I don't own this story, it's all from JAL's marvelous mind.
Enjoy :)
Once, they have visited Norrköping.
Just the two of them. Squeezing hands.
He felt homesick, cold, ill, while they stood by the shore of the used-to-be river, and he thought the drift was the one taking him away.
The place was desert; the cars were passing and buzzing behind him, like he didn't even exist.
But he wasn't alone.
He was dragged by the hand, down the place where he had swum so many times before, and then they laid with their backs on the mud, pretending to float.
He closed his eyes, almost feeling the little waves crushing below him, the heat of a day he hadn't faced in centuries.
Then sighed, felt the hand that was caressing his arm, and turned to face the smile it was only his, being struck by such a warming feeling in his chest it could be his own sun burning.
It didn't matter if it was day or night, or if the river has had dried forever.
He has found home, after all.
A.n.: So. I'm in love with this story since 2009, but it's been a month since I started reading the book, and now that I've finished, I believe it's the best story about love (friendship, pureness, soulmate-ness – just made that up, sorry) I have ever read lol I'm not used to writing in English, and it's my first LTROI fanfiction, so I do hope you correct the mistakes I surely have made.
Be safe :D