Hey guys this is my first fanfic hope you guys like it please read and review!


*in the dojo*

Kim walked into the dojo "hey guys what's up?" She asked.

"We're talking about all the hot girls in the school who like Jack" Jerry replied, not knowing that Kim liked Jack. "Oh really, that's so cool" Kim said downheartedly.

"But there's not really any girl I'm into at the moment guys" Jack said. Kim looked disappointed and hurt by this comment, she had thought that Jack might have liked her since they sorta went on a date to the movies. "Oh come on, there has to be someone!" Said Eddie.

"Yeah, there's only one girl for me and that's my Julie, I love her more than anything" Milton added

"Wait guys we haven't even asked Kim about what she thinks of all the girls liking Jack" Jerry said. Then all the guys looked at Kim waiting to hear her answer. "Oh I don't know,I guess that...not all the girls could like him" Kim answered. "Well duh all the girls but you!" Jerry said "could you imagine that! Kim liking Jack" Jerry started to laugh as did all the guys apart from Jack. Kim started to fake laugh "yeah how crazy would that be?" She then quickly walked to the girls locker room.

*at school*

Lindsay walked up to Jack "hey Jack, since we couldn't go to catch that frozen yogurt cause you had to help that loser Kim do her homework, I was thinking maybe we could get some after school today?" She asked

Kim watched from her locker hoping Jack would say no.

"I um...I don't know-" Jack started before he was interuppted "oh come on it would be fun! Just us two...alone" Lindsay said as she walked closer towards Jack. "Sure, why not?" Jack said. "Great see you later hehehe" lindsay said as she walked off to class giving Jack a flirtacious wave.

Kim then mimicked her in a stupid high voice "great see you later hehehe" Jack laughed, it always amused him when she mimicked other girls. "What is it with you and Lindsay? Why do you hate eachother so much?" Jack asked. Kim raised her eyebrow "I don't know Jack, maybe because she's a self-centered brat who's always trying to take you away from-" she stopped herself when she realised what she was saying. "Take me away from what?" Jack asked. Kim became a bit edgy "umm...I don't know I've gotta go to class see ya" Kim said as she ran off.