.V

I bolted down the stairs to see where all the noise coming from. My eyes widened. I look to see three beautiful wolves, one of them is Bubbles, her white flawless coat caught my eye with her now ocean blue eyes. I look to see two more wolves, one with a beautiful grey coat and fluffy light pink wings and crimson red eyes. Blossom. The other one was a brown with a bit of red wolf, it had a soft cream color to the wings and plum purple eyes. Bunny. I looked to see what they were pinning down. Under Blossom was a boy our age with flaming red hair, blood red eyes with a red flat bill hat, he had fangs flaring at Blossom. Vampire. I looked at my two other sisters to see they were doing the same to two other boys with fangs leaching out of their mouth. I looked at Blossom again to see she was inches away from ripping off the head of the vampire.

"Blossom! Stop it, now!" I growled. She wasn't listening, god damnit! "Blossom, don't make me do something I will regret," I started to snarl. She wasn't listening, she was so close to ripping off the head of the boy. I growled viciously. I flipped in the air changing in a second.

Butch's P.O.V

It was my brothers. I looked to see Blossom was inches away from killing him. "Blossom! Stop it, now!" Buttercup growled. I could see Blossom was waving her off. Brick was about to make a dangerous move. "Blossom, don't make me do something I will regret," Buttercup snarled. She wasn't listening. With in a second Buttercup had flipped in the air changing, she tacked the grey flawless wolf pinning her on the ground. Buttercup was her midnight black wonder. Her eyes were my forest green ones. She was viciously snarling at Blossom. Blossom was now in Brick's position. Helpless. Buttercup was showing all her sharp teeth, wrinkling her muzzle. Her wings sprouted from her back, making her look bigger. I could see everyone stop in the room. If Blossom made one move she would be dead. A black thick liquid was leaching from Buttercup's mouth drizzling all over Blossom's grey coat. Blossom finally turned into her humanself.

"Buttercup s-stop," Blossom shuttered. You could tell Buttercup was showing her no mercy. Buttercup lunged down snapping her jaws in Blossom's ear making her yelp. Buttercup jumped off looking at her other sisters growling. They stood down. Buttercup backed off changing back, wings still out.

"Do not ever end a life unless you absolutely have too," Buttercup snapped looking disappointed at her sisters.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I screamed. Everyone in the room had shifted to the vampires in the room. They looked surprised to see me.

"We thought you were in trouble," Boomer squeaked, "You didn't come home." I signed hardly, my brothers came in here to save me. Probably thought I was being tortured.

"Well who the hell are you?!" Blossom streamed at them. My brothers eyes went wide, they didn't remember them.

Buttercups P.O.V

"Well who the hell are you?!" Blossom screeched at them. I could see the shock creep on their face. Surprise?

"Aw Red, you don't remember me?" The red clad boy teased her. She growled viciously, she didn't like being teased. She ran up to him grabbing him by his collar lifting him up a couple feet in the air.

"Does it look like I'm playing games? What is your name?" She growled showing some canine. He looked surprised, Blossom was always different when the Professor died.

"B-Brick," He shuttered. Her eyes went wide, her arms went limp dropping him like a piece of meat. I looked at Bubbles and Bunny, they looked at their counterparts with disbelief.

"Boomie!" Bubbles chirped, tackling Boomer. Boomer flushed in a deep scarlet. Bubbles was wearing knee high baby blue socks, dark blue jean shorts, a blue and black tank top, with her hair in her signature pigtails that were slightly curled. She was smiling cutely straddling him.

"Bullet?" Bunny asked in disbelief showing a small smile. She showed emotion. He nodded slightly, making her smiled bigger than usual. She clung to his chest like he was her magnet. Bunny was in her usual outfit that consisted of, back shorts, a off the shoulder t-shirt, colorful un matching socks, with her hair in a high ponytail. I glanced over to Blossom and Brick to see that he had gotten up and she was out of her trance.

"Brick," Blossom said sophisticatedly crossing her arms. He gave her a warm smile making her chuckle. She lightly hugged him. Blossom had a red and black striped pencil skirt on, black tank top, and pink fluffy socks. I smiled happy everyone is getting along well.

"We should watch a movie!" Bubbles sang. We all nodded in agreement and went to go find a movie.

Butch's P.O.V

The puffs, my bros, and I found a "scary" movie to end this amazing day. Watching the movie in their basement, we each took a couch with our counterparts. The movie was about over. I was laid out on the couch with Buttercup snuggled in between the couch and I, she was silently sleeping with her breathing equally, and her little wolf ears were out. I glanced over to my blue clad brother to see he was sprung out on the couch with Bubbles laying on top of him, she was hugging his neck and her wings were out covering them like a blanket. I looked over at Bullet, to see he was sitting up straight with Bunny's head on his lap with her wings covered her. I lastly peaked over at leader boy to see that he was laying on his side with the pink clad sister snugged up in a ball in front of him with her grey wolf ears poking out of her flaming red hair.

"Yo, Butch you awake?" I heard a soft voice ask. I look at my brothers to see they all had their eyes closed.

"I'm obviously awake moron," I whispered back. I saw Boomer flick his eyes open, ocean blue eyes brighten up. He smiled, he was enjoying Bubbles. We were all enjoying the puffs. I have to say, Buttercup is so hot!

"Ima go to bed you guys," Bullet whispered lightly. We all nodded in agreement and fell fast asleep.


Didja like it? Love it? I did! Are they growing feelings for each other? I donno... So please Review, Follow, and Favorite.
